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Mommy, I Got A Job!

Posted on Fri Aug 22nd, 2014 @ 1:13pm by James Holbridge

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: HMC Annex, Starbase 900

The planning, the headaches, the cursing, and the worrying all came together to make this moment happen, Jim thought to himself as he waited in his office. Nebula Gold Security Company was receiving their first paying client, and it was a big deal. Until now, Jim had been paying his employees out of a fund earmarked for Mine Pest Control.

Along with the paying client came an infusion of new equipment. Dave Lorenz had procured updated versions of the venerable 3P phaser pistol commonly used by the Marines along with several Type V phaser rifles, updated body armor, encounter suits, and even a squadron of Valkyrie Mk II precision fighters to accompany their Arrow-class VIP gunabouts, or heavily armed combat runabouts fitted out for VIPs. The Ghost was in the drydock being upgraded and fitted out to handle the new ships.

With the exception of Harrison, who was on a special assignment, the cadre of NGSC were all present in the annex, each garbed in the company's gold polo shirt, black slacks or black dress as gender allowed, and a pistol belt holding each person's 3P and several clips of spare ammo.

Max Kamarov, the company's operations officer, nodded to Jim. "Heads up, people, incoming VIP!" The doors opened to reveal a red-haired, olive-skinned woman dressed in a leather outfit that accentuated her curves without drawing unnecessary attention to her body. Her hair was bound by a blue silk kerchief knotted behind her head.

"Greetings. I am Lady Alradel, rightful ruler of Peneschal VI. Which one of you is Holbridge?"

Jim held his hand up. "That would be me, your ladyship. Welcome to Starbase 900 and Nebula Gold Security. These are my officers: Dave Lorenz, my weapons and tactics specialist, Max Kamarov, my ops officer; Hanley Woodard, my base ops manager; Darius Shelton, my demolitions specialist, and last but not least, my wife Patricia Holbridge, who also doubles as CEO of Holbridge Mining."

"I am pleased to meet you all." Alradel smiled graciously. "Do we have a place where we can talk?"


The group was now seated at the rectangular conference table. Jim turned the brief over to Alradel. "Sixteen years ago, my family ruled the Peneschal System as we had for nearly 400 years. My father was King Prevish, a good man and a wise ruler. His closest advisor was Vestif, who turned out to be a traitor. After the harvest, Vestif organized a coup in which my father, mother and siblings were all slaughtered."

"Yet you survived," Lorenz said pointedly.

"Indeed, if not for the interference of my father's master-at-arms, I would have perished as well. Sergeant Waiks spirited me to Archadia Prime where I was raised in a minor noblewoman's house and was to remain hidden until a certain code was transmitted to me. I received that code thirty days ago, whereupon I was to return to claim the throne Vestif purloined from me."

"Okay, so why do you need us?" Jim asked.

"I am aware of your people's Prime Directive..."

"Point of order, ma'am, but we are all retired from the Fleet, and the Prime Directive no longer encompasses our operations." Woodard spoke up.

Alradel smiled at the revelation. "Indeed. As I was saying, the forces I need to expel vestif from power are in place, but I do not have is safe transit to the rendezvous point."

"This is where we come in," Jim finished. "We can provide the lady with a full fighter/gunabout escort to the rendezvous point plus in-close security until she is reunited with her own folks. Once we have confirmed that Alradel is in good hands, we leave. Under no circumstances will we become involved in a battle, but we will defend ourselves at all costs."

"I am transferred your payment, and I believe you said your people would be ready to depart within 12 hours of payment."

Jim nodded. "We will be ready, ma'am. In the meantime, we will assign Mr Lorenz and Mr Woodard here to act as your bodyguards until we are ready to leave."

"Acceptable." Lady Alradel rose and swept out of the room, David and Woodard on her heels.

Kamarov came over to where Holbridge was seated. "The Ghost is not ready, but we have the new VIP gunabouts. Transit time will be three days."

"Tack on four fighter escorts, Max. This op is going to be an all hands evolution. We don't know who or what we are dealing with and I want enough firepower to bring down a Negh'Vahr cruiser if I need to." Jim ordered. "Everyone will take full combat load as a precaution."



James Holbridge, CEO NGSC
Anxious About His First Gig


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