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Wheels Up IN Twenty

Posted on Fri Sep 5th, 2014 @ 4:58pm by James Holbridge

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Nebula Gold Security Service Hangar

As Jim walked briskly towards Nebula Gold Security Service's private hangar, Jim was struck at how chaotic his life had been since his encounter with Commander Norvil Kieran, the insane off-the-reservation-intelligence officer who had made his life a literal living hell for some time. Holbridge was grateful to be back on board the starbase and back at the helm of his company. NGSS had a paying client who needed to be kept alive while she reclaimed her hereditary title, something that Starfleet's Prime Directive kept taboo. But private contractors like Jim and his merry band of ex-Fleet operators were more than happy to do what needed to be done.

His domestic life was doing well for the first time since he and Tricia had reunited. After confessing to an on-going affair with Quentin Harrison, Jim and Tricia had managed to patch things up and keep their marriage intact. Quentin still remained friends with both Jim and Tricia but kept his distance.

Now, dressed in his flight gear, Jim made his way through a corridor when he was intercepted by Llilw, Alradar (OOC:Don't quote me on this!)'s chief advisor and candidate for Prime Minister. "Greetings, commander!" Lilw smiled graciously, bowing at the waist.

"Hate to tell you, pal, but I wasn't in the Fleet itself, I was Starfleet Fighter Cav and I topped out as a light-colonel before I was demoted." Jim said, a smile on his face.

"My apologies, sir. Might I have a moment of your time?"

"Your talking to me now, bub!" Jim quipped as they entered the hangar. "Woodard, where the hell is my flight crew!" Jim bellowed as he crossed the deck to a silver runabout bearing the logo of the Holbridge mining Corp and "NGSS" where the usual United Federation Of Planets logo was. In keeping with tradition, Holbridge had named his runabout Washita in honor of the Washita Creek Massacre.

"They have twenty-five minutes, sir!" Woodard shot back from his work station.

"The matter I wish to discuss with you is about Her Highness. I reviewed your plan to keep her safe and I must say that such an action is not appropriate for any common house pet, much less an heir to the throne of a galactic power. Surely there is a better way to protect Her Majesty and allow her to keep her dignity?" The tone of Lilw was that of a simpering bureaucrat, something Jim had no tolerance for.

Holbridge stopped and faced Lilw. "You people paid me a goodly amount of money to keep Princess Arladel safe, which we will. Her Highness also signed a contracting giving NGSS complete autonomy in how, when, and where we provide said protection, which includes you and the rest of her entourage. If there is a problem with my arrangements, you can take it up with the Sr. VP Of Delta Quadrant Operations for Holbridge mining, which is myself or you can talk to my wife, the executive veep, or shut your fucking mouth and be glad I haven't knocked you on your ass! The princess agreed to this plan and that is the end of the discussion. Now, get your officious ass out of my way, gather up your gear and the rest of your mincing minions and be ready to leave in twenty minutes! Any questions?"

"No," was the tight-lipped reply.

"Good! Now get the hell outta my way!" Jim moved past the startled protocol officer/diplomat and walked over to the crew locker area, chuckling drily. Dave Lorenz, Holbridge's best friend and trusty second-in-command, was already inside the room and stowing his gear in his own space. Jim grinned at the man as he made his way to his own personal locker. "Goddamned useless bureaucrats!" he sighed.

"Keeps us line animals' lives interesting, that's for damn sure!" Lorenz nodded, holstering his 3p phaser pistol. Lorenz's career in the Starfleet Marines was nearly as legendary as Holbridge's own, and Lorenz had elected to partner with Holbridge after the pair had stolen a prototype Galor-class warship during the Dominion War. "What's Lord Fancy Pants hollering about?"

"He doesn't like the plan I have to keep the princess out of danger." Jim pulled his flight gear from his locker and shut the small door. "Fact is the Washita is going to be a high-profile target once the Tower advertises our departure. I'm gonna lead the fighter element while you and the rest of the in-close team keep the clients on board the runabout."

"You better shoot straight, you cross-eyed idiot! I just met me an Orion woman who knows the Betazoid art of Zheetey massage and I am well on my way to achieving bliss."

Very funny!" Holbridge snorted. "This coming from a guy who couldn't hit a Galaxy-class hip with a phaser rifle if he was floating next to it!"

The two friends continued to argue and grouse, joined by Amanda Fulton, Darius Shelton, Matt Collins, and Sam Elliott, the original Nebula Gold Force. The team had completed a dozen missions successfully before being transferred to Norvil Kieran's oversight.

Jim finally held up his hand for quiet. "This ain't gonna be easy, guys. We are it, there's no Fleet waiting to pull our asses outta the fryer if we get into trouble. We have a dozen Archadians flying air cover with me, but you lot are going to have to keep the clients safe. We get them to point Alpha, make contact with their militia units and then we get the hell out of Dodge! Kamarov and Harrison will be standing by with the Ghost at point Bravo along with a squad of Archadian NGSS rescue operators, but they won't come until seventy-two hours after LOC.

"When we reach Point Alpha, Amanda will take the point and lead us to the rendezvous point. There is a civil war going on on that planet and if you get lost, you will probably wind up dead or worse, so eyes open and stay frosty. I'll do my best to give you air cover, but no guarantees. If anyone wants out, now is the time!"

Nobody moved a muscle. "Good! Matt and Sam, I want detailed maps of the LZ and Point Alpha along with multiple ingress and egress routes. Dave, you will see to it that the VIP's are secured and protected at all times, but don't take any shit off them. Darius, you best get a few surprises ready in case we have to make a big hole to run through. I'm having Gunny Woodard load us up with some new weapons, heavy IMD's, Type-3 Charlie rifles with sniper scopes, plasma grenades, and secure comms. Also, everyone will have the latest VISION gear on during deployment." The VISION headset was eye armor that displayed tactical data, as well as other combat-related info on the lenses. The VISION was capable of interfacing with most Starfleet and Threat Force operating systems, yet Starfleet didn't want them.

"Any Questions? Okay, Wheels up in twenty!"


A Post by

James Holbridge
Big Kahuna, NGSS


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