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Reassigning the Marines

Posted on Wed Apr 22nd, 2015 @ 7:41pm by Major General John Thompson & Captain James Warrington & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Admiral Wegener's Office
Timeline: Current

Warrington left from his meeting with Worth and headed over to 900’s diplomatic quarters. Arriving at the right door he buzzed and was quickly let in, being greeted by the rather too young to be a Major General Thompson.

“James to what do I owe the pleasure?” John asked.

“Oh well yeno, Ptolemy is shipping out and figured I would come along and thank you for the help you’ve given over our stay out here in the Delta Quadrant,” Warrington replied taking a seat on one of the sofas.

“Ah yes I heard. Cardassian border. Ouch. Is someone in command expecting a war soon?”

“Boy I sure hope not. Though if they aren’t deploying us there is certainly going to make the Cardassians think so,” James said pondering inwardly the possibility of having to actually use his ships guns.

John sat on the edge of another chair with a similar look, “Well once they see the Ascension class in action once they won’t try it a second time. When do you leave?”

“A little over three hours. I actually came here to see if you needed a lift back through. With your work here done I figured you might want to travel back in style for your next assignment,” he offered.

The Marine chuckled, “Boy if that were the case. Nope Admiral Wegener has asked me to meet him shortly about something. While he didn’t give specifics I suspect it might be to do with the increased marine presence filling up the garrisons. Colonies don’t protect themselves you know.”

James smiled, “Well then that would be a nice permanent post for you for a while if that’s the case. You should meet Smith the chief flyboy. Good kid. Helped out the Melbourne a while back. One hell of a flier as well. Heck maybe even better than you,” he joked.

John stood up feigning outrage, “Better than me? I doubt that very much. But now I’m going to have to find out aren't I.”

“Why yes you are. But don’t go easy on him, trust me on that. Oh and give him a beating for me as well. His pilots have spent our entire trip here buzzing the Ptolemy. It’s like the ship is some damned tourist attraction,” James added frowning.

“Ha sure thing James. Listen I have to go meet the Admiral. I’ll cya around.”

“Sure thing John. I need to go make sure we haven’t left anyone behind this time,” James said indicating a story behind that remark.

Thompson looked after him shaking his head wondering what poor junior rank had got left behind and what he had done to deserve it before following Warrington out.

* * * * *

Admiral Wegener's Office
Deck 6

Rick had been waiting for Thompson's arrival and was happy to see him arrive right on time. He shook his hand and showed him to one of the large, cushy chairs in front of his desk, where he almost ritually sat with people he would be working closely with.

"General, thanks for coming," Rick said as they sat. "Mind if I call you John?"

"Of course go ahead Admiral. So what can I do for you?" John asked. "I assume it's not to have a friendly chit chat."

"No," Rick replied, "and call me Rick. I've spoken with Marine Command and requested someone be assigned to 900 with a little more weight in rank. You were in the area and they agreed to assign you as the Marine CO here." He slid a PADD from his desk and handed it over to Thompson. "Here's the makeup of the current units on the station. With the size of them, you'll understand why I needed a more senior officer to take charge."

"Well that makes sense." John spent a moment skimming over the padd. "Looks like someone is expecting trouble sometime soon. "What can you tell me about the CAG and Marine CO currently in place? Smith apparently likes to fly... lively."

"Colonel Harris is pretty much a 'by the book' Marine. No incidents of note that I'm aware of. Major Smith is, well, as you said, lively, but still a good marine. I don't get much time with either of them but I read the reports regularly. I just don't think that a light Colonel or a Major is qualified to run the whole shebang."

"That's good to hear. I'll get to know them better as soon as I can anyway. Am I free to run these departments pretty much myself or would you like any rank changes swung by you first?"

Rick shook his head. "No, the marines are your baby now. I'll just need the regular reports like every other department. I've never been a marine so you know their needs better than anyone."

"Well, I'll need an XO. Was thinking about Colonel Harris, someone to give me the foot soldier view to match my piloting background." He rubbed his chin, "Know anyone down there fit enough to take over the day to day command?"

"I think Harris would be a good choice for your XO," Rick said as he took back the PADD he'd given to Thompson. "And it appears that he fits the criteria for a promotion to Colonel if you were so inclined. That may actually be better if you were to promote him as your XO. And, speaking of moving Harris, I have a potential idea for his replacement in the 3rd regiment." He tapped the PADD a few times and handed it back to Thompson.

John looked over Lorenz's info on the Padd. "Well he certainly seems capable. Let's hope the year out playing without the usual rules hasn't turned him into a do whatever he wants kind of guy. As for Harris's promotion window I'll decide once I talk to him to see if it's him I really want first. But I trust you on this when you say he is a good choice."

"Sounds like a plan," Rick said with a smile, even though it was forced due to information he'd recently learned about being under investigation for...something. "I have to say, I'm happy you're here. Like I mentioned earlier, I don't know much about the marines and have just been letting Harris and Smith do their own thing while essentially just treating them like the other departments on station. They've both kept excellent records and I have zero complaints about their regular reports."

"Excellent. I'll let you know if there is anything I need but I have a feeling I'm going to have a busy day, so I'll let us both get back to work. That is if there is nothing else?" John asked standing.

Rick also stood and shook his hand. "That's all I have. And thanks again for coming in. I know you were 'volun-told' to take this position, but I think they picked the right man for the job."

"Volun-told. I must remember that one," John said leaving the office.

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Happy to Delegate


Major General John Thompson
Latest Victim of the Volun-told Campaign


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