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Dogfight Part 2: More Preparation

Posted on Thu Jul 21st, 2011 @ 11:59pm by Major Patrick Smith

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Bounty Hunter Wardroom

The Bounty Hunters, an interceptor squadron that could trace its lineage back to the 20th century's first aircraft carrier, Langley. And they were proud of it. With their Valkyries shiny and ready to roll they filled into the wardroom for a briefing from the CAG.

"First things first. The Vampires are flying the new MkIII Redemptions. This means they are almost as manoeuvrable as us and are faster than normal. So treat them like you would a Valkyrie. Stay close and watch their patterns. They would be as good at dodging as us." A few nodding heads from the pilots. "Next thing. If your following them do not disengage. If Holbridge's record is anything to go by they will turn and power after you."

Patrick turned and pulled up the range map on the screen. Pointing out where he planned to spring the ambush and hide his Valkyries. Right in the centre of the plan was one ship sitting by itself. The bait. Closing behind would be two more Valkyries keeping their profile low by using the asteroids as cover. And lastly his ace in the hole. The quantum torpedo Launchers. "Remember about your torpedo's guys. They are something we have that they don't. And feel free to use them. They will be careful not to get locked on as a hit will pretty much end their fight. AND. Your aft phaser. Use it well and don't forget about it. Dismissed. Stay sharp and don't back down."

Patrick and the pilots left for their craft. As the Ambushers they would get into position before hand. Walking onto the flight deck he spotted 5 of his Valkyries with different pods attached to the centre. He had had them refitted with an extra phaser emittter instead of the torpedo launchers as they were lighter and thus offered better speed and manoeuvrability. The real Ace up his sleeve. That and the extra podds under his own wings that would usually be kept for fuel or torpedoes. Walking over to his Jet black fighter with its blood read command striping he climbed the ladder and jumped in, pulling the cockpit close behind him.

He activated his radio and with all the confidence of normality asked for clearence for the flight. "Tower Blackhawk, Bounty Hunter flight ready for departure. Requesting clearance and Bearing to range."

Blackhawk Tower Permission granted and bearing to range is zero-four-niner, mark two-one-six, range 300,000 km.

"Bounty Hunter One to Vampire One, how copy?"

"I can barely read you, Horta breath! Boost yer gain!" Jim replied, insulting the commander of the Bounty Hunters good-naturedly.

Ah, such wit from a poor soul in a flying junkyard. Did you get the intakes flushed before you came here?

"This new ship has a few new surprises! I'll let you see em up close and personal." Jim said.

Let's make it interesting the losers, you guys, buy my guys dinner when we win.

"I'll do ya one better, you flying fuckups can treat us to a night of drunkenness at the Nexus Club." Jim replied.

Yer on, asshole Bounty Hunter One out!

Patrick laughed. Good to see the Bounty Hunters CO and the Vampires getting along. As CAG he was part of whichever squadron that needed him... or he wanted to join and he had joined in with the Bounty Hunters as Bounty Hunter two. So while he would be calling the shots Bounty hunter One was still Jim's point of contact. Toggling his radio button he gave the orders they had been waiting for. "Alrite guys you know the drill. Move to ambush positions and assume minimal power settings. Lets do this."


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