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Changing Seasons

Posted on Tue Jan 24th, 2012 @ 7:49am by Lieutenant James Holbridge


Jim sat up in the living room, lights low; the sounds of Trans-Siberian Orchestra playing softly. A bottle of Hennessy was clutched in his right hand and a glass in his left. He emptied the glass quickly then poured another round into the glass. She left again, kept thinking to himself over and over. I can't believe she fucking left me again!

Jim swallowed the burning liquor and thought back to the events of the night-before-last.


Jim slapped his forehead for what seemed like the hundredth time. He reached over and disengaged his student's control panel and angrily took the controls. "You lied to me, Cadet! You told me you can handle this thing no problem. Well, mister, a small ionic storm is no goddamned problem to a competent pilot!"

Holbridge turned the runabout around 180 degrees and barreled back through the interference. He increased speed to Warp 2....then 3...then now the ensign was panicked. Jim smiled and held steady and so did the ship.

"Lieutenant, we just past our OpArea border," reported a cadet.

"Well golly-gee-willikers, guess I better go back to the base right now!" Jim said mockingly as he banked hard again. He barreled toward Starbase 900 at Warp 4.

=^=Runabout Washita, slow to point-75 for your approach.=^= Jim kept pushing the ship, smiling.

"Sir, we're going to hit the base in 10 seconds" a cadet announced. Jim quickly throttled back and the massive shape of Starbase 900, appeared in the forward viewer. He set the runabout down gently in the hangar then left his students standing round on the deck.

The professor didn't like that and had him grounded for forty-eight hours. Jim had been in his office ever since, grading homework assignments and drinking. It wasn't like there was a war on and he was needed or anything.

"Computer, initiate site-to-site transport, my quarters...energize"


Jim materialized in the room and looked around. Good no wife! He quickly fell tot he floor, passed out.

Tricia came out of the darkness, tears streaking her cheeks. Her husband was unhappy again and she didn't know what to do. She quietly pulled a blanket over his slumbering form, then lay down in their bed crying bitterly.


That had been two weeks ago. Jim had come back from the school to find his wife and kids had left him again. Now, Jim sat quietly in his quarters, not caring what happened to him or anybody.

a short post by:

Lt Jim Holbridge
Starbase 900


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