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Reassignment Part Two

Posted on Sat Dec 3rd, 2011 @ 7:25am by Lieutenant James Holbridge

1300 HOURS

Jim sat at a table in the restaurant portion of Cravings, patiently waiting for his wife and son to join him for lunch. His sudden reassignment to the Satellite Academy meant that he would be able to fly again, something he was very happy about. It also meant that the admiral had been keeping an eye on him for some unknown reason, not that Jim cared. All he wanted to do was do whatever was assigned to him well enough not to get yelled at at the end of the day.

Jim saw his wife bearing down on him and rose from his seat, a big smile on his face. His son was nowhere to be seen. Tricia Holbridge walked up to him and kissed his cheek before seating herself across from him. One look at her eyes and Jim knew that he was in trouble. "Who told you?" he asked.

"That nice lieutenant in the admiral's office, Beckman I think her name is." Tricia replied sipping at some sparkling lemon water. "Is this how you were going to tell me?"

"I was gonna try to curry your favor with chocolates and a day a the spa followed by a three-night sex fest, but then realized that my back wouldn't hold up to the strain and we'd have more kids coming," Jim said, a lop-sided smile on his face. "The ones we have are trouble enough!"

Tricia laughed at her husband's statement. "How so?"

"The girls aren't even interested in flying and my son lives to torture them and wreck their stuff!" Jim smiled. "My sisters weren't as nice as my kids, they kicked the crap outta me if I even looked at their stuff."

"Pretty smooth subject change, Longshot!" Tricia smiled, refocusing him to the subject at hand. "When do you start?"

Jim looked at a padd. "New term starts in three weeks and I have to get my deck crews in shape as well as program the holodecks for some of the curriculum. Fortunately, the Academy programmers and underlings will make my life a little easier!"

"Are you going to fly?" Tricia asked, a touch of fear in her voice.

"Yes, but not attack craft. The main focus will be getting the students acclimated to flight operations in a small, medium, or large vessel. Part of the curriculum is taking the Academy training ship out for a three week run along with other departmental trainees." Jim explained

"Problem is we don't have a ship at our disposal that is deep spacewothy...." Tricia listened intently as her husband rattled off his problems. As usual he had spent the first few hours of his new job learning all there was to know about it. She was secretly happy that he was getting back into the sky because he quite truthfully sucked as a line officer, not because of any deficiency it was his eagerness that turned off a lot of people.

"So ya see, holodeck training is all well and good but nothing beats putting your ass into the cockpit and flying yourself." Jim was saying, concluding his schpiel.

"Jim, let's go home. I'm not really hungry.

"What a coincidence, neither am I!"

END Part Two


Lt (Professor) James Holbridge
Chief Flight Instructor
Patricia Holbridge
Lucky Wife


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