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Heading Off The Radar

Posted on Tue Apr 21st, 2015 @ 9:34pm by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant JG Phoebe Chaelt & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana

Mission: Breaking New Ground

* * * Deck 33 - Intel * * *

Li hitched the strap of her bag back up on her shoulder and stepped into the turbolift. Packing for this trip hadn't taken long - no uniforms, just field clothes used to cover the weapons that filled most of the space in the bag. She entered the code that allowed access to Deck 33 and as the lift began to descend, it occurred to her that she was back to her old habits. Go on a mission, come home, shower, sleep for a night if she was lucky and take off again the next day. It was precisely this life that had made her such a loner in her days post-academy, days when she had a life she couldn't share with Rhys, back when she thought he was still the good man he appeared to be.

That had changed, she reflected, along with her whole life. She was now the XO of a starbase and had given up field work except in special cases and this was a very special case. Li could understand Darwin's urge to come with them or send Gilroy. He had been with Li on the alternate 900 and had a better idea than most of what the original Suresh represented for her and for Oz. This time it was personal and Li recognized the internal switch of hers that flipped from 'Li' to operative. This time there would be no escape, no disappearing act.... mercy....

The words whispered into her mind, an echo of days gone by when she'd faced down Rhys who had been determined to end her life in a sealed-off section of Jeffries tube on the Berkeley. Darwin had been there that time, she recalled. She owed him. And having an even number in the field was tactically sound. Pressing her comm badge, she asked Oz to inform Darwin. Now, the current Suresh slipped into her thoughts. She did have concerns about throwing him into this but he had a stake in it too. Besides, he might be useful along the way.

Still thinking like an operative...

The lift doors slid open on the main floor of Intel and immediately Lt. Chaelt's voice sounded.

"Captain on deck!" Intel staff hurried out from their various places and stood waiting.

"At ease, all of you, and back to whatever you were doing. All of you except Lt. Chaelt and Chief Edana."

The staff returned to the various rooms, leaving Li with Phoebe. Chief Edana moved forward, silent as usual. Where Li was small, Edana was an Orion powerhouse and an infiltration expert. She'd had Edana at her side several times and the woman never failed to strike fear into any that meant to do them harm.

"Captain Hawke," Edana greeted Li as she reached them. "Long time no see."

"Always a pleasure, Edana." Li motioned to Dae's office. "I need just a few minutes." Phoebe led the way in and Edana closed the door behind them. "No need to sit as I have little time. Edana, I need a small vessel, non-fleet. Something that doesn't look all that impressive but can get me out of trouble should the need arise. Get it supplied, provisions for four, and ready to go in two hours."

"Aye, sir," Edana responded and hurried out of the office. She was curious but as Li hadn't offered her any explanation, and had clearly intended for her to get busy, she asked no questions.

Li now turned back to Phoebe. "As I said, we are leaving in two hours. Right now, however, I need you to get a message to Jake on Nelvana III. Use the secondary channels. Tell him there was a prison break on Elba II and we'll be arriving in his area in twenty-four hours. Tell him we will need the bloodhounds to start sniffing, starting near Elba and spreading out. Got that?"

"Consider it done." Phoebe sat behind Dae's desk and began to work at the terminal. "This will take a little while considering the route, but should be to Jake just before you go. I'll send confirmation to the ship - personally via Edana."

"Thanks." Li picked up her bag from its place by the doors. "We'll report back...if we can and I want you to keep Lt. Gilroy in the loop. Otherwise, this goes no further than the three of us."

"Understood. And Li? Good luck. No mercy."

Li nodded and hurried back to the turbolift.

No mercy....

Captain Li Hawke
Back Down The Rabbit Hole

Lt. Phoebe Chaelt
Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana
Getting Things Done


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