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All Our Tomorrows (Part 7)

Posted on Mon Apr 13th, 2015 @ 4:41pm by Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Alternate Universe
Timeline: Thirty years in the future

***** USS Sybil Sickbay *****

“In any other case I would recommend total rest.” The holomed stated sternly as he passed the medical tricorder over him “Of course it is not in my power forcing such an option on a patient, as I’m only the holographic medical program. Still I would strongly advise to avoid any kind of exertion, no matter how little, lest incurring into… Unwanted complications” a slight nod of the head signalling the end of the doctor’s tirade.

“In any other case I would consider precious the medic’s opinion” Patrick replied rising to sit on the bio-bed, not without effort “But current circumstances are forcing me to do, at least, a certain kind of activity. You know well that I have no future here, my candle dwindling”

“On that you’re right” The holomed replied with a rudeness borne of machine efficiency “At least advantage yourself with help from some crewmember.” The doctor insisted preparing the hypospray. A slight grimace passed over Patrick’s face when the drug was injected into his arm.

“Fortunately Mr. Biko and his team have proven most helpful I have nothing to complain”

Standing on his feet Patrick reached for the walking stick and nodded to the doctor “Thank you for everything. I’ll be on my way now to engineering. With a bit of luck I’ll be home before supper as they say”.

***** Engineering Department *****

Once in engineering department Patrick committed himself into overseeing all preparations for is jump back to his own reality. With satisfaction he had to admit that Biko had been most zealous in the activity. He had arranged a team to be sent over to the Ialnalyn station under the task of reactivation of the projector following up with a thorough test session of the equipment there to avoid any surprise.
The main deflector had been modified as per Patrick instructions and the ship’s computer linked to the one of the Ialnalyn station... At last, it seemed everything was ready to start.

During the operative phase Faye had briefly visited engineering and listened to Biko’s reports and to Patrick’s own insights on the matter. Not that he ever doubted that but he had once more confirmation that she was greatly respected by the crew.

Now that the hour of his return back to his own world was near Patrick still felt a languor. A sensation he couldn’t readily identify but that extended itself over his thoughts like a shadow. Was that guilt? And for what? He wasn’t himself responsible for all that happened to Faye, another person in his place could have easily trashed the whole situation of her life with a shrug of the shoulders... But definitely that wasn’t like him.

“I think we’re through with any aspect of the operation. We should move to the bridge now and have a final test run before proceeding”

Biko’s voice brought him suddenly back to the here and now interrupting the flurry of thoughts storming through his mind.

“Yes, of course.” Patrick replied quickly recovering composure and nodding to the engineer.

“This way please, if you will” Biko smiled.

The reserve of good mood seemed inexhaustible in the young engineer. Patrick felt relieved that his… That Faye could count on people like him.

***** USS Sybil - Bridge *****

“We are ready to proceed with the experiment, Captain” Patrick said addressing Faye while Biko nodded in confirmation.

“Well, there’s no need to wait longer then, go ahead” She replied with a slight wave of the hand.

Patrick went to a science station and typed all necessary commands as Biko did the same from the engineering console. In a few moments all indicators blinked green as the set parameters were met one by one. In the process Patrick choose to ignore the sideways glances cast him by Steiner brooding at the Tactical station.

“Now, by issuing the last command, the projector on the station will start emitting its beam in the same pattern it did so much time ago when I was subject to the incident… And in few instants the anomaly should present itself again. While the anomaly grows and stabilizes I’ll move to the transport room to be teleported inside, it is better to do that from a pad rather than site-to-site, and hopefully… The trick will be done”

“Is that safe?” Faye asked concerned.

“We tried everything we could beforehand and we had a great number of tests, so far successful” Patrick responded nodding to Biko “I deem it safe enough. In any case choosing is easier when you do not have a choice... As it seems to be my case”

“Of course” Faye smiled bitterly “We can’t be choosy right now… Shall we start?”

Her words were still lingering in the air when the entire ship shook with force sending most of them sprawling to the floor.

The red alert lights and klaxons started their call as the shadow of a starship passed close on the screen consoles sparkling all around.

“All stations report!” Faye cried out regaining her seat.

“We’ve been hit!” Came Steiner’s response “A ship decloaked very close and discharged a torpedo on us. A plasma one”

“Starboard nacelle heavily damaged. We can’t attain warp speed.” Biko said following up Steiner’s report frantically typing on his console.

Patrick regained his feet helped by a crewman as Faye started issuing all necessary orders “All hands. To battle stations. We are under attack”

“Incoming transmission from the enemy vessel, Captain” The Conn officer called out.

“On screen” Faye stood from the seat, lips tightening, as the face of a Thanatoksin appeared on the screen “Explain the reason for this attack…” She started to say but the adversary rudely cut her short:

“This is Thanatoksin territory and our people aren’t friends of Federation as you should well know. Your ship has made numerous incursions in our territory in recent times. We’ve observed you and bided our time... We deem your presence here a hostile intrusion that will be punished with your destruction” The Thanatoksin grinned a last time as he vanished from the screen.

“I told you that he was a spy. He got us into a trap.” Steiner growled at Patrick’s address.

“Stop this nonsense. Shields up. And get a full analysis of our opponent” Faye ordered.

“It’s a small ship, similar to B’rel class, mounting a kind of plasma torpedo similar to the one in possession of Romulans about a century ago. Very powerful albeit slow in recharging.” Biko responded as he scanned the space around the ship. “They’ve cloaked again”

“Next time we see them will be our last. We have no warp speed so we cannot disengage.... We are forced to fight. Arm phasers and quantum torpedoes” Faye stated gravely her hands twitching. “Give full impulse at least we’re going to make them sweat.”

“Wait…” Patrick dared “Maybe we can avoid a full scale battle”

Steiner raked him with a glance of withering scorn “And what should we do? Surrender? Or Self-destruct to make them save time?”

“We can try to use a trick. Especially regarding the kind of weapon they’re using. It’s old and limited in it’s use” Patrick retorted “You’ll have to renounce to your Wainrider shuttle though.” He ended nodding to Faye

“That would be a small price to pay if I can save my crew. What would be the plan?”

“Giving their torpedo something to chase… A ‘wild weasel’ “ Patrick moved to Biko console “We don’t have much time. Let me explain briefly in detail…”

***** Aboard the Thanatoksin Raider ship *****

The helm swiveled toward the Captain “Commander the Federation ship has engaged full impulse they’re making a run for it.”

A cruel smile lined the lips of the Thanatoksin captain “They can’t warp with damage we did to their engines and at full impulse they cannot disengage from us. Pursue them.”

Nodding the helmsman returned to the controls tapping the desired command.

“Is the torpedo charged?” The captain asked after an instant.

“Plasma torpedo ready to fire, captain” a voice behind him responded.

“Very good. Close the distance, decloak and fire “

***** USS Sybil *****

“The echo is now at one-hundred thousands kilometers and closing, it must be them” Steiner advised.

“Let’s proceed with the plan… Be ready at my mark.” Faye replied turning to the side she regarded her engineer in a mute question.

“Shuttle charged and ready to take off” Biko stated giving the desired response.

“Forty thousands kilometers and closing. Sheesh… They really want to be sure” Steiner commented feverishly keeping tabs on the echo.

Patrick pursed his lips in some inward consideration and looked over to the captain’s seat where Faye stood, alone, in what is considered to be the most dreaded exam a CO can undergo, being locked with his ship in deadly battle with all the lives of the crew on her shoulders. She looked cold and determined, her tension betrayed only by the way she clenched the armrests.

Again Patrick felt concern for this would-be daughter... He had instructed her and her staff with the plan the best he could… Now everything was in her hands and should it have turned out for the worse no one would have the time to regret.

“Thirty thousands klicks… Decloaking!” Steiner called out

All the eyes were on the screen where the Thanatoksin vessel materialized from nowhere. For an instant the enemy ship was fully visible, stars streaking by, then a blinding light hid it from view.

“Torpedo incoming!” Steiner said.

“Now!” Faye ordered slamming the fist on the armrest “Emergency deceleration. Brace yourselves!”

All of them barely kept their positions as inertial dampeners were put to unprecedented strain while the ship came almost to a full stop, the torpedo tailing them on the screen becoming greater and greater.

“High-energy turn and release the shuttle!”

Faye cried out to both the helm and Biko who deftly accomplished the instructions. Again the entire structure of the ship groaned as it revolved one-hundred-eighty degrees to bring frontal tubes to bear, while the wainrider, leaving bay, started its doomed run away from the Sybil who still drifted backwards at considerable speed.

The torpedo covered the entire screen now, all their hearts missed a beat watching the ball of plasma closing on them for an interminable instant its brightness almost unbearable. Then it sank away from view like a setting sun as the torpedo locked on the small shuttle scuttling away. Changing its direction just in time to pass a few hundred meters from the ship’s hull.

“It worked! Fire at will Mr. Steiner” Faye bellowed standing from the seat as all the frustration and fears were now relieved. The four frontal-arc tubes discharged in rapid succession unloading their deadly ordnance.

All the people on the bridge kept their breath as they watched the brilliant blue-white torpedoes screaming their way to the target.

***** Thanatoksin Raider ship *****

The Thanatoksin captain half-raised from the seat beholding, incredulous, the entire scene on the screen.

“What the f…”

He barely had the time to say, before the quantum torpedoes connected with their objective.

Patrick Leroy
SB900 CSO Abroad


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