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The enemy approaches

Posted on Thu Jan 8th, 2015 @ 12:07am by Major David Lorenz

Mission: Breaking New Ground

As they sped through space, the crew of Vorta, Son'a, and Jem'Hadar troops did not go through any pre-confrontation rituals. There were no prayers to gods, no hyping of the troops by the top sergeant. Each one on the ship knew what they were to do. The renegade witch had run from them and she was to be repatriated, nothing else mattered. The Founders decreed it, obedience was assured, victory was life.

Lurek, the leader of the Son'a contingent, strode impatiently onto the bridge where the Vorta, Keron, stood. Lurek cordially hated Dominion ships, disparaging them as the comfortless rattletraps that they were. He also despised his Jem'Hadar "escort" that insisted on following him everywhere on the ship.

"Keron, the female has been revived. It is as we feared all those years ago. We must increase our velocity and find her before she tells the humans what they want to know!" His tone was impatient.

"When you have been cloned as many times as i have, memories can be transferred to each body. I have been looking for this woman for much longer than you, and I seem to recall that the humans were especially eager to claim her secrets for their own, but his her before they learned of the knowledge she possesses of our physiology." Keron said in a bored voice. "Tell me, how much do you think she could have told the humans just coming out of a lengthy, artificially induced coma? even the Jem'Hadar cannot recover from serious wounds as rapidly as we would like, and this female is not even Son'a. She is Baku, an innocent."

"She left the homeworld with us, and became one of the leading scientists of our race, but she did not age! Her exposure to the radiation on that planet had permanently frozen her appearance! The only one of her species.."

"Both of your species," Keron corrected.

" accomplish that without leaving the planet!"

"Why does this concern you?" Keron asked with amusement, for he already knew the answer.

Lurek favored Keron with a vicious stare. "I bought her, you miserable tree-skunk! she is my properrty, not that bastard she ran off with, Jackson Banning!"

Keron shook his head. "My friend, you are terribly misinformed. A Starfleet intelligence team took her from under your very nose. It would seem that Mr. Banning was able to provide her with what a aged Son'a could not!" It amused the Vorta to press the Son'a's buttons, knowing that the Lurek would not do anything as long as there was hope of recovering the woman. "Did she ever tell you her name, or did you just call her 'woman'?"

Lurek looked down at his feet. "Her name was Kim'ala,"

"At least you knew her name," Keron turned to the Jem'Hadar. "Nevek'Mahl, you will stay with this wrinkled, decayed, spent Baku until such time as we have completed the mission the Founders decreed. Obedience is Order."

"Victory is life!" the Jem'Hadar responded, then fixed its stare on Lurek, who stormed off the bridge, Nevek'Mahl following briskly.

"Sometimes I regret making that bargain with him all those years ago. But, one does what one must do in times of peace." Keron walked over to the helmsman. "Distance to target?"

"Three days at current speed," was the instant reply.

"Maintain course and velocity. I have matters to attend below."

Keron left the bridge, planning his method of eliminating Lurek and the insects on the ice tomb of Kim'ala.


Button Pushing Vorta


Jilted Son'a


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