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To See And Be Seen

Posted on Sun Apr 19th, 2015 @ 4:25pm by Captain Li Hawke & Suresh & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Saturnalia - The Cherry Pit
Timeline: Following 'The Dumpling Protector' and Before "The Morning Report'

After leaving Oz and Jackson, Li realized she was too wound up to sleep. The thought of going home and staring at the ceiling didn’t thrill her. Where to? Maybe a walk would do her good, so she made her way to the Promenade. There would be something to do there, even if it was only people watch. As if in answer to the question, her comm badge beeped with a message code. Well, that was unusual. She stopped at a terminal near Palaxia’s and pulled up the message. Immediately, the tension returned, wrapping her tight. It was from Suresh.

Li, I need to see you immediately. Something that was missing has come back into my possession and it’s something that, by rights, you should have to do with what you will. Meet me at Saturnalia.

* * * Saturnalia * * *

As she stepped into the bar, the noise quieted for a moment. It wasn’t often the station XO showed down here, much less out of uniform. Li nodded to a few in passing, making her way to a table. A waitress took her order and hurried off. A few minutes later, Suresh entered, stopping to look the room over. Li was easily spotted and he noticed that even though the tables around her were full, the people at them didn’t intrude in her space. He watched as the waitress brought her drink and stayed to talk for a minute before moving away and leaving Li alone once more. He quickly crossed the room and settled into the chair beside her.

“Thank you for coming.”

She nodded slightly, turning her glass in her fingertips. “Of course, though I was surprised by your message.”

Suresh had noticed that particular nervous habit of hers earlier at Lao’s too, leaving him to believe she still was not at all comfortable around him. The realization bothered him and he wondered why, but there would be time to sort that out later. He reached out and gently pulled her hand from her glass, enclosing her fingers in his. He knew that those watching would likely think it a perfectly normal thing for ‘Suresh’ to do. He squeezed her hand, pressing the chip into her palm, but didn’t let her go.

“This was brought to me tonight. It looks to be some evidence against that prosecutor that He had removed before Security’s search. I thought Security might want it. The person responsible brought it to me, however, because there’s more than evidence on it.”

Li looked down at their joined hands, then to Suresh. “Let go.”

He shook his head. “In a moment, this is for appearances, Li.” His voice was soft and he leaned closer to her. “What’s on that chip are some images of you around the station and his journal. And that journal….” Suresh paused and shook his head. “No one should have that but you to destroy or whatever you want to do with it.”

“Why?” A growing unease flowed through Li now.

“You’ll see. Might I suggest that you don’t read it? It reveals a lot about you that perhaps you never knew he saw in you. A side that you don’t let people see.”

Her hand tensed in his, then she pulled it away and the chip with it. “And you read it?”

Suresh shook his head. “I skimmed the first few entries when I came across it, then closed it. It isn’t my journal to read.” But he knew he would have a hard time forgetting the words he had seen.

Li looked away from him as she took all this in, chaotic thoughts swirling in her mind. When she spoke, he had to lean even closer to hear. “Will I ever be free of him? Even gone, he’s still turning up in my life.”

“In time, I think you will be rid of that particular shadow. If I can help, I will.”

She studied his face, trying her best to see this Suresh and not that one. “I hope so.” She didn’t clarify which one she hoped for. Finally she stood to go, but hesitated as she looked from the chip in her hand then back to him.

“Thank you.”

Given the noise in Saturnalia, it was a silent thanks, nothing more than the movement of her lips, and then she left him. Suresh watched her go, letting his thoughts wander. A small piece of the puzzle suddenly clicked into place with surprising clarity. It wasn’t what he expected, however. The waitress brought a drink and he lifted it, nearly draining the glass.

“It’s been a while,.” The husky voice distracted him from his thoughts. Right close to the table a Bajoran, that he recalled from a previous affair not long ago, stood watching him. “Perhaps we have business to talk about?” The Bajoran insisted nodding to the empty seat in front of him.

“By all means.” Suresh motioned to the chair. “What business might that be? I understand Mr. Samuels has happily taken to space once more?”

“Perhaps, I’ve lost sight of him.” Eldren shrugged casually as if it was a thing of no importance. “I’m still interested in some ‘occasional work’ as we spoke some time ago. Funds running low and all that…”

“Are you?” Suresh lifted his drink, watching Eldren over the rim as he sipped it. “I could use a runner from time to time, but it will be occasional work. A little muscle now and then would come in handy if you don’t mind being on retainer and coming as needed.”

“Count me in.” Eldren replied looking around assessing for potential listeners or snoops, old habit never dying. “By the way…I see that your contacts have become quite high in rank.” Eldren grinned. “Am I wrong or that was Captain Hawke?”

“None other,” Suresh answered. He smiled as the old Suresh would have. “But she is more pleasure than business. You know her? Or of her, I take it?”

“Who does not know of the XO of this starbase?” Eldren laughed. “She’s also of the Intel department. I would be careful if I were you. I’ve come to hear that her father too is around here. Admiral Hawke that would be… Perhaps is time for a very low profile in businesses,” Eldren ended with a sneer.

Suresh shrugged. “I wouldn’t worry too much. I’m covered. After my last run-in with Security here, we’ve changed the business a little, made things a bit less obvious you might say. And who am I to turn away a lady like her?”

“I absolutely agree with you, who would?” Eldren replied a strange glint in his eyes. “I’m eager to conduct business with you and could also throw in some good advice in Intel matters and modus operandi if you take my meaning. Walked that trade time ago far away from here…”

“Did you now…” Suresh appeared curious as he watched Eldren. “In this stretch of space, that’s always useful.” He noted the gleam in Eldren’s eyes. “As for a woman like her? Let’s say I am selfish, but I can send one your direction that will take your breath away.”

“Don’t worry, I’m no rival. And for tonight I think I’ll save my breath,” Eldren replied standing from the table. “I’m around here often, if something comes up leave voice around and I’ll be here in no time”

“I will. Enjoy your evening.” Suresh watched as Eldren melted back into the crowd. Marebeth’s words about being careful came back to him and he had to admit, she was right. Someone in his stable like Eldren would be an excellent precaution indeed….as long as he remembered his place.


Captain Li Hawke
Still Seeing Shadows From The Past

Making Good On A Promise

Eldren Tohr
Sniffing The Trail


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