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Posted on Thu Apr 24th, 2014 @ 10:45am by Captain Li Hawke & James Holbridge

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Solaria Gateway Station

* * * Solaria Gateway Station * * *

“Welcome to Solaria, Captain Hawke.”

Li glanced up at the ensign behind the arrival checkpoint for officers. Young and eager, she noted. And knew her name.

“Thank you ensign. I have only this one bag.”

He smiled and motioned her on through. “Quarters on deck twelve. I can show you if --”

“That won’t be necessary.” She paused, however and smiled. “I appreciate the offer. What you can do is locate Commander Kieran for me.”

“Of course, right away.” The young man turned back to his console and pressed in a command.

* * * Kieran’s Quarters * * *

Jim looked at Kieran with a mixture of amusement and apathy. He was finally alone with the man who had ruined his chances to fly, to care for his family in the SFC. He felt the rage building in his chest, but knew he had to stall for time, something he as dangerously short of. “So level with me. Why are you doing this to me?”

“Because I CAN!” Kieran thundered. “The mind-boggling stupidity of the universe when it created a senseless sky-jockey like you must be set right! You and your idiot brother singlehandedly screwed up an operation that took me months to put in place!”

“There was a credible report of Jem’Hadar forces led by Breen regulars in that goddamned valley! Six-hundred-fifty Bajorans and God-knows-how-many Fleet and Marine personnel were killed! And now you have the temerity to tell me that you set the whole thing up?” Jim shouted, his control gone in an instant. “My brother died in that valley, you sonofabitch!”

Kieran simply drew a hand phaser from his belt and pointed it at Jim. “This phaser is set at level nine, enough to cause you no small amount of discomfort. Should you wish to…”

Jim quickly knocked the phaser out of his way and landed a right cross to Kieran’s jaw, stunning him and causing him to drop the phaser. Jim fired two quick chops to Kieran’s sternum, then spun on the ball of his foot and landed a beautiful back round kick, dropping Kieran to the floor. Kieran did not move, but Jim kept his guard up as he reached for the phaser laying near his opponent’s side.

Kieran’s hand suddenly snaked out and swept under Jim’s knee, shifting his balance. Kieran, no slouch at hand-to-hand combat himself, slid to his feet and quickly landed two side kicks to Jim’s sides. Jim, ever the wary opponent, knew that the major attack was coming and quickly countered with a simple finger rake to Kieran’s eyes. Kieran yelled in pain and fell backwards onto the coffee table, splintering it with a loud crash.

Jim swept up the phaser, quickly set it to heavy stun, then dropped to the floor with a sickly rasp as Kieran kicked him the family jewels.

Kieran had been stunned by Jim’s attack and shook his head as he rose to his feet. “You are a fighter, that’s for sure. My training gave you the tools to do what you needed to do! Seventeen successful incursions!”

“None of it was for the Federation!” Jim gasped, in pain. “It was to satisfy the ego of whoever you are working for! Who is it? Bureau 5? Section 31? Tal’Shiar?”

“I work for Starfleet Intelligence!”

“Is that so?” Li’s voice cut through the tension in the air following Kieran’s words. She took in the scene in an instant, not hesitating to scan the two men mentally as well. “No wonder no one heard the chime or my knocks. Both of you on your feet. Now.”

Jim rose to his feet, giving Li a cautious look. “Been awhile, captain! I’m glad you’re here….”

“Save it Mr. Holbridge.” Li’s tone held a knife edge. “Starfleet or former Starfleet, I don’t much care at the moment. I expect better of both of you.”

Holbridge looked at Li with amazement. “Lady, I don’t work for you anymore, but this sonofabitch does! I don’t appreciate him bird-dogging me all over the fucking galaxy in some half-baked scheme!” Jim’s voice was raised, he was tired of all the acting. “I was a damned good fighter pilot until this asshole stuck his nose into my life!”

“You compromised an operation on Bajor it took me months to set up!” Kieran shouted back, ignoring Li completely. “Your brother was left behind; and i was forced to scrap a carefully planned assassination in order to care for some blundering knuckle-dragger who wandered into an area that didn’t concern him!”

Jim launched himself at Kieran, only to be stopped cold by a glance from Li.

“Jim, have a seat, I’ll deal with you in a moment. Right now, my interest is with you, Kieran. You have a lot of explaining to do, so get started.” She turned to regard Kieran and it was clear she was all business. “And don’t insult me by trying to lie.”

Kieran looked at Li. “I know who you are, Captain, and I know what you are. Unfortunately, even though you outrank me I doubt very much that you or even your father will interfere in this! I refer you to Operation FLASHPOINT, a joint Allied operation to displace the pro-Cardassian-Dominion government supporters that were gaining support on Bajor. Had the Holbridges and their band of knuckle-dragging imbeciles not blundered onto the rally point, we could have ended the war several months before the Breen were brought into the fray! I may have cost him his brother’s life, but this fool cost the Federation Alliance millions of needless lives, including all of the slain Cardassians on their homeworld!

Jim looked at Kieran as if the man had suddenly grown fangs and a tail. “You are out of your goddamned mind! That LZ was cleared hot by the Intel guys and by Starbase 375’s people and even Commander Worf on DS9. There was no massed army!”

Kieran threw up his hands. “I am surrounded by idiots!...

“Enough!” Li’s voice cut through the argument, her gaze fierce. When the room fell silent, she continued. “Now then. Both of you have a seat and open your ears before I have security haul you both back to the brig.”

Kieran smiled broadly. “That is probably the best advice you will get.”

“Fuck you!” Jim snarled, pulling his 3p hand phaser from it’s holster, charging it, and aiming it at Kieran’s head.

Before Jim could blink, Li was in motion. Her small body launched through the air, taking him down beneath her.

I came here to get your ass out of the fire. Stop making it harder than it has to be! The tone in Jim’s head softened. Don’t worry, I got this.

Jim looked up at Li, feeling like a rookie trainee for not remembering her telepathic abilities. He slightly nodded, then let his head roll to the right, feigning unconsciousness. Quentin is waiting aboard his ship to take him out. Jim mentally added quickly.

Kieran looked at Li with a mixture of admiration and expectancy. “Well done, captain. I see you haven’t forgotten your basics.” Kieran regarded Holbridge on the floor. “I will take him into custody. The others are free to go….” Kieran stopped short when he saw Li’s expression, the blood freezing in his veins.

“You’ll let Holbridge go as well and then you and I will deal with this complaint of yours as officers should.” She stood and regarded Kieran. “And yes that is an order. You have my word he won’t run until things are settled.”

Kieran regarded Holbridge with contempt. “There is nowhere for him to run.”

Jim ignored Kieran. “I’ll head back to the ship, Li.” Quentin will remain in place for the capture. Jim turned to face Kieran. “If I ever see you again, I will kill you. Believe it! Holbridge to Ghost, beam me over!” Jim vanished in a transporter beam, leaving Li and Kieran alone in the room.

“Quite the pleasant fellow, eh?” Kieran smiled. “Shall we talk?”

A Post By

James Holbridge
CEO, NGSC, Obstinate Sonofabitch


Commander Norvil Kieran
Humongous Jerk


Captain Li Hawke
An Iron Fist In A Velvet Glove


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