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Last Minute Addition

Posted on Fri Mar 28th, 2014 @ 7:00pm by Captain Li Hawke & Jackson Banning V

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Captain's Yacht

* * * Captain's Yacht - SB900 * * *

=^= Bridge to Captain Hawke. We will be departing in fifteen minutes, once some traffic clears the lanes. =^=

"Acknowledged. "

Li leaned back in the chair before the terminal and stretched her arms over her head. She'd already sent word to Sakkath on the Hammond, informing him of her trip. She'd also gone over everything she had on Kieran. Given the new information, she had to admit she was looking forward to it. It had been a while since she had flexed her command muscles and if anyone deserved to be on the receiving end of it, Kieran did.

Officers like him, who liked to take advantage of their people disgusted her. Life in the Fleet was difficult enough without dealing with what amounted to blackmail. There was no 'amounted to' to it. It was blackmail and duress pure and simple. She could tell from his tone during thier earlier conversation that he expected just to blow her off. Well, they would just see about that.

Dae had made her promise to remember every detail to tell him when she got back and Li was also looking forward to that. The beep of her terminal interrupted her musing and she pressed the panel. Jackson's face appeared, surprising her.

"Jackson? What's up? Not that I'm not glad to see you but I'm about to leave. Is something wrong?"

He gave her an easy smile. "No, I'm fine. Oz is fine. I'm glad I caught you before you took off though. I've got a situation here, not me but one of the staff. You remember Camille?"

Li nodded. "I do, but what does this have to do with me at the last minute?"

"I know yer takin' off and that's when it hit me."

That made no sense, even for Jackson. "What hit you?" she asked. "are you sure you're alright?"

"Right as rain, but the situation is Camille. She just got a call here at the club. There's some sorta family emergency back home and she needs to go see what's what for a few days. So, knowin' you were about to hit the road, I thought..." He stopped then, letting the hint linger.

Li smiled finally. Now it was becoming clear. "I see. So she needs a lift. I get it." She paused a moment and frowned. Despite Jackson's smile, she sensed he was worried, which meant he thought it might be serious. "Very well. I'll delay our departure, but she only has fifteen minutes to get here. I assume she's ready?" Li knew Jackson well enough to know he'd already had Camille pack, sure Li wouldn't turn him down.

"She is. I'll shoo her off that way now." He paused a moment, then his tone turned serious. "Thanks, Li, I owe you one. Or does this make us even for that time on --"

She cut him off with a laugh. "Enough said, and you owe Leto for that time on --"

"Uhh, yeah. Gotcha. You two girls have a good trip and we'll see ya when yer back home."

The screen went dark and Li shook her head. Only Jackson. She then tapper her comm badge.

"Hawke to bridge. We had one more coming aboard. She should be here inside fifteen minutes, so hold departure till she arrives and inform me when she does."

=^= Acknowledged Captain. =^=

So, it seemed Li would have a little company on this trip. That wasn't such a bad thing at all. The delay gave her a little extra time so she turned back to the monitor and opened a channel to her mother. It was time to do a little catching up.

Captain Li Hawke
No Longer A Solo Traveller

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Travel Agent
The Nexus Club


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