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Alarm Clock From Hell

Posted on Mon Nov 10th, 2014 @ 9:43pm by Marine Captain Quentin Harrison & Major David Lorenz
Edited on on Mon Nov 10th, 2014 @ 9:43pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Infirmary, HMC Site Six, Delta Quadrant

Dave Lorenz was nothing if not a determined man. The discovery of the alien body had visibly shaken the man but he kept his cool. His training as a Marine gave him the ability to keep an analytic mind's eye on a task, and was thus focused on the matter of the alien body sitting in secure cryo-stasis.

A number of biometric scans had been run on the remains, most notably the tissues of the cadaver itself. The age of the body had been placed at approximately four-hundred-thirty Earth years, which was quite a feat in anyone's book. Dr. Krueger had scanned the cellular makeup of the cadaver and extracted a rather unique molecular formula in liquid suspension. The formula appeared to aggressively slow the aging process....

A high-pitched squealing suddenly pierced the air. "Eddie, enable sonic baffling in this area!" Dave shouted, holding his ears.

=/\=At once, sir!=/\= Moments later, the noise was dissipated to a much more tole'"rable level.

Quentin charged into the command center. "What in the name o the gods was that unholy racket about?"

=/\=I have an answer to that question, Mr. Harrison, =/\= Eddie immediately answered.

"Out with it, ye bucket of bolts!" Quentin demanded.

=/\=The sound emanating from the cadaver can best be characterized as a homing beacon. The beacon is being directed towards deep space, past known Borg and Kazon territories. Long-range scans cannot locate the receiver.=/\=

Quentin looked at Dave with concern. "We better get all non-essential people outta here, fast!"

"Not until I have more information," Dave disagreed. "Besides, it's just you, me, the doc, and some drunken workmen with no families. Who gives a damn about us? No, we will wait for Jim to get here, and if I am right there will be more people with him.


Noghrai looked up in surprise as his aide walked in. She was lithe, thin, but her grey-skin was glowing with anticipation. "I have news, O Great One. The Beacon was activated at long last. Our brother is found!

"Indeed" Noghrai smiled. "His mission is complete after all these cycles. May the Elders be praised! What is his report?"

"Only his locator has activated, Great One. No other information has been received."

"If those damnable Borg or Kazon have harmed him, there will be blood on the moonstones!"

The aide shook her head. "The only indication of our Brother's assailant is a word that has repeated itself over and over in the beacon broadcast..B...A...N...N...I...N...G....".

Noghrai rose to his feet, narrowing his almond-shaped eyes to slits. "It is time we find this Banning and have it explain its actions. Tell my war council to assemble!


A post by

Quentin and David
Dumb and Dumber



Leader Of The Pack


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