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Now Ya Done It

Posted on Fri Mar 7th, 2014 @ 9:52am by Marine Captain Quentin Harrison

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Solaria Gateway Station


The Ghost eased into the spacious slip with ease thanks to the on board AI’s expert piloting. Eddie, as Jim Holbridge had named the program, was a complex heuristic program that controlled 75% of shipboard operations, thus eliminating the need for a large crew.

Jim left the bridge and could hear the latest argument between Dave Lorenz and Kiriana Seri, Nebula Gold’s official liaison officer to the Archadians. “…I don’t give a damn what you think, male! I know for a fact that I am not going to take orders from you, no matter who is in charge!” Kiriana shouted.

“I beg to differ, but as you are a part of this group, you will abide by protocols! Besides if you fight like you screw, we are in serious trouble…” Lorenz never finished his sentence as Kiriana launched and elbow to his jaw, connecting solidly. David’s head snapped back, then rebounded off the bulkhead, sending him to the floor in a heap.

Quentin saw the exchange and very quickly subdued Kiriana. “None of that shite with me, lassie, or ye’ll be looking at the world through the hole in your arse for a fortnight!” he growled menacingly. “Aric, see to the major!” he barked at Rockenfield.

Kiriana struggled in Quentin’s firm grip, but ceased as she felt his hands tighten on her biceps. My God this male is strong! “Let me go!” she hissed.

“Not gonna happen, lass! I want to know why ye clobbered the major!”

“That man is not in any branch of service!” Kiriana’s eyes were ablaze.

“That man, who you clearly sucker-punched,” Jim interrupted his large friend as he came down the corridor, “Is a former Marine major with three combat tours under his belt, is the recipient of two Medals Of Freedom, escaped from two prison camps with me, and will kick the shit out of you whether or not you are a woman when he comes to. Before you make any further dumb-assed comments, you had better realize that you are representing your government, queen, and all the other females of your planet. It is generally considered uncouth to lay out a team member, no matter how many times you have had sex.”

Kiriana fixed Jim with a dirty look, then looked over her shoulder at the four Starfleet security officers waiting for them outside the ship. “We have company, sir.”

Jim looked over and smiled at the guards. “Former Master Chief Jim Holbridge at your service. What can I do ya for, gents?”

“Sorry, chief, but we have orders to take you into custody, along with your team.” The lead guard said.

Jim didn’t protest, he merely motioned Quentin and Kiriana to the base deck, then quickly sealed the ship. “Nobody in or out without approval, Eddie.” Jim’s eyes were burning.

The guards quickly escorted the trio to the brig where they were politely checked for weapons (Quentin almost snapped his captor’s neck when he grabbed his lower extremities) then secured in three separate cells. After the guards left, Quentin sighed. “This is another fine howdy-do ye got us into, sir!”

“Couldn’t be helped I guess. I just figured Kieran would wait until we came back with our stuff.”

“Why wait?” asked a new voice, one that Jim had been dreading to hear for weeks. “It seems you finally committed one error too many, James. Now, you are going to pay for your intransigence.”

“Let me outta this bloody cell and I’ll give ye a payment ye can’t handle ya bloody arsehole!” Quentin was on his feet and simmering, a bad sign.

“I highly doubt it, you mindless cretin,” Kieran smiled thinly. “It seems you have appropriated some items that you aren’t supposed to have. That was the official reason I had you arrested. But we all know why I had you detained…I mean, the ‘real’ reason!”

“We are entitled to a transmission to obtain counsel.” Jim warned Kieran.

“Not in cases of sedition and high treason. However, I spoke with Captain Hawke and Li is aware of your status.” Kieran said, lying smoothly. He couldn’t afford to waste time talking. “I am here to offer you an olive branch and a chance to remain free men...and women. “


David Lorenz knew something was up when Jim sealed the ship shut. He shook Aric’s hand off him and made his way to the bridge. “Eddie, where is the major?” Holbridge and Lorenz had decided that each operator with prior fleet experience would be addressed by their reserve commission rank.

Major Holbridge is being detained in the brig, under orders of Commander Kieran.”

“That sonofabitch again!” Dave growled, forgetting his headache and sore jaw. “Eddie, open up a secure comm to the station and Captain Hawke. “Kieran has detained Jim, Quentin, and Kiriana. Can you provide some assistance?”

Message sent, sir, Eddie reported.

“Okay, Aric, let’s get this heap ready to repel boarders. Eddie, secure all access hatches and data transmitters. Lock down all systems until further notice….”

“Dave, Jim did that already.” Aric objected.

No, sir, Eddie said quickly, Major Holbridge simply secured the main hatch in accordance with a protocol he programmed into my system at the time of my activation. This protocol was put in place for just such a scenario.

“What do we do now?” Aric looked concerned.

“We sit tight and wait for the cavalry,” Dave said, hauling a phaser rifle from the storage locker and tossing it to the youth. “In the meantime, nobody comes in. Eddie, scan our bio-signatures into your memory and engage anyone other than us if they attempt to board.”

Acknowledged, sir


Trouble Makers-R-Us


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