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Atlantis Protocol

Posted on Wed Apr 1st, 2015 @ 5:40pm by James Holbridge & Major David Lorenz

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: NGSGS Ghost

The Dominion cruisers were getting closer with every passing minute and David sat in the Ops room watching their progress.

Eddie's voice interrupted the vigil, "David, Mr. Holbridge is on a secure channel for you."

"On screen, Eddie." Dave sighed.

Hello, sunshine! I just had a very interesting conversation with Jackson. It seems you are a part of this little fracas! Jim's face was neutral

"I couldn't tell you about it because i was under orders to keep quiet, Jim. A new-boot second louie isn't gonna raise too much of a fuss!"

You could have told me, Dave! Jim shouted. How much blood have we shared and spilled?! How much dirt have we eaten together? I thought you trusted me with your life!

"I do trust you with my fucking life, you idiot!" Dave shouted. "My own brothers aren't as close as you and I are! I couldn't say shit because of the orders I received! Not from you, but Commodore Hawke himself! You remember General Hawke? Admiral Lucius is somehow related to him and the General himself gave me the order to keep my trap shut! I don't know about you, but when an admiral tells me to dummy up, I DO IT!!" Dave's right fist slammed onto the table

Dave, I'm not angry with you, i am pissed at the whole situation. I just checked with Tricia and Dad wants to pull the plug on the whole Delta Quadrant operation. I told him that we needed to keep things as they were and it was minor, but if this blows up, Dad's gonna pull the plug. I have ordered the Ghost into the area....

"She's already in place, Jim." Dave grinned. "I'm gonna activate the Atlantis Protocol. Site 6 cannot withstand a sustained attack from the incoming Dominion Forces. We will rendezvous with you in the runabout near Kolaris V. That will shave about 2 hours off your flight."

What about the Dominion cruisers?

"I have a nasty little surprise waiting for them. We have a few more tweaks to the program and we'll be set." Dave grinned suddenly. "Oh yeah, almost forgto to mention that we flushed a Founder out of the woodwork! He's in cryostasis at the moment."

Good! Let me know when you are ready to engage Atlantis proticol. I'll tell Awf about the new rendezvous point and let Li and Banning know whats going on.

"Keep your head down and your ass covered!" Dave grinned.

There you go, proposing marriage again! I keep tellin you my wife is a better kisser! Out

Dave switched off the com. Quentin entered the room and smiled himself. "The ice chambers are rigged to blow. The gadgets ye wanted are in place and set. I hope this plan o' yers works or we are fooked!"

Dave consulted Quentin's padd, then smiled wider. "They won't suspect a thing until it's too late! Eddie, what is the maximum distance we can control the holo-matrices remotely?"

=/\=1.2 million kilometers, sir,=/\= Eddie replied instantly. =/\= signal degradation is contingent on space-borne interference, although my sensors detect no such activity.=/\=

"Thank you. Initiate Atlantis protocol."

=/\=At once, sir.=/\= An alarm klaxon sounded. =/\=All hands, Atlantis Protocol is in effect......=/\=




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