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The Story Continues

Posted on Wed Apr 1st, 2015 @ 9:17pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Commander Dae Nalas & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Admiral Hawke's Office

* * * Admiral Hawke’s Office * * *

The terminal at Lucius’ desk beeped and he turned away from the portal. “Computer, open the channel.”

=^= Cannot comply =^= came the answer.

“Cannot--” Lucius frowned and crossed to the desk. Leaning down, he pressed the panel and was surprised when nothing appeared. Two seconds later, a code flashed on the screen then vanished. For Lucius, it was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. He dropped heavily into his chair, then entered the corresponding code - one he’d not really expected to use again. The name ‘Heartbreaker’ flashed on the screen and again, he entered a code. Finally, a stream of words appeared on the screen.

Alice has fallen down the rabbit hole again. Extraction Site 6. On my way. Ronin.

Instantly he was in action, sending an acknowledgment on the secure channel Ronin had indicated at the beginning of his transmission. The acknowledgment included a name to call, someone in the area who could be at Sector 6 almost instantly if backup was needed. All that done, he rubbed his face and sighed. What a night. He opened a comm channel once more and called Ricky. When he arrived it was going to be time for a drink. A strong one.

* * *

As he was expected, Rick just let himself in to Lucius’ office. He looked around and found him at the liquor cabinet. “Yes, dear?” he said as he sat in one of the chairs close to the desk.

Lucius’ smile at the familiar greeting was grim. He poured two glasses of cognac and handed one to Rick as he sat in the seat beside him. “A double. Enjoy.”

“A double?” Rick said as he took the drink and straightened in the seat. “Okay, Lucius. What happened?”

“Does the name Ronin ring a bell?” Lucius drained his glass and set it on the desk. “I just got a call I’d never expected to get and was hoping I never would.”

Rick’s eyes narrowed a bit. “Ronin? Wasn’t he bartending or something? At least that’s the last word I’d gotten on him.” Bracing himself, Rick downed his glass as well. Ronin being involved was never really a good thing. “What does he want?

“To let me know he was on his way to Site 6. Some workers found our little prize package, the beacon went off, and set everything in motion. Since the communication came in as it did, I can rightly assume that Mr. Lorenz knows, as does Jackson.”

Rick sat silently for a moment as ‘Site 6’ hit him. After another few moments he stood and grabbed the bottle of cognac and refilled his glass along with Lucius’. He sat back down and took another pull from the glass.

“Li is already enroute there, Lucius,” he said. “She took the Captain’s Yacht and a crew with her to meet with some of Holbridge’s group for damage control. I haven’t heard from them since they left, but barring anything else she is to retrieve...the package and return her for safe keeping.”

“She what?” Lucius sat up straight, frowning. There were a few beats of silence, then he lifted his glass. “I shouldn’t be surprised. She was brought on board this mess when she was teamed up with Jackson fresh out of the Academy. There was no way around it, since she would eventually notice his lack of aging. I assume Dae is monitoring the situation?”

“He is, and to be honest, I don’t really like being in the dark about their progress.” Leaning back and looking at the ceiling, he added, “I started this mess. I should be out there with them.”

Lucius took a drink and nodded. “I can understand the sentiment. It’s our girl out there, along with our crew. But you know the drill. Dae would be required to remind us that our place is here in case all hell breaks loose. Besides, things could go easy and they can slip in and out without trouble. Maybe.”

Rick drained his glass. “I wish things were ever that easy for us.”

“As Jackson would say, no shit.” Lucius finished his cognac and refilled the glasses. “And I am going to declare right here that this does not make us old men, fit only to sit in offices. Well, I’m not old.” He smiled, finally, a real one, as he looked at Rick.

“Heh, you’re falling apart, man.” Rick decided to slow a bit on the drink but Lucius always had some good alcohol. “Well, for my part, I guess I should make sure the station’s defenses are up to snuff, just in case this does go south. Who knows who might come snooping if word happens to get out about it.”

“That is the next step, yes.” The beep of the comm interrupted him. “On speaker,” he ordered the computer.

“Admirals, Commander Nalas here.”

“You had better have some good news for me,” Rick intoned.

“You want me to lie?” Dae answered.

Lucius gave Rick a concerned look. “Give us the news, Dae.”

“Li has informed me they will be reaching Site 6 soon. Ronin has made contact and will reach them within the hour. There is one issue, however.”

“Shit,” Rick hissed. “Who knows?”

“No one outside those intended, but she has reported Dominion ships moving towards Site 6.”

“Do they expect to get Lorenz and crew out before they arrive?” Lucius was sitting upright on the edge of his seat now.

“I do not know yet, but I expect an update soon,” Dae answered. Frustration was audible in his voice, even over the comm channel.

“And we had better be the very next people you notify, before you even take another breath after hearing from them,” Rick prompted. His game face was on now, and he knew Dae could feel it through the computer. “If Li says anything even remotely hinky we’ll dispatch ships to the area, if need be.”

“Agreed.” Dae’s response was immediate. “I have an...uh….associate that I have dispatched in case they need the help. Ronin is in a decent ship, courtesy of Mr. Holbridge, so he can provide backup. I’d rather they make a quick exit to avoid loss of cargo and possible loss of life that would come from direct confrontation.”

“Agreed. I’d rather they get the cargo out clean than attempt a confrontation that may result in a loss.” He huffed loudly and dumped the rest of the cognac down his throat. So much for slowing down. “Anything else?”

“No, sirs. I’ll report as soon as I know something.”

The channel closed with a soft beep and Lucius grumbled. “At least the crew out there is a good one, plus Dae’s ‘associate’. I think it’s time we got to Ops.”

Rick stood and returned the glass to its proper place. “Of all the shitten, raggedy-ass, fucking luck, THIS would fall into our laps, Lucius. I never would have thought I’d ever hear about this again. And now…”

He could feel his hand squeezing the glass and forced himself to take some calming breaths, lest he owe Lucius a replacement. And from what he could tell, the entire set was crazy expensive.

Turning to face his friend, he closed his eyes and straightened his uniform. “Okay. Let’s sort this shit out.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself. We can decide what to do with the cargo once they are home.“ Lucius ordered the lights out and then they departed.


Statler & Waldorf


Admirals Wegener & Hawke

& Gonzo (Lt. Commander Dae Nalas)


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