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You Again

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2014 @ 6:43pm by Suresh & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Guest Quarters

* * * Guest Quarters - Deck 530 * * *

Suresh was not in a good mood. He’d arrived back at ‘his’ quarters to find them sealed and impossible to enter, even for him. After a few rounds with a public terminal, he’d managed to secure guest quarters under Marabeth’s name, a temporary fix at best. He arrived at the door of the quarters on deck 530, entered the reservation code, then stepped inside.

“Computer, lights,” he ordered. The lights came on to reveal small quarters with the typical fleet issue sterile furniture. There was a replicator only, no kitchen, but at least the sleeping area was separate. He really needed a shower. He moved on through to the bathroom, stipped off his clothes and stepped in.

Several minutes later, he emerged, dried off, then replicated some new, clean clothes. Dressed now in pants and a tank-top undershirt, he ran a brush through his shoulder-length hair. Now he felt much better. It was time to eat. He requested his dinner from the replicator, then stationed himself on the sofa to enjoy it.

As Suresh tucked into his meal, the door bell chimed and a voice shouted, “Room service!”

Now who the hell could that be? as far as he knew, none of the men knew he was here yet unless Seyla had been running her mouth. He set his plate down on the coffee table and went to the door.

“Yes?” he asked as they slid open, then scowled at the man who stood there. “What are you doing here?”

For a moment, Darwin wondered how this Suresh knew him, or was this the Suresh they’d had sentenced to Elba II? No, he’d already run the scans, this Suresh was from the other dimension and likely knew his face from that place. He returned Suresh’s scowl and stepped forward enough that the door couldn’t close. “Really? You stowaway and then wonder why security might appear at your doorstep? C’mon, even the Suresh in Elba II wasn’t that stupid.”

Suresh stepped aside and motioned him in. “Have a seat. You have a point but last I knew, all sorts of people pass through here without being dogged by security. I also am aware that you had a visitor here from my world that was given free reign on this station.”

Stepping inside, Darwin motioned for his backup to wait outside. “Ah, different circumstances. She wasn’t a criminal. Plus, she didn’t stowaway, which is a crime.” He didn’t take a seat; that would put him at a disadvantage should Suresh do something to prove he was dumber than a brick.

“I’m not a criminal here either. I’ve done nothing ‘against the rules’ other than find a way here. And now that I am here, I request asylum, which means hands off. Pass that along to your XO.” Suresh returned to his place on the sofa and picked up his plate. “Why didn’t you stay there? I confess that I am surprised.”

Darwin’s right hand curled into a fist; his reasons for not staying there, with that Amber, were his own. “If you have to ask that, then you haven’t the brain or the heart to understand the answer,” he growled. “As for asylum... you’re seeking asylum from what? Federation laws against stowing away on a Fleet vessel?” His tone was disbelieving. “Seeking asylum from the Federation with the Federation? You haven’t really thought that one through, have you?”

“The Federation has no reason to hassle me, other than stowing away. You saw the place and even with Amber there you couldn’t stay. There was nothing there, for any of us. Even my counterpart didn’t stay and he could have and lived free.” Suresh shrugged. “Nothing wrong with wanting to live in a place that’s not gutted and ready to collapse.”

That consideration hadn’t been part of Darwin’s thought process, but he didn’t let that show in his face. “Stowing away is a serious offense, Surie...,” he grimaced. “If you really want to stay around here, you should change your name. Suresh brings up all sorts of very negative connotations.”

“It’s my name and I am used to it. Would you want to change yours this late in the game?” He studied Darwin a moment and shook his head. “I don’t think so.” He took his last bite and set the plate aside.

Rolling his shoulders, Darwin attempted to reset his thinking: this wasn’t the Suresh who would have had Oz killed, who made a credible attempt at killing Li Hawke. This was simply an imposter, one who looked and sounded just as arrogant as the original Suresh. Too bad Gilroy wasn’t here; Gilroy might have talked him out of what he was about to do. “Get up,” he growled.

“Why? We going dancing? Or are you flexing your muscles? If it’s the stowaway issue, I'll be more than happy to see whoever I need to see tomorrow.” Suresh’s gaze was calm as he looked back up at Darwin. “In the meantime, we might want to think about trading some information.”

Darwin had already started to reach for Suresh in order to yank him to his feet and... do what? Use his balled fist on the man’s face? That was a likely action. But Suresh’s statement filtered through Darwin’s lizard brain in time for him to pull back and blink at Suresh. He adopted a wary look and asked, “Trade what sort of information?”

“Some personal information you might like to know, and something I want to know. Pretty simple.” Suresh rose and moved to the replicator. “Water with ice.” The glass appeared and he lifted it, taking a sip. “These things turn us all into little rats in cages, hitting the button for food.”

"You feel that way here? I could take you to the brig. I'm sure you're well aware of what the accommodations are like there." He watched Suresh carefully and finally asked, "What personal information?"

Suresh returned to his seat and propped his feet on the coffee table. “Things may be different here, but there, you and Seyla were very close.” He studied Darwin a moment. “A lot there was different but much was the same.”

"I was close with Seyla?" Darwin gave Suresh a 'no way in hell' look. "With my wife, Amber, right there? Wouldn't have happened."

Suresh shook his head slowly. “I see you are more naive than your counterpart there and it’s a refreshing change. Let’s just say that the other Darwin had a deep liking for green, shall we?” He was watching Darwin more closely now.

Huh. So some things are rather the same. He kept his eyes on Suresh, though he didn't hide his reaction this time. "Well, if the Seyla there is a duplicate of ours, I can't really blame the guy."

“I see.” A hint of a smile flashed across Suresh’s face. “Then it might interest you to know that she has a suitor. One with rather expensive taste and a generosity to match.”

"Over there?" Darwin shrugged.

“No, over here. This one, Darwin. And I know who.”

Seyla was out of Darwin's pay grade, particularly if she had a fancy, well-heeled john after her. "As I recall, you used to be the first one at her door, panting for her."

“That was him, not me. Seyla and I are mere acquaintances here, unlike the two of you I suspect.” Suresh waved at the nearby chair. “Sure you don’t want to sit?”

Ignoring the question, Darwin asked, "So you're not her suitor. Who is?"

Suresh shook his head. “Not so fast. I give you this, you must agree to answer a question for me.”

"Depends on the question."

“I want to know about Li Hawke. I’ve seen her, of course, but what I saw was a little chilling. Why was the other Suresh so obsessed?” Suresh crossed his arms. “That’s it, and I’ll tell you what I know.”

Darwin again shrugged. He'd never given a thought to the cause of Suresh's obsession. What little he did know, he knew was an Intel secret. "I don't know, really. She's ...she is what she is: Betazoid, a Captain.... Maybe he just liked his women to outrank him."

“That’s it?” There had to be more there, where the old Suresh was concerned. The whole situation was strange and this Suresh intended to know why. “From what I saw, it went far deeper. Someone in it purely for her rank wouldn’t carve her name in his arm.”

"Ah... Suresh did the carving, not Li." Darwin waved away the statement. "Tell me about Seyla, then we'll discuss this."

“I knew it was his handiwork.” With a nod, Suresh continued. “Very well, you are aware of the gifts she’s been receiving? I don’t see how you could miss them.”

With a sour grimace, Darwin nodded. "I've seen them."

Suresh’s smile widened. “I came across this quite by accident. I saw the one buying a gift and later, when I saw Seyla, that same gift was delivered. And I must say, I was very much surprised. It’s not someone I would ever had expected.”

Waiting a moment to see if Suresh would just give up a name, Darwin folded his arms across his chest. "And? The someone is...?", he prompted.

“Dr. William Harding. Seyla didn’t believe me at first, but it’s the truth. Don’t you find that just a little interesting?” Suresh found it not only interesting, but also endlessly amusing.

His jaw hung open for only a moment before he regained his senses. "Doc Harding?" Sighing, he took the seat that had been offered not so long ago. "Interesting. That's one thing you could call it."

Darwin’s reaction was no surprise to Suresh. “So there you are, my little gift to you. Make of it what you will. As for me, how serious does Security consider this stowaway concern?”

Assessingly, Darwin looked this Suresh over. "What sort of behavior can we expect from you? I know you weren't completely above-board in the other place."

“Perhaps not but I am simply glad to be in a place where all the facilities work and some crazy woman isn’t trying to kill me. That’s another thing. I understand that in this world she was not even a real person. Strange how that worked out, isn’t it?” Suresh rose again to return his glass to the replicator.
"Very. Makes one wonder if someone here isn't fictional in your world."

“Perhaps we’ll find out, won’t we? You asked about my behavior, at least you know I won’t be stalking your first officer. That should give you some measure of peace, Darwin.”

"Perhaps," he grumbled. "But at the first sign you're up to your - his - anyone's old ways, I'll be back here. And you'll be spending the night in the brig. Who knows, maybe you'll find yourself on your way to join your twin on Elba II."

“I doubt that.” A frown now settled on Suresh’s face. “Has it ever occurred to you that those who took over when Suresh left might not be too happy to see me? I could be the one in danger, not your precious station.”

"Oh, right, your - his lackey, Lazan. Have fun with that reunion." Darwin knew who could help the new Suresh, but he wasn't going to be that helpful just yet. "And be on guard for a half-Klingon bearing hair clippers, too."

“Oh? Sounds kinky. I’ll be sure to lock my door. Anything else?”

Having stood, Darwin looked down at Suresh and felt the urge to punch the man. If Gilroy really wanted to re-enact the night they'd shaved Suresh's hair off, he'd be happy to help. Now that he thought about it, he looked around and grunted. This room was, if he wasn't mistaken, the room where that had all happened. "Not for now. Just keep your nose clean and all of our conversations can be this cordial."

“Good. Can you unseal my quarters now? And drop in anytime, really.”

"Yeah, yeah. I hear the sincerity in your voice," Darwin went to the door. "I'll have to speak with the Quartermaster about those quarters, and with Oz... um, Commander Zeferino. You might be assigned other quarters, but at least you'll have something besides," he glanced around the spartan room, "this."

“Thank you. And have a good evening. Maybe do some shopping…” Suresh gave him a mock salute. “Good luck.”

"Good night," Darwin replied automatically and stepped out of the guest quarters. He glanced at the two officers waiting for him, shook his head and said, "That's the damnedest feeling: I think I just had a relatively civil, pleasant almost, conversation with Suresh."

Both officers shook their heads in disbelief. “You feeling okay Darwin?”

"Yeah, let's get back, I have weird report to write," he told them as they headed for the turbolift.


Settling In

Lt. M. Darwin
Utterly Bemused


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