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A New Assignment

Posted on Wed Apr 8th, 2015 @ 6:27pm by Commander Worth Maxwell VIII & Captain James Warrington

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: SB900 - USS Ptolemy

* * * USS Ptolemy - Ready Room * * *

Worth had been enjoying his day off. A search of the market on the Promenade of the station had yielded two star charts of a new region of the Delta Quadrant - areas he hadn’t seen before. One of them showed an anomalous area that bore further investigation. However, a summons came through from Captain Warrington. The charts would have to wait. Five minutes later he was at the ready room door.

James sat reading over the space trials reports once again alongside their new mission brief. Seeing his XO at the door he stood and walked over opening it himself, “Worth thanks for coming so quickly. Just got a new briefing from Starfleet Command. Can I get you anything?” he asked as he moved to get himself another coffee.

“Tea, just black, thanks.” He crossed to the chair before the desk and had a seat. “How’s your day been James?”

The Captain brought the tea and coffee over setting them on the desk, staying quiet till he sat. “Well you know me. Report after report to give on how the Ptolemy has performed. Seems Starfleet isn’t happy with ‘It just works’. Yourself?”

“Relaxing for a change.” Worth sipped his tea, then set the cup down. “Do you know, there’s this shop on the Promenade on station, it’s the strangest little place. Seems to have a bit of everything in it. And the girl working there? Andorian and her outfit is just blinding. But this tiny old woman brought out two star charts that were just the perfect thing for my collection. Delta Quadrant areas we’ve not been yet.”

“Oh really?” James said tilting head head a bit. “Things like that should be snapped up by the base staff when they appear. A pity we won’t get to check them out if they do. New orders,” he informed his XO sliding the padd towards him. “We’ve been ordered back through the wormhole. to the Cardassian Border. Starfleet feels a little show of force in the area for a few weeks wouldn’t hurt.”

Worth raised an eyebrow. “Cruising along the DMZ? That’s brazen, and likely to get a response. Does this have anything to do with the dead one found on 900?”

“Heck if I know. It almost seems like someone is trying to provoke them by putting us there. But I suppose this is a double edged sword when your ship is this capable.” He drained the last of his coffee cup. “I don’t know why but we aren’t even there and I have a bad feeling. Too much of that probably,” he joked nodding at the empty cup.

“I don’t know, James,” Worth answered. “We’ve been at this long enough that I never discount bad feelings. It’s saved me more than once.” He picked up the padd and scanned the orders. “Interesting.”
Nodding, “Haven’t we all. What’s interesting?” he asked curious.

“Seems coincidental and I don’t believe in coincidence.” Worth passed the padd back to James. “Not ever. Especially when it concerns a situation this touchy.”

“Well coincidental it may be but we don’t have a choice. I’ve ordered the crew back on board and since we are fully stocked already since well, we haven’t done much I plan to leave in about two hours. Sound like a plan?” The Captain asked knowing it should be fine.

“Make it four. We have some new crew coming on and I’d like to get them situated before we depart. Specifically, medical, tactical, a few others. If we’re going to the DMZ, we’ll need the hands in case things turn bad.” Worth finished his tea and set the cup aside.

“Righteo four it is then. Handle their welcomes and what not for me. I’m going to visit a friend on 900 before we go. I’ll meet them on the bridge and give them a chance to make a first impression doing something rather than looking awkward in my office.” James stood and walked to the door Opening it for Worth. “Enjoy,” he added with a grin.

“Thanks. We’ll see you there at 2100 hours. Nothing like a redeye flight.” Worth waved him off, then stood as well. He certainly hoped that whoever sent those orders knew what they were doing.

* * * Sickbay - USS Ptolemy * * *

Dara stood in the middle of the receiving area of Sickbay aboard the Ptolemy and took a good, slow look around. She had to admit it was impressive, just like the Ptolemy itself. Everything here seemed to be brand, spanking new and she liked that. Liked it a lot. The space was large, with several corridors branching off and leading to other rooms, labs, storage areas and an operating theatre. They’d spread main Sickbay out over an entire deck instead of splitting it to two and added two satellite medical offices in other locations. It was a great setup. Moving over to a panel on the wall, she brought up the schematic of her space and studied it for a few minutes, getting familiar with the layout. Yes, this would do nicely.

Behind her the doors whooshed open. She turned to see a tall man enter. He had dark hair and eyes that, thanks to their shape, gave him a rather exotic look. Below a broad smile, three gold pips shone from his collar and indeed, he had a straight, military carriage.

“Dr. Sahli?”

“Yes. You must be Commander Maxwell.” She stepped forward and offered her hand. “A pleasure to meet you.” Wow, was he tall. At least compared to her.

Worth shook her hand and smiled, an unexpectedly sunny one. “The pleasure is all mine, and welcome to the Ptolemy.” He motioned to the room around them. “And your new spread, as Captain Warrington calls it.”

Dara smiled in return. “Well, it’s a great ‘spread’. I”ve not had time yet to check the satellite medical installations, but I’ll do that this afternoon.”

“We’re due to leave in four hours, so if there’s anything you might need or that’s missing, you have a little time to get to Piper and they can get it for you.” Worth noted her back on the floor by the wall and what appeared to be a smooth, metal box about eighteen inches square with a handle on the side. “I see you have just arrived. What’s that?” He indicated the box.

Dara laughed at the question. “Let me show you.” She lifted the box, which was light enough for her to carry in one hand. “Come.”

She led the way down a corridor and into an examining room. Worth followed, now curious. He watched as she approached the biobed and instantly understood. Her small size, compared to the biobed was something of a mismatch. Dara set down the box, then hopped up on top.


Worth’s smiled returned. “Indeed I do. If you’d rather, engineering can adjust that.”

“No need, it’s fine.” Dara stepped down and led the way back to the reception area.

Worth moved on past her, but stopped at the door. “Dinner in the Captain’s mess once we are underway? 1800 hours?”

“Oh yes, of course. Thank you.”

“See you then.” Worth nodded and stepped through the doors, leaving Dara alone.

She immediately got to work. She only had four hours, and then...dinner.

Captain James Warrington
USS Ptolemy
“Getting the Heebie Jeebies”

Commander Worth Maxwell VIII
Welcoming Committee

Lt. Dara Sahli
Settling In


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