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Plus One

Posted on Sun Apr 19th, 2015 @ 3:23pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: USS Hammond / Leroy Quarters

* * * USS Hammond / Leroy Quarters * * *

Now that the baby was fed and asleep once more, and under Iggy’s watchful eye, Kh’ali left the bedroom and decided to try Patrick again to see if she could reach him in person. He’d been out of communication range since he’d left and it had worried her. At least she could leave another message. She stopped in the small kitchen for a snack, glad to be out of sickbay finally, and carried the food to the desk. Once seated, she opened a channel to Patrick, trying home on 900 this time.

Patrick exited the shower and donned some easy clothes the words of Dr. Harding still lingered in his mind and he felt the need to relax a little and reflect with care to all that was happened him lately. He wanted… No, he needed to hear Kh’ali’s voice for too much time and hardships had kept him away from her. Still he didn’t know how to get all what happened to him explained without worrying her.

=^= Incoming call from Starship Hammond Commander =^= a voice through intercom advised him.

A small sigh escaped Patrick’s mouth. Well no planning ahead it seems.

“Acknowledged. Send it through.” He responded to the Ops as he turned the monitor on, in a matter of instants Kh’ali’s face appeared:

“Patrick?” The appearance of his face in the terminal surprised her. He was home! “How are you? Is everything alright?”

“”Kh’ali!” He exclaimed relief evident in his voice. “It’s been such a long time.” The smile he showed was genuine still clashed with the expression in his eyes. “Yes everything’s alright…”

“A couple weeks doesn’t seem that long…” she joked even if observing more attentively now. “And I know you too well. What happened? Tell me, then we can talk about our new arrival.” Concern filled her voice now. Something was off and she knew it.

“The voyage to the Ialnalyn has been comfortable was the staying with them until the experiment. Their apparatus and the technologies behind it weren’t attuned at their optimum and there have been… Unforeseen consequences.” He lowered his eyes with the last words and paused searching for better way to explain. “An anomaly ensued and it seems my body still retained a quantity of Chroniton particles…”

He looked up then to meet Kh’ali’s gaze “I’ve been thrown in the alternate universe but this time with a weird twist to it.” Perceiving growing anxiety in Kh’ali’s expression he hastened to conclude “Don’t worry. I’m back now and that’s all that matters. Dr. Harding has turned me like a glove and my body hasn’t suffered any ill consequence. When you’re back I’ll tell you all.”

“Is he sure?” Alarm filled her expression and her voice. “You know what that can do….” She fell silent a moment, looking back at him. “But I’ll have to take Will’s word for it. And you will tell me everything when I get there, which shouldn’t be long. I...I’m sorry you missed the arrival.” Her voice softened with those words.

“Tell me about it,” he urged her hoping to whisk away her worries for a moment. “I had to resort to imagination all the way back home.”

Kh’ali smiled finally. “Well, all things considered, it went well enough. You know the issues with the mixed species, and there were a few issues initially. But Dr. Mi took care of it and he’s stable now. All good, as she said. Iggy’s watching him while he sleeps.”

The thought sent a shiver running down Patrick’s spine mostly due to his natural revulsion for arachnids “S-she is watching him?” he asked just to be sure to have heard well.

Kh’ali nodded with a smile and Patrick knew there was little to do, in any case Ignatius had never proven ferocious, just extremely curious from her ‘awakening’.

“When is the Hammond due to dock at SB900 again?” he asked then full of hope. “I’ve been separated from you long enough. And I want to see our new arrival in person. By the way, Are we going to call him ‘new arrival’ for long?” he ended jokingly.

“We should be home tomorrow.” She laughed as she continued. “It’s interesting...Iggy can read what he is thinking. I can think of about, oh...every mother in history who would love to have that ability.” Now she nodded. “It’s been too long. I’ve missed you more than I care to say over this channel. As for the little one? How about naming him after our fathers?”

Patrick wrinkled his nose to the thought of giving his father this satisfaction, still he well knew that something like that would have been greatly expected from him and not abiding could have made his future days difficult…

“Seems a good idea but I would take time to consider it.” He smiled. “Perhaps we could name him after grandfathers? No matter I think we can work this out tomorrow when you’ll be here...The both of you, that is, safe.”

“I can’t wait to be home so I can make sure you’re alright myself. I’ll be taking a little time off too, so we’ll have time to look into what happened to you.” She looked relieved now as she held up her hand to the screen. “Till tomorrow.”

“I’m eager to comply… Bye” He laughed waving the hand in return.


Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Rushing Through The Stars

Patrick Leroy
Waiting For The Other Half Of The Sky


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