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Revealing Looks

Posted on Sun Jan 4th, 2015 @ 1:55am by Major David Lorenz & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison
Edited on on Wed Jan 7th, 2015 @ 11:38pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground

When I get outta this tin can I'm gonna tear Lorenz's head off by the roots! The lil fucker will nae be recognizable as a human! Quentin seethed from the bunk in the cell. His friend .and compatriot should have let him stay out, but the big Scot realized that david probably had him put in here because he tried to choke David out. Nothin to do but wait for Lorenz to spring him....

The cell door hissed open. Lorenz stood there, unmoving. "You can listen to what i have to say, or you can pummel me. I don't care. However, if you listen I promise my actions will become clearer." Dave said in a calm voice.

"I'm nae ready to kill ye yet, so talk!" Quentin huffed.

"Years ago I was a brand new second lieutenant on the Oppenheimer, flagship of the SSF. I was the Marine CO along with a few other people who are key to this lil drama. Jimmy was a warrant-four pissing off admirals on Starbase Hamunaptra after terrorizing the skies as the hottest fighter pilot I had ever seen. then-Captain Wegener called all the senior officers into the lounge and told us we were 'going dark'; no transponders, no daily check-ins. no logs. The Oppenheimer was to transport a cylinder to Deep Space Four for debriefing. My outfit was tasked with perimeter security while a group of very serious gentlemen in silver collars handled the up-close stuff. Amongst those gentlemen was a fellow by the name of Jackson Banning IV, a hybrid Vulcan named Ronin, a mountain of muscle named Vin and some dork named Hale."

"I be knowin' Jack! What in God's name was his da' doin there?"

"This is where it get's sticky, big man," David sighed. "The passenger we were taking to DS 4 was the woman we found buried in the ice."

quentin's eyes widened, but David held up his hand. "It gets better. She found something out about Jem'Hadar physiology while working with the Son'a to manufacture concentrated forms of ketracel white. She found a chink in the armor of the Jem'Hadar, and something else."

Quentin narrowed his eyes in irritation. "Spit it out, man!"

"I can't, not now anyway. The beacon that went off has set in motion events that will have catastrophic consequences for a lot of people in Starfleet. You see, what the woman in the med bay found earned her a sentence of death from the Dominion. The goddamned Vorta chased the Oppenheimer all over the damned quadrants, dogging our heels constantly. The Intel pukes had a talk with the captain and we quickly abandoned Starfleet's plan for our guest and found a way out to the Delta Quadrant. Log story short, we buried her here on this world two miles inside the ice. It took Captain Wegener and the science geeks weeks to find this place. My Marines worked to form the cavern we found her in, and Jackson was the one who put her under for what we thought was the last time."

Quentin simply stared at David in disgust. "Ye were a party to that? I thought better of ye, lad."

"Don't fucking judge me! I was following orders and I was a raw-ass boot officer fresh from indoc! My ears were still ringing with the bullshit they spewed about obedience, loyalty, and all that. I had no idea what had happened with the guards, but I formed my own ideas and kept them to myself." David shot back. "This was my first dark mission, and i had no idea what to expect or do."

"Ye could have stood up for her! She found out something that would have ended the war..."

"For us it would have meant annihilation! The Baku doctor is named Serenity and she discovered a way to make the Jem'Hadar immortal without the use of the ketracel white to control them." David paused to let that sink in.

"Dear sweet Jaysus!" Quentin breathed.

"Yeah. The eggheads ran the computer models every which way but Sunday and they all said the same thing, the Federation would die a painful death."

"Why bury her? Why not just keep her and use her?"

"The Dominion showed aggression like we had never seen to get Serenity back. They destroyed entire worlds we tried to hide her on! The only solution was to bring her out here and hide her in the ice."

Quentin nodded his head. "We have an informer amongst us, laddie. i dinnae know how to smoke him out, but gimmie some time. In the meantime, I think we better have Kamarov decloak the Ghost and get ready for a fight."

David shook his head and stared at the monitor banks. "Talaxian intelligence tells us that the Dominion fleet is six days away at Warp Six. The Intel team will be here in a few hours. That leaves us four days to come up with a plan for serenity, lest we lose her. The Ghost will be our last resort. I'm gonna wait for Jimmy to get here and see what he wants to do." Davis looked solemn. "I feel like this mess is partly my fault."

"It is your fault, human!" a new voice said. Both men spun to face a changeling brandishing a weapon. "Hands in the air!"

David raised his arms, while Quentin remained still.

"I said hands up!" the changeling repeated.

"Blow my frozen crank, ye ruddy bastard!" Quentin said, winking at David, then drew a pocket phaser out of a hidden sleeve pocket and blasted the bulkhead above the changeling. The durani-steel cracked, then fractured completely allowing super-heated steam to hiss through the fissure. The Changeling was blinded as David raced to the nearby airlock and keyed in the access code to open the door, admitting sub-zero winds and temperatures into the bay. The changeling grimaced in pain as the cold began to affect his gelatinous body, solidifying it. Quentin and David both wore thermal gear and parka's allowing them to withstand the cold. Harrison charged the changeling, who split into gelatinous chunks of frozen goo.

Quentin rose to his feet and brushed off his coat. "Shut the bloody barn door!"

David complied, making sure the changeling was in a sealed container before elevating the temperature. Both men left the cell, leaving the box on the cot Quentin had rested on.


David Lorenz
Not So Honorable

Quentin Harrison
Still A Badass


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