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Reflections Of A New Tycoon

Posted on Thu Oct 23rd, 2014 @ 5:54pm by James Holbridge

The new office in the corner suite of Starbase 900's Holbridge Mining suite was no longer a stuffy rich-boy Shangri-La filed with civic awards and a plethora of scantily-clad female secretaries prancing about. Jim had asked for and received ample room in the base mainframe for Eddie's AI interface to be integrated into the Executive Levels of HMC. Jim, Quentin, Davis and the rest of the senior staff of HMC all had Eddie-level access, making it easier to communicate with the team and keeping Jim from getting into hot water with a personal assistant of the female persuasion. As Tricia once said during their separation once a pilot, always a pilot.

It seemed like so long ago since the days when Jim Holbridge was a runabout pilot bombing the snot out of Cardassian gun emplacements, nearly getting himself killed hundreds of times. Jim had the reputation as a devil-may-care risk-taker, but nobody understood that the chances he took were nothing more than a combination of his innate skill as a flier and a lot of luck. The last few times he sat in the cockpit he didn't feel the usual confidence he had when strapping in. Flying was becoming alien to him. Do I still have it? Can I still turn and burn with these little piss-ants coming from the Alpha Quad? What the hell do I have left to prove? Nothing, I still have it?

Jim silently contemplated his dilemma until Max Kamarov and Sam Elliott entered the room. "Wow, not even a CEO for one day and already the place looks and smells like a pilot's ready-room locker!" Sam smiled as he flopped into a seat and poured some water from a pitcher into a glass.

"Da!" Kamarov agreed. "This place needs woman's touch! I bring wife to clean, yes?"

"Both of you clowns shut up!" Jim grinned, sitting on the edge of his desk. "What do you have, Sam?"

Sam Elliott was Holbridge Mining's Security Director and as such had gone to great lengths to establish another reiable network of informants, spies, and other ne'er-do-wells to keep him informed of the happenings of various slimeballs in space. "Lilw is incarcerated and gonna face trial for his scheming. Alradel is still in hiding on Archadia Prime with her protectors, so she will be safe. As for other activities, some pirates are getting a bit interested in the news that your company is establishing some new mines in this area. Most of the locals and a lot of the Threat Forces on the list are keeping a close eye on what you are doing."

Kamarov nodded in agreement. "Sooner or later, it will be no secret that you are only building three mines. Others are red herrings but will not work forever."

Jim sighed. "I guess I am thinking tactically and not strategically. How is Dad taking my ideas?"

"With a lot of swearing, but he sees the merit of your idea. He also approved your request to stage fighters from HMC facilities, including processing centers and ore transports. I have instructed R+D to modify an ore carrier into a fighter carrier for us." Max reported. Kamarov had assumed the post of Operations Director for HMC and NGS. Together the three men in the room along with Dave Lorenz, HMC/NGS Chief Engineer Matthew Collins and the bear-like Quentin Harrison made up Nebula Gold Security's Alpha Team, or A-Team as the new recruits in NGS called them, referencing an ancient television show of four commandoes righting wrongs.

"What about training the newbies?"

"Coming right along, sir!" Max reported. "We will have sixteen teams ready for operational status in two weeks." The teams were being drilled in rescue ops, demolitions, security, CQB, personal protective detail, and other useful pursuits as well as being cross-trained as pilots, engineers, and medics, each according to their prior skill sets.

"Great. Let me know when they are ready to stand-to. Anything in the pipeline for Alpha Team?" Jim asked, sipping at some water.

"Nothing from the admiral yet, but he has expressed interest in using us. In the meantime, we can berth the Ghost internally at bay two-seven. Full access to repair crews and spares. SCoE installed some new cargo bays and crew modules for us as well as a n updated secure comms deck and brig."

"The admiral wants something from us if he's giving us all this," Sam agreed. "I can make some discreet inquiries on some new Type-4 rifles."

"Get on it. Max, tell Dave I need him and Q in here pronto. Now get busy!" Jim ordered playfully.

"Yes, sahib!" Sam quipped as he left the room.

When the pair of men left the room, Jim sunk back into his thoughts. He had been one of the hottest pilots out there, and even after stepping on his wiener that time with the admiral, he still found a way to fly. All he had to do was just run bombing missions in enemy space with little chance of success. Nothing spectacular, but a bit hard on marriages.

=/\=Lorenz to Holbridge.=/\= the voice on the coms crashed into Jim's head, interrupting his reverie. =/\= Quentin, Matt, and I are loaded for the trip to Site 6. Anything special we need to be aware of?"

"Class-P world, so pack your parka!"

=/\=You should be coming with us, you slacker!=/\= Lorenz retorted.

"I'll have a Baked Alaska in your honor! Holbridge out. =/\=

Jim arrived at a conclusion. "Eddie, please inform Major Smith that I would like to speak with him at his earliest convenience. Tell him its time to settle a bet!"

Understood, sir. Transmitting now.

Jim sat back in his eat and began doing his work.



James Holbridge
CEO Holbridge Mining
Man With and Itch To Scratch


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