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The End Of An Era - Part II

Posted on Sun Apr 12th, 2015 @ 11:08pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Jackson Banning V & James Holbridge & Major David Lorenz & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Admiral Hawke's Office

Jackson watched as Oz walked back down the corridor, leaving him in Admiral Hawke's outer office. It was quiet and he noticed that Kai was nowhere to be seen. No surprise there, if this concerned what he thought it did. Behind him, the doors opened once more to admit Dr. Harding and Ronin.

Jackson looked them over, then smiled. "Shall we get this over with?"

"It's as good a time as any," Will answered and Ronin nodded.

"Very well. And I hope it doesn't take long. I got arrested by my wife and I haven't had dinner yet." Jackson turned and led the way inside to join the others.

* * *

"Howdy boys, you have enough of that whiskey to share with the class?" Ronin smiled as he joined the group. "It's been a long couple of days."

Dave and Jim looked at the new arrival, while Quentin poured another tumbler half-full. "Nothing but the best for this lot!"

David looked at Ronin and sighed. "You know it, bub. The three of us were just saying our fare-thee-wells."

Jackson and Harding joined the group and it was Jackson who spoke. "Fare thee wells? I thought Ro was the only one leaving."

"Nope. I am going back to my home-world to become my asshole brother's guard captain, a post I have avoided for nearly thirty years!"

"Arjem Lorenz is not someone I would place in Vulcan's Tantric Hall Of Ancient thought!" Holbridge added dryly.

"My sympathies, bro." Jackson patted Dave on the back.

"It has been good to have you back around, all of you." Dr. Harding smiled. "Next time, I vote we go to a strip club instead of this. It'll be more fun."

Behind him, the doors opened and Lucius entered. "My apologies for running late gentlemen. We have two admirals visiting unexpectedly. Now then, let's get down to business as I'm sure all of you are anxious to go clean up and eat dinner." He paused a moment, looking at all of them. "You have my gratitude, just as you did last time. Let's hope that we don't have to do this again. Most of you will go back to your regular positions or your civilian jobs. The cargo has been dealt with, hopefully for the last time."

"Admiral, we have all heard that line of shit before, let's just hope the silly bitch stays hidden!" Dave grinned.

"I could not agree more, Mr. Lorenz. I just wanted to meet with you all together and say thank you once again. Ronin, your transport leaves in twenty minutes. Mr. Harrison, you have a job if you want to come back to the Fleet. As for the rest of you, except you, Mr. Lorenz, you are dismissed."

"Color you important, Davey-boy!" Quentin grinned as he left. "I'll tell the driver to hold yer carriage, Yer Nibs! The answer to yer question, Lucius, is there's no way in the pit o' Hades I'll e'er work for the Fleet again!" Quentin laughed as he exited the room.

Lucius smiled, expecting Quentin's answer. "There are days I feel the same, Quentin. " He rubbed his hands together. "Enjoy your evening." Once the rest had gone, he turned to Dave. "Do you share Quentin's sentiment?"

"Sir, are you hinting at me returning to the Corps? I was under the impression that Colonel Westerman had sealed my fate when he torpedoed my promotion to full bird," Dave looked thunderstruck as he poured another glass of the whiskey and handed a tumbler to the admiral, then gunned the liquor down.

"Thank you." Lucius sipped the whiskey and smiled appreciatively. "I have made the suggestion to Admiral Wegener. You will need to meet with him to discuss it but from what I heard of your actions this time around, you were instrumental in seeing this rodeo through to the end. Well done."

"Thank you, sir." Dave was still stunned at the thought of returning home to the Corps. "I did the best I could with what I had."

"That's all we can ever do, Dave," Lucius answered. "The best we can. Now go, relax and enjoy your evening, You've earned it."

"Done!" Dave came to attention and left the room smartly, almost seeming to fall into a thirty-inch step.


David Lorenz
Once And Future Marine'

Jim Holbridge
Free Bird

Quentin Harrison
Pickled Pigeon

Shipping Out...He Thinks

Dr. William Harding

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Part-time Spy
The Nexus Club

Admiral Lucius Hawke
Putting The Secret To Rest


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