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Blowing In The Wind - Part Two

Posted on Wed Dec 31st, 2014 @ 1:30am by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Lieutenant Commander Leto & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Charu

* * * Charu - Camp * * *

“Leto drop the weapon.” Riley spoke with a soft, even tone. “Before someone gets hurt. Nick, don’t make any sudden moves, okay?”

“He better not or I’ll take him out,” Leto growled. “Be careful Riley, he’s one of them.”

“The marshmallows?” Nick asked, now confused. He looked down at his clothing and then one of his hands. “I most definitely am not!”

Riley’s eyes narrowed as he shifted his attention from Nick to Leto and back. “What’s going on here?” He crept closer, hoping to reach Leto while her attention was zeroed in on Nick. No such luck, however, as she gave a low growl.

“Riley, don’t come any closer.”

“Come on Leto, drop the phaser. He’s not your enemy. Something’s obviously affecting both of you and -- “ Riley paused to sniff the air. “What’s that smell?”

Nick seemed to have an epiphany. He smiled mischievously and began to sway and bob his head as he began to sing, “Ooh, that smell. Can't you smell that smell? Ooh, that smell. The smell of death surrounds--.”

“Knock it off!” Leto yelled, interrupting his serenade.

Riley reached to his pocket with his free hand, still keeping his eyes on Nick and Leto. Slowly he eased out his tricorder and pressed a button. Then he sniffed the air again and blinked.

“Whatever it is, it sure smells nice.” He smiled. “Okay Leto, I think it’s time we all sat down, maybe had some lunch?”

Nick had stopped suddenly when Leto yelled at him. Now his attention was on Riley. “I could eat,” he said, then promptly sat cross-legged on the ground. “What’s to eat?” he asked, excitedly.

“Now that you mention it…..” Leto holstered her phaser and knelt down to dig through her bag. “Try this.” She tossed a small package to Nick and another to Riley. She then settled on her back in the grass, opened a third package and began to stuff her mouth with food. “Whnerat wa tha sbg?” She swallowed and tried again. “What was that song?”

After swallowing quickly, acting as if he hadn’t eaten in weeks, Nick finally answered. “Uh, I really don’t know. Some old song I’d heard a long time ago. I kinda’ liked it, though.” His eyes lit up momentarily. “I could sing more if you want.”

“That’s okay,” Riley answered for her. He finished his food in two bites, then stretched his legs out on the grass. “So what the hell was going on when I got here? I can’t read a thing from either of you.” He frowned as the realization hit home. “I’m flying blind here.”

Nick started up again, “I love the flower girl, oh, I don't know just why, she simply caught my eye, I love the flower girl she seemed so sweet and kind, she crept into my mind.” He was singing more to himself than anyone, but he seemed to be enjoying himself as he took a few bites in between.

“No clue there, Riley,” Leto answered. “We were just walking along and we stopped to look at the local flora and --” she stopped, her mouth hanging open. “And they spit on Nick.”

“Spit?” Riley looked interested now.

“You know, sprayed him with pollen...or something. I think the flower liked him.”

“It kept following me around,” Nick said, pointing two fingers to his eyes and then moving those fingers around to Riley and Leto. He whispered, “I think they might be spies or something.”

Riley rose and moved over to Nick. “Let me have a look at you, okay?” He pulled out his tricorder once more, looked at it, closed one eye and looked at it again.

“Does closing one eye help?” Nick asked. “Thinking about getting an eye patch or something? You could probably pull it off, you know. I could even give you a little scar--” Nick stopped as Riley looked at him and shook his head slowly.

“No scars. No messing up this boyishly handsome face.” Riley moved his tricorder around Nick and frowned some more. Then he smacked his hand against the side of it a couple of times and looked at it some more. Then he waggled his finger at Nick. “Have you been drinking and not sharing?”

Nick scoffed. “Who, me?” He laughed. “No. I have not. I know we don’t know each other that well, but I don’t drink when I’m on duty...unless being on duty requires it, then yes. But not this time. Gotta’ keep sharp.”

“Huh.” Riley moved over to scan Leto. What he was seeing made no sense to him suddenly, so he shrugged and slipped the tricorder back in his pocket. For an instant, Leto seemed to go out of focus. He rubbed his eyes and when he looked again, she seemed normal.

“Riley?” Leto leaned closer, her gaze intent. “You okay in there? Speak up kiddo.”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Look maybe we should phone home.” He tapped his comm badge. “Riley to away team. We’re….somewhere near our touchdown point...I think...might wanna come check on us…” With those famous last words, Riley’s eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed on the grass.

Leto prodded him with her toe. “What did you do to him Nicky?”

Nick couldn’t help it. He began laughing. It went on for a few moments before he spoke and turned somewhat serious. “Holy shit, Leto, what did those flowers do to me?” He snickered again, then burst out laughing once more, the seriousness all gone. “I think I feel another song coming on!”

Lt. Riley Sukatov

Lt. Leto
Tough Audience

Lt. Nick Marcinko
Singing Minstrel


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