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Day 1

Posted on Sat Jun 4th, 2011 @ 1:01am by Captain Claudia Drake

PERSONAL LOG I the arse end of the Galaxy. Starbase 900 isn't as bad as I feared, and good old Rikcy has ensured I have a decent suite of rooms to use for the duration of my tenure here. I have taken a cursory look around the decks that will be used for the Academy, there are several large lecture halls, and many more seminar and tutorial rooms. He has also given use exclusive use of several large holodecks for the experiential learning.

I have also been introduced the the senior staff, almost all of their faces seem familiar. I always feel old when I see so many of the people who first came to me as fresh faced cadets now wearing several gold pips on their collars. But then I have been in this game a very long time, and I doubt there is anyone left from my days as a student at the Academy.

During the meeting the staff were informed that I will be speaking to them individually to discuss the placement of Cadets within their respective departments, Hopefully I will then be able to discuss their abilities to deliver lectures to the first batch of Cadets.

Speaking of the first batch of Cadets, earlier this morning, a young man by the name of Eli attempted to persuade me to allow him entry into the Academy. I think with the right support and mentoring he would be a decent Cadet Candidate, but until he can be true to himself over his reasons for wanting to join Starfleet I cannot see him being able to pass the psychological entry tests I will have to make him under-take. I am hoping he takes my rebuttal and works out his reasons for wanting to join; and attempts to broach the subject with me again.

With all that said, I am going to make a short trip around the senior staff, and then head to Ricky's quarters for some supper.



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