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Planting The Bad Cabbage

Posted on Wed Apr 16th, 2014 @ 1:17pm by James Holbridge

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: HMC Offices Starbase 900

Even though her husband was a Senior Executive Vice-President of Delta Quadrant Operations, there was no doubt as to who ran the corporate office on Starbase 900 and that someone was Patricia Holbridge. Since reuniting with her estranged husband, Tricia, as she liked to be called by her friends, had been keeping a tight rein o the HMC’s operations while her husband was off playing mercenary. Tricia regarded her husband’s Nebula Gold Security as a mid-life crisis that he needed in order to get being an adrenaline-junkie pilot out of his system.

Tricia’s office had been bombarded with applications from disaffected Marines looking to make a change for the better once they heard Dave Lorenz was NGC’s XO. Tricia didn’t take any action on the hiring of anybody because she didn’t know the first thing about the NGC; her husband had classified the operation in order to get SA Access to some of the Intel section’s data. The information was to be shared on a case-by-case basis if it was pertinent to the NGC Teams.

Tricia laid down her padd and leaned back in her husband’s high-backed chair. She missed her flyboy and loved working in his office, primarily to irritate him as he was so anal about the way his office was arranged. She would purposely move things on his desk and smile at him when he losty his temper, calming him.

“Tricia, there is a Major Kamarov here to see you.” The duty officer program, called Admin by HMC employees.

Tricia frowned. She had no appointments with any Marines. “Send him in,”

The burly Russian made his way into the office, clad in civilian clothes. “Spasiba, Mrs. Holbridge. I am Maxim Kamarov, former XO of the Marine garrison and former combat instructor to the Starfleet Satellite Academy. I am here to formally request permission to join the Nebula Gold Company,”

Tricia shook her head. “Jim is not here, he’s in the Alpha Quadrant.”

“I am aware of that,” Maxim replied. “Nevertheless, you are aware that I am qualified for position as Teams man. Perhaps more than qualified.”

Tricia nodded as she accepted the padd he handed her. “Impressive record. My husband would want to know why you want to be on his team.” Her eyes flashed a challenge at Kamarov.

“I answer this question with question of my own: who in the NGSC sets the standards for training? Who sets the protocols? Nobody! I have set up Marine units, trained schoolboys to be fierce officers, and served on many starships and in wars. I am most qualified man on base to be a part of Teams.”

Tricia smiled at the big Russian. “Very good answer, major. I will let Jim know you want to be brought in. I am sure he won’t have a problem with it, but I still want him to approve the deal. Come back in a week.”

“How about you ask him sooner?” Kamarove returned with a smile.

Tricia’s eyebrows rose. “I’ll do you one better. I have a stack of applications in the NGSC offices a mile high and no time to look them over. You wanna work with them? Fine, get in here tomorrow at seven a.m. and pick me some team members! Also, you might want to draw up the protocols and procedures for NGSC operations so we can have something on file for the legal eagles in case we fall on our asses!”

“Spasiba, Mrs Holbridge!” Kamarov grinned. “I will get to work tomorrow morning!” Kamarov spun on his heel and left the office, smiling broadly. Once he was out of the HMC office suite he went straight to the Nexus bar, where Timor was waiting for him.

“Did she bring you in?” Timor asked, his voice low and raspy.

“Idiot, you don’t need to whisper!” Kamarov growled. “NGSC hired me to write their protocols and manuals.”

“Good! When Holbridge returns, you will deliver Kiriana to me. When that is done we will remove the appliance in your son’s throat!” Timor smiled thinly.

“What do you want with female Archadean?”

Timor’s smile widened. “None of your business.”


Tricia Holbridge
CEO And Good Egg


Former-Major maxim Kamarov
Rotten Egg-In-Training


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