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Mission Brief

Posted on Tue Sep 9th, 2014 @ 1:47pm by James Holbridge & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison & Sam Elliott III & Major David Lorenz & Matt Collins

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Lounge Area, SS Washita

Lorenz was used to giving briefs to platoons, even companies of troops under his command, and even teammates, but his chest swelled whenever he addressed the group of NGSS operators in front of him, beings who time and again proved their fearlessness and courage in the worst possible conditions. They were a pack of irreverent screwballs when off the job and it was Hell keeping them out of the brig, but when they were on the job they were as dedicated as any Fleet or Marine officer could be.

"Okay, kids, let's get this brief started!" Lornz shouted.

"Aw, do we have to?" replied Matt Collins as he drew up a chair. Matthew Collins was the one of the latest additions to NGSS Alpha Team, his specialties lying in the Engineering area. Collins was one of the seventeen people Holbridge and Lorenz rescued from the Cardassian Prison during the Dominion War and was instrumental in their escape as he kept the prototype ship they stole together long enough to reach safety.

"Shut yer face, grease-monkey!" Quentin barked, giving Collins a playful nudge.

"Said the Scottish Sasquatch!" Collins shot back, sipping on a cup of coffee. Collins and Harrison had become fast friends over the years and routinely gave each other static.

"If Abbott and Costello are done bitching, let's do this." Lorenz dimmed the lights and activated the holo-viewer. "This is the planet Peneschal VI, class-M world The people are considered to be a post-warp development species ruled by a hereditary monarchy until seventeen years ago. The planet is controlled by a Lord Protector who shifted the planet's main industrial focus to military weapons development, manufacture, and distribution, which would explain the long-range detection networks, orbital defense platforms, and constant roving squad-sized patrols. The civilian population of the planet is kept in check by a tight, Orwellian state of control where disobedience of any authority can be punishable by death, while the military and those in it enjoy considerable perks and privileges."

"Sounds like a lion's den, boss," Sam Elliott, team Intel specialist spoke up. "From what was transmitted to me from 900, Dae thinks we should have fired the princess and PM from a torpedo launcher to their rendezvous, like we did with Ambassador Keylahr. The rendezvous area is crawling with military, foot patrols and vehicles."

"According to the princess, there is a Resistance movement in place. The plan is we transmit a signal when we are ready to beam down and the Resistance forces will create a diversion to help hide our infiltration at a key fuel processing facility. Vampire Flight will assist that operation from the air." Lorenz answered.

"What is the overall mission, lad?" Quentin asked.

"We are to guarantee Araladel and Lilw's safety until they reach Arladel's family home where they will begin the planned coup against Lord Protector Vestif. We will not become involved in the struggle directly but we will take all precautions and secure our lves and our clients' lives until they are safely in the custody of the Resistance. Once we have visually verified their safety, we exfil back to the base. I am also told that the Ghost is off the ways and will be available for exfil if we need her." The Ghost was a heavily modified Gettysburg-class starship that had been purchased by HMC and quietly upgraded by HMC. The ship was self-aware, agile, largely automated, and heavily armed.

"That's good news!" Shetlon smiled. "I brought along a few goodies that will make little rocks out of big rocks should we need em."

Dave nodded. "Good deal. As much as I don't like it, we will be in the weeds without sniper cover, but I am sure Jim and his merry band of flying maniacs will help out if we need him. I have uploaded the ingress route provided by Lilw. Memorize it. When we go in we will be in black utilities and medium gear." Medium gear meant the team would insert with enough equipment to stay on the ground for 12 hours. By way of comparison, gear heavy was full tactical battle gear, capable of sustaining life for 48 hours, while light gear was indicated a personal weapon and combat vest intended for quick stops.

"What about Lilw and the princess?" Matt asked.

"Keep them in the middle and out of sight, laddie!" Quentin grinned. "If the lil Lilw bastard keeps his whining up, we'll use him as Davey's shield!"

The group had a laugh at Quentin's jest as they were all tired of the Prime minister's prissy attitude.

"Okay, you all have your intel from Sam and Dae. Look it over, and send me any suggestions you have. Our first stop is a Volar Station in seven hours, where we will transfer the princess to this vessel. I am going to crash out for a bit." Thus ended the briefing.


"...that is correct, we will be at the station in seven hours. I expect your people to take her out, but leave the team alive. We will need scapegoats to blame....excellent! .....If we succeed, then I will be the one in power, if we fail then we will have gained valuable knowledge about the capabilities of these loud-mouth cretins. Lilw out." Lilw cut the transmission ad sat back on his bunk, hardly worthy to be called a bed as it was barely wide enough to accommodate his frame. I have been planning this since Vestif double-crossed my uncle and slaughtered my father. With my dear sister out of the way, I can continue with the plan Vestif was supposed to have carried out. But first I have to get rid of these knuckle-dragging imbeciles. I have been on the sidelines pretending to be an 'advisor' long enough. Lilw pulled the pendant from his tunic and fingered the jeweled family crest. Soon, he would have the empire his uncle promised him all those years ago.


A post by

The NGSS Team


PM Lilw
Rat In The Woodpile


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