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Something Wicked This Way Comes

Posted on Wed Aug 29th, 2012 @ 9:01pm by Lieutenant Norval Tigan

Eric had been only too glad to relinquish responsibility for Ian Bren to Crewmen Lazoh and Pechota outside of the newly-joined Trill's quarters. Norval had offered to accompany them to the Lower Decks, but his partner had refused the company, instead urging the Ops Lieutenant home. Eric needed time to cool down, to try and understand what had happened in the Nexus and what was (clearly) being kept from him.

Massaging the bridge of his nose in a futile effort to alleviate the mounting pressure, he addressed the two non-coms.

"We have sensors monitoring his quarters and transporter scramblers in place. Any attempt at beaming, and you'll know it. If he leaves here, you go with him. If he receives a visitor, you ascertain why and admit them only with his permission, then one of you stays inside while they're there. Hell, if he so much as stirs in his sleep, you investigate the cause. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," they replied in unison.

"Good," Eric said with a nod and a heavy sigh. "I'll relieve you at 0900. I hope for an uneventful evening... but I'll be in the gym for a while. Contact me if anything happens, regardless of the hour."

"Will do, Lieutenant," replied the senior Pechota, both of then standing sentry at full attention on either side of Ian's door. Eric smiled, and began to walk away, scratching at his stubble. "Oh, and he has a roommate," he called back, "but we've vetted him. Just don't let him admit any guests."

The security officer absently wondered of he had just set up a block for Ian's roommate, whoever he was, but he didn't rightly care as he made his way to the base's primary fitness center.

* * *

Eric was benching more weight than he probably should, and without a spotter, but something about the exertion on his arms and chest managed to numb the stress in his head. That, and the simple, repetitive task kept him from wondering...

When he set the weights down, though, his brain was back in full-blown question mode. He, for a moment, wondered if Lieutenant Darwin always dealt with that, being in charge of most investigations. It had to occupy most of his thought, puzzling through things. But Eric wasn't so much trying to unravel a mystery as he was trying to understand why Norv or the Commander wouldn't warn him that the Nexus could prove volatile.

He eventually decided that it wasn't Oz's fault. She likely had no idea Ian would be there... she had appeared off-duty... but Norval, Norval had suggested it. And Norval, in mentoring the new host, likely knew all about whatever had transpired with Natalia Bren. So why keep that from him? Just what the hell was his eight-lifetime brain telling him to do?

Heaving another heavy sigh, he realized there was only one way to know for sure... and so, ploddingly, he set off for his boyfriend's quarters... thankful, at least, that no emergencies had cropped up.


Lieutenant (j.g.) Eric Edwards

Expecting trouble...
And about to cause some


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