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Nothing Wrong With Me

Posted on Mon Apr 20th, 2015 @ 2:47pm by Suresh

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Elba II

* * * Prison Asylum - Elba II * * *

* Three Days Ago *

"Alright ladies, break it up!"

The large Orion's voice roared through the force-field guarded rec yard of the prison asylum on Elba II. Home to those deemed incurably insane and surrounded by force fields that kept the planet's poisonous atmosphere at bay, it was generally the last stop for those unlucky enough to be sent there. The prison administration was careful to section off the violent offenders from the merely crazy. Those who liked to sit in the corners and mutter got the most benign treatment since the guards figured that whatever harsh punishments rained down on them would likely go unnoticed and where was the fun in that?

By some stroke of luck, and a large payoff that ended in the proper hands, Suresh (the original) had ended up in the 'nice' section. In his short time there, the inhabitants of the Nuthouse area, as it was called, had turned to this strong-willed man as if he were a saviour. Suresh did nothing to disabuse them of this notion either. Toadies, even crazy ones, were always handy. During rec time, the inmates of the other wings gave them no trouble. When even crazy people think you're crazy, you tend to be left alone.

This particular day was overcast as the inmates lingered in the domed rec yard. One of Suresh's followers was having a particularly bad day and had spent the last hour sitting at the edge of the yard, shrieking that the end was nigh, repent! After the first few minutes, however, he began to get on everyone's nerves and a small knot of men gathered around, taunting the man - who ignored them.

The Orion guard shoved the group away, dispersing them in several directions, then turned to Suresh, who hadn't moved.

"I am reminded of the Klingons," he said casually to Suresh, though his voice was low, meant for Suresh's ears only. "And their fascination with death. Your boy here might be happy to know how right he is."

Suresh nodded. "Pity the rest won't understand until it's too late. Is everything ready?"

The Orion nodded and checked the chronometer strapped to his wrist. "Thirty seconds."

"See you on the ship, Naral." Suresh stepped away from the guard to the center of the yard and raised his hand. "The time has come, my children." His voice carried through the open space and the inmates gathered around. "The time of my salvation is at hand. Some of you may die, in fact all of you, but that's a risk I'm willing to take."

From outside the dome, the sound of rolling thunder suddenly began, growing louder by the second. The ground beneath them began to vibrate, then the lights blinked out. The sudden darkness was lit by the glow of a green transporter beam that surrounded Suresh.

"Let the bodies hit the floor!" he shouted and began to laugh as he vanished in a swirl of energy.

Then the world lit up.

* The Present - Onboard the Arijog *

The lights in the bedroom slowly began to come up, mimicking the rising of a sun. The room remained silent for several seconds then, from beneath a pillow, a male voice came.


Suresh's dark head rose from the covers and he stretched slowly. The sheets felt delicious against his skin after the rough bunk on Elba II. He brushed his dark hair back, then ran a hand over his face. The first thing he'd done once the escape vessel was away was shave off the beard that had grown during his incarceration. His hair, however, his big point of vanity, had grown back to his shoulders at least and he was glad. He couldn't very well present himself to Li with the stubble left after they'd shaved and de-loused him. The shower had been pure bliss and now, he felt like himself again.

Life was good, and it was about to get better. But patience was required. He had to do this right, not rush no matter how much he wanted to go straight to 900. Besides, he was sure a report would be sent to 900 once it was discovered he was gone and what he wanted might just come to him. Oz's face appeared in his thoughts and he laughed aloud, knowing just how much his escape would infuriate her.

"Nothing wrong with me, Oz my dear. That was the fatal mistake. They all assumed I was crazy and weren't careful. Perhaps that will be your fatal mistake too."

He stretched once more, his gaze falling on his forearm. That had been the second thing he'd had done once he was safely onboard. The medic Naral had secured had done a little touch-up on his scar. Or rather replaced it. Instead of 'Isha', it now read 'Li' in two ornate letters. Suresh was extremely pleased. It was...perfect. Just as she was. Soon enough, he'd have the woman to go with that scar and then he would be happy again. No...they would be happy again. Li would be where she should be - at his side - and away from that dreadful, stifling Vulcan. There was no doubt in Suresh's mind that she would agree. He'd been so close in the other universe. Had held her in his arms, felt her about to give in. So close....this time there would be no hesitation. Nothing would stand in their way, especially once that asshole Wegener was dispensed with. He watched over Li like a hawk, held her back as much as the Vulcan did. No matter. Patience....

He rose and moved over to the padd on the table. It had come with the vessel and he used it to send a quick message.

I can see the stars again and soon enough I will see you too. Thank you my dearest Seyla.

A touch to the screen brought up an image that set his pulse racing and shot a white-hot jolt of desire though him. Looking up from the padd was Li's face, her dark eyes seeming to look through him. It was almost more than he could bear and pressed the padd to his chest, closing his eyes. He could feel her there, traces of her lingering in his mind.

"Soon," he whispered.

"Suresh?" Naral's voice came through the closed door. "Come get some food."

Suresh frowned at the interruption, but a growl from his stomach told him it was glad of the invitation.

"Sure, I'll be there in a few minutes. I just need to get dressed."

"Okay, see ya." He heard Naral's heavy footsteps move away.

Suresh pressed his lips to the picture on the padd, then set it aside. He did need to dress...but what he needed first was a cold shower.



Suresh - The One & Only Original
Where There's A Will, There's A Way


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