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Caught In The Undertow

Posted on Sun Oct 12th, 2014 @ 10:10pm by Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Commander Nicolao

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Nicolao's Quarters

Dae moved swiftly through the station after leaving B'yagu's shop, his destination Nico's quarters so he could catch him before he vanished again. The turbolift was blessedly empty, so Dae gave a non-stop order and leaned back against the wall for the ride.

....Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow....

The words rose in his thoughts from nowhere, accompanied by a loud guitar. Definitely rock, and what his Academy roommate had labeled as 'alternative' from centuries ago. Dae pushed away from the wall of the lift and as quickly as it had come, the music was gone, not from his ears but from his head. What the hell?
A glance at the panel told him he was one deck away and he took a deep breath. If that happened again, he'd drop in to sickbay and get a good once over.

The lift stopped and he emerged into the corridor, walking fast. Nico's quarters were just down and around the corner and

.....Every second I waste is more than I can take.....

the music came again, just as loud, bringing a curse from him. He stopped to rub his temples, ignoring the concerned look from a passing crewman. It was louder this time, and again, vanished. The silence that followed seemed almost as deafening and just as disorienting. A few deep breaths and things seemed to settle back down enough that he began walking again.

Rounding the corner, he reached Nico's door and rang the chime. And waited. Nothing. He rang once more and when there was still no answer, he knocked on the door. Moments later, the doors slid open and Dae was swallowed by music blasting out around him, the same guitar strains he'd heard on the way here.

....I've become so numb, I can't feel you there,
Become so tired, so much more aware.....

Abruptly the music stopped as Nico stood aside to let him in. "I was wondering when you'd turn up, Dae."

The doors closed and once more the silence seemed to swallow Dae as Nico stopped the music. "What the hell was that?"

"An old song from days gone by, but one that seemed to suit the mood today. Have a seat." Nico motioned him to a chair, then stretched out on the sofa. "You like it?"

"You're projecting, Nico. I heard it in the elevator and in the corridor. You should watch that." Dae leaned his head back against the chair and rubbed his eyes. "Based on your choice of lyrics, I'm guessing you've not had any success yet?"

"Not a damn bit," Nico grumbled. "What good am I if I can't even one find one puny human?"

Dae raised his eyebrow as he watched Nico. "Puny? Try again, kid. Puny is the last thing you consider Dru and that's most of your problem. The rest of your problem is you're letting an old ghost get to you. He's winding you up and you can't think straight. You need to get over that Cardassian and think logically if sensing her isn't working."

"Logic? Starfleet seems to think I've lost that ability." Nico's response was little more than a growl.

"Bullshit and you know it. You've never believed what anyone else thought about you." Dae frowned. "So you can either wallow here with 'poor me' lyrics or get off your ass and do something."

"Tell that to Iron Woman Oz," Nico answered.

"I will."

Nico sat up immediately. "You will? And?"

"I'll do what I can to get her to agree to let you work with Carter on this. Mainly because you know this Cardassian, know how he thinks and what he is capable of doing. That said, if I'm going to stick my neck out for you, you better get it together. You have a lot riding on this. You find Dru and it will help a lot getting you reinstated. You under pressure, keeping your head...saving a life..all that. Not to mention the Counselor's undying gratitude." Dae studied Nico a moment. "And do your best not to let emotion get in the way."

Nico narrowed his eyes. "I'm not. I don't have time for that."

"Yeah, sure." Dae wasn't buying the denial for a second.

"How much do you have to do with my reinstatement?" Nico asked, ignoring Dae's implication. "And don't tell me nothing."

Dae considered the question. "Well, let's put it this way - if and when that happens, you'll be working for me so I want to be damn sure things are as they should be before I agree. Then? Well I suspect it will be like old times."

Nico smiled for the first time since Dae's arrival. "You always were a hard ass."

Rising from his seat, Dae stood and looked down at Nico. "You needed one to look out for you."

"So did you." Nico's smile widened.

"I know." Dae crossed to the door and stopped. "And I haven't forgotten. Get to work Nico. I'll call after I speak to Oz. And when you get in touch with Carter, be nice. And wear this." He tossed a comm badge, which Nico snatched out of the air.

"Aye chief."

The doors closed behind Dae. Nico rose and crossed to the bedroom to change. It was time to get serious. He pressed the comm badge and called Carter.

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Hard Ass

Seeing A Ray Of Hope


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