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Date Morning

Posted on Sun Apr 19th, 2015 @ 8:20pm by Camille Ross & Major Patrick Smith

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Camille's Quarters
Timeline: Current

**********Camille’s Quarters**********

Camille stretched as her eyes began to adjust to being used again. The long shifts in the Nexus were starting to take it out of her, but hopefully it wouldn’t be long until Jackson was back and things could return to a sense of normality in the club once again.

All she wanted to do was lie in bed as she had a later start than previous days, so she wanted to make the most of it. Just as she was about to roll over and begin another round of dreaming, she heard the chime to her door go. I swear this better be worth it or whoever is behind that door will be told where to go she thought to herself as she dragged herself out of bed and threw her dressing gown over her pj’s.

Getting to the door she was about to shoo away whoever was there, when she got a shock who was standing behind it.

“Surprise?” Pat said cheekily holding out the box of chocolates he had grabbed from the promenade on the way. “Got back a couple hours ago and figured you might wanna pick me up.”

Not being able to resist his smile, or the box of chocolates, Camille couldn’t help but smile back and give him a quick kiss, despite still being extremely sleepy.

“It’s like ye knew I started at the Nexus later than usual today,” she replied as she took Pat by the hand and led him to the sofa. “I’d love nothin’ more than a pick me up with my favourite person. What you got planned?” she inquired secretly hoping it would involve as little movement as possible.

“Well I figured that you’d be headed soon and wouldn’t be able to go far. Plus I’ve spent waaaay to long in a box with not a lot of comfort. So I’m thinking Sofa chocolate and movie.”

“It’s like ye read my mind Pat,” she said as she lunged forward and planted a kiss on him. “And I’ve got a good few hours before I have to be at the Nexus so that gives us plenty of time to watch a series of movies.” She said opening the box of chocolates and popping one in her mouth.

Pat grabbed one for himself. “I found these old animated films a while back. One you might like called Brave.”

“Oi,” she said tapping him on the back of the hand, “thought ye brought them for me,” she teased sticking her tongue out at him. “What’s Brave about?”

“Oi yourself. It’s about some silly wee scottish lassie,” He joked. “As for what else it’s about you’re going to have to wait and see.”

Camille gave Pat a glare that they both knew was her trying to look annoyed and failing badly. “Silly wee scottish lassie aye? Hope that’s nae a hint at me. Now c’mere and be my human pillow so she can share the chocolates.”

“Human pillow it is then,” he said as they snuggled into the sofa.

As Pat put on the movie, Camille felt a wave of tiredness come over her, and she was drastically trying to fight against it, but couldn’t help it as she was perfectly comfortable snuggled against Pat. The last clip she remembered was a battle between men for the lead character’s hand in marriage, before the red-headed lead stormed off...

********** A couple of hours later**********

Having watched the film and enjoyed it greatly, again, Pat looked at the now sleeping Camille beside him. With a poke in the ribs he woke her, “Sleepy head. You're gonna be late for work.”

Realising that the pain in her side was Pat poking her ribs, Camille started to come to. “Aww no!” she moaned, meaning it more about being woken up that missing the movie or being late for work.

As she sat up and stretched she turned back to give Pat a kiss. “Sorry I spoiled your date dear. I promise next time I won’t fall asleep on you. Unless there’s a bed involved in which I can’t make promises,” she called to him as she walked towards her room to get ready for work.

“I have no doubt you will try to stay awake.” He stood up and stretched. “I’ll leave you too it. I need to head down and meet some new boss thats starting today. Goodness only knows who he is gonna be.”

Coming back out in a bright red cocktail dress and matching heels, with her hair scraped back in a messy bun, Camille did a twirl for Pat. “Will I do?” She smirked knowing full well what his thoughts would be. “And don’t make it too long until I see you again, with Jackson back soon I should get my normal shifts back. Now go play your toys and play nice with the new boss. Don’t want you upsettin’ him and have him shift your arse outta here on me,” she joked with him.

Pat nodded his approval. “Sure thing. Though I doubt I can upset him that quickly.” He walked over and gave her a kiss. “Cya. Enjoy the work,” he said before walking to the door.

Smiling at his kiss, Camille waved him off before finishing getting ready for work. She had a feeling she could start to get used to liking a man again, only this time she knew things would be a lot different than to how they were with her exes.

With a final check in the mirror and grabbing her purse, she started to make her way towards the Nexus, still smiling from Pat’s last kiss.

Camille Ross
Sleeping Beauty in Red

Major Patrick Smith
Promoted to Human Pillow


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