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Posted on Thu Jul 24th, 2014 @ 11:40pm by Captain Li Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Somewhere Below The Equator

* * * Somewhere Below The Equator * * *

Elec stood in the turbolift as it descended through the main artery of the starbase. Once more he touched his chest, still a little in awe that he’d come so close to calling it quits with this universe and that the little machine in his chest had prevented that. This was good, though, as now he and the rest of the group could get on with business. They hadn’t come to visit, but that was no surprise. It was part of the plan, and he had to admit, the plan was a good one.

The lift stopped and the doors slid open, revealing a long corridor. He began to walk, his pace still a little slow since he’d been laid up for a few days. He’d called Sohn upon his release and the message had been brief. All she’d given him was a cabin number. He checked the doors as he went and finally stopped before the correct one. Before he could ring the bell, a male voice from inside called out, ordering him to enter. The doors opened and Elec did just that.

Irdian didn’t glance up at him as he entered. He simply said, “Sit. We have things to discuss.” Once Elec had found a chair, Irdian finally looked to him and tapped at his own chest. “How is it? Will it compromise your ability to carry out your part of the mission?”

Elec dropped into a chair and shrugged. “These things are supposedly better than the real thing, and easier to repair. I’ll likely outlive you.” He grinned at Irdian, then his expression turned serious. “How is Nin? I got a message that he’d be here a little later.”

“Seems that replacing a heart with a machine is child’s play compared to repairing burnt tissue, even with dermal regenerators,” Irdian replied. “But they’re almost through with him.”

"For now, we'll move on. His part comes later anyway." Sohn's gaze flicked over Elec and Irdian as she came into the room. "Let's first agree, though, no more killing each other." Her tone was sour and accusatory.

Elec shrugged. “Agreed, but at least we don’t have that loose end anymore. Or those loose lips. I saw no other course. The three of you? I have no issues with.”

“That particular loose end was our ticket off of this base if things went south!” Irdian snapped. “Now we’ll have to find another shuttle pilot to just hang out if we need to make a quick escape. And before any of you start, I know we can all pilot a shuttle but we need someone sitting there with it ready to go on short notice.” He huffed and tried to calm down. “But what’s done is done. We will adjust and move on.”

Elec shrugged. “There’s a place here, lower station, where you can buy just about anything. Below the equator the locals call that area, and it’s a bar named Saturnalia.” A grin spread over his face. “It’s the place to go if you want to buy women. No offense, Sohn.”

Irdian glowered at Elec. “We don’t have time for distractions, Elec. We are here for one purpose only, so keep your mind focused on that.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose and continued. “Our timeframe has been upset because of this incident, but not by much. So, tomorrow evening at 2030 hours precisely, everyone will be in place. Our target area will be The Nexus Club on deck 275 in the Promenade. A pretty high-class place that I hear most of the senior staff frequent regularly.” He went through the mental checklist in his mind. “Sohn, you and Nin, once we’re all inside, you disable the exits. Since we don’t have the entire layout of the base, be aware of alternate methods of ingress/egress for staff or by security that we don’t know of. If needed, make an example of someone to keep everyone under control.” He paused. “Questions so far?”

An example? Sohn considered that a moment and a slow grin spread across her features. There were so many ways to make a crowd fearful when you had one of theirs to hurt. She'd have to remember to pack her plasma torch and electric prod. "None here...," she said then reconsidered, "Where will you be?"

Elec pursed his lips. “Since they have the exits, how about I worry about the example?” He turned his attention back to Irdian with the question.

Irdian nodded. “Choose your weapon wisely, though. I don’t want a disruptor used. I want them to see those we choose lying there. You and I will both pick someone. No senior staff, though. We may need one of them.” He looked around at his compatriots. “I’ll secure us another craft. Everyone check your equipment and your comms. If, for some reason, we don’t make eye contact with each other by 2035 hours, we abort and come back here.” He didn’t add that the person who didn’t show would likely be beaten to death. He didn’t feel he needed to.

Another look around. Everyone had their game faces on. “Okay. Let’s go.”

Still Up To No Good


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