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Free As A Bird

Posted on Wed Feb 26th, 2014 @ 6:04pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & James Holbridge

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: SB900 - Wegener's Office
Timeline: Current

Rick had met with Li and still meant to have a word with Lt. Beckman about her possibly taking a vacation, but he had one more individual to see. MWO Holbridge had been summoned as he’d asked for some time with the Admiral on a personal issue. He remembered Jim from his days serving on the Berkeley. He was a good man, sometimes seeming a bit troubled, but that happened to people now and again.

Moments later Hope announced that Holbridge had arrived over the office comm. “Send him in, Lieutenant,” Rick said, then stood and walked out to meet him as he normally did for crew who weren’t found to grace his office regularly.

As he walked into Rick’s office, Jim was very uptight; he had not seen his friend and mentor since losing his wings and taking a leave. Jim didn’t know if Rick knew the particulars, but given what he had in mind, he was prepared to tell the admiral everything for clarity’s sake.

“Jim Holbridge,” Rick said, shaking the man’s hand. “It’s been a while, son. How have you been?” he asked, ushering him toward the seats facing his desk. He waited until Jim sat and then sat next to him instead of behind his desk. It seemed to put people more at ease without that barrier between them.

“I have been better, sir,” Jim sighed. “A lot has happened since we last talked.”

“Well, I have some time today. Why don’t you tell me what was on your mind?”

Jim looked at Rick, all of his larger-than-life bravado gone. His eyes were those of a man in torment. “When I left the base a couple of years ago, I was not in a good place. I went home and instead of dealing with my problems, I became a raving drunk. Dave, Quentin, and a few others pulled me out of the bottle and refocused me, giving my life a new direction and purpose. We were in the Gamma Quadrant for eighteen months hunting for my brother, Wyatt. He was MIA after I had to leave him in a hot LZ on Bajor. I won’t bore you with all of the details, but suffice to say I got my ass in a tight spot that I couldn’t wiggle out of. My team and I were sent to New Zealand until we could be court-martialed. To keep my guys from being disgraced I accepted full responsibility for my actions and took the blame. The team was allowed to resign quietly.

“That being said, a fellow from Intelligence named Commander Kieran offered me what appeared to be a sweet deal; join the Intelligence corps and avoid incarceration. If I had known then what I know now, I would have taken the prison term.”

“And what is it that you’ve learned now?” Rick asked, curious as to where this was going.

“Admiral, I am not an Intelligence officer, I am not an instructor, I am a warrior. I was the happiest when I was in a cockpit burning holes in space. I know I cannot do that again and I have accepted it.” JIm took a deep breath. “I don’t think I belong in Starfleet anymore.”

“Just not fitting in?” Rick asked. “I know you’re a pilot at heart, but you’ve proven yourself in other fields as well. Hell, what else would you do?”

JIm smiled at the admiral. “While I was getting ready to come back out, my father set me up in a small business, providing VIP security in the Alpha Quadrant. It is ostensibly a private security detail for my wife, who is the CEO of the family mining operation, but we are growing a bit bigger now. I don’t know if you remember Dave Lorenz or not, but he’s my partner in this venture and we have been receiving many requests for security in what is essentially an unexplored part of the galaxy.” Jim took out a padd and handed it to the admiral. “This is the overall plan I had, sir.”

Rick took the padd and looked it over thoroughly. After what seemed like an eternity he looked up to Jim. “This is what you want to do?”

“Yessir, it is.” Jim answered, his weariness suddenly gone.

“And you think the only thing holding you back is some obligation to the fleet?”

“Quite frankly, admiral, I don’t want to go to prison. I am not sure if my leaving the fleet will screw up my freedom.”

Rick handed the padd back to him. “Look, Jim, I don’t know exactly what you and this Kieran had going on, but I do know one thing: Admiral vastly outranks Commander. If you don’t want to be in Starfleet anymore, and think you could do more good with that,” he said, pointing to the padd, “then by all means, do what you have to do. It is well within my power to allow you a separation from service with no strings attached, no matter what deal may have previously been brokered between you and Commander Kiernan. I just want you to make sure that this is what you really want. You’ve been in and out, shuffled around and this time...well, this time would be it, barring a major catastrophe.”

“I think it would be best for all concerned, sir. I am sure this is what needs to be done.”

Rick nodded slowly. “Okay. But no turning back this time, got it?” He nodded again. “Alright, Jim. I’ll have your separation from service form to you by the end of the day as well as copies sent to your department head.” He stood, signifying the end of the meeting. “Is there anything else we can do?”

“Yessir, there is,” Jim smiled. “I was wondering if I would be able to remain on the base and stage Delta quadrant operations form here as well. I already have most of my equipment in place.”

“I don’t see why not,” Rick answered with a brief shrug. “Your company would have to pay rent, like every other business, based on how big of space you’re wanting to occupy, but yeah.” They began walking toward the office door. “I just want you know that I can’t slip you any clients. I’m not authorized, per regulations, to recommend the services of any company over another. However, I can, if asked, provide a list of business that do what you do. I may even happen to give your company a preferred spot on that list.” Rick winked and patted Jim on the shoulder. “And don’t be getting in the way of security or the marines, otherwise, the next meeting we have won’t go as well.”

“Understood perfectly, admiral,” Jim grinned. “I think between the planetside grounds the Archadians gave HMC plus space on the base, we should be set. Also, I want to thank you for all that you have done for me and my family.

Stopping at the door, Rick clasped his shoulder. “I don’t like to pick favorites, but I remember those who have been with me for a long time. Now, you and the missus pick your HQ here on the base and send me a message. Otherwise, I guess this is the last time you’ll have to wear that uniform.” He put his hand back out. “Good luck, Jim.”

“Thank you...Rick!” Jim grinned his old grin.

“Eh, let’s stick with Admiral,” he said as he opened the door. “Lieutenant,” he said to Hope, “I’ll need a separation from service document pulled up for Mr. Holbridge here. Fill in his personal information but leave the narrative portion blank. I may have to be very clear about the terms to keep someone from bringing this menace back to us.” He smiled at Holbridge as he walked out of the office.

Jim left the office feeling better than he had in years. He suddenly reached up and pulled his uniform tunic off. He slung the tunic over his shoulder and began whistling as he sought an empty turbolift.

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Wish Granting Genie


Jim Holbridge
Civilian Menace


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