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Safe at Home...Finally

Posted on Tue Apr 21st, 2015 @ 3:13am by Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree & Lieutenant Commander Ophelia Payne & Lieutenant Commander Nicolao

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Piper Medical Center
Timeline: Current

* * * Piper Medical Center * * *

Ophelia arrived back on duty the next morning and began her rounds. First she checked the guest room where she’d left Nico and found it empty. Knowing Nico, she wasn’t surprised and continued on her way. Finally she reached Drusilla’s room, tapped on the door, then peeked in to see if she was awake. The room was much the same as the rest, save a vase of bright pink and yellow flowers on the bedside table.

“Dru? You awake?” she asked softly.

Dru’s eyes slowly opened and she began to speak, but her mouth was dry as a bone. She tried to make some saliva but none came. After a nod Ophelia saw her awake and came in and fetched some water from the replicator after a few hand motions by Dru.

“That should help.” Ophelia held the cup so Dru could drink from it. “How did you sleep?” After a few sips, she raised the head of the bed so Dru could sit up. Once she’d passed the cup over, she began to examine the readout on the panel on the wall.

“It wasn’t great, but I feel okay. I kept waking up,” Dru finally said. She kept sipping and working her tongue around in her mouth to try and moisten everything. “I think it’s just strange surroundings.”

“That’s likely,” Ophelia answered. “I sent Nico to a room to get some sleep too, but I saw him up wandering around a few times. I don’t think he’s slept at all since you’ve been here. But I have some good news, Dr. Solis left word that you can go home as soon as you’re ready this morning.”

Dru smiled, happy to hear that news. “That may be the best news I’ve heard in ages.” She flipped back the blanket and slowly slid her legs around to the side of the bed, just in case her lying there could have made her dizzy with any sudden movements. “My bed, my quarters--that’s exactly what I need right now,” she said as Ophelia stood close to her.

“That is generally the best medicine.” Ophelia smiled and moved to the door. “Nico’s coming, I’ll check back with you in a little while and we’ll get you out of here.” She slipped out and a few moments later, Dru could hear footsteps approaching.

Before she tried standing, Dru turned to see Nico’s head poking into the room. “Hey there,” she said hoarsely. “Ugh. Can you hand me the water? My mouth has been so dry today.”

‘Hey yourself.” Nico flashed her a quick smile, then crossed the room and passed her the water. “What are you doing up Dru?” He looked her over, concern shadowing his features.

“Dr. Solis said I’m ready to go home. So I’m going home.” She took a few sips and swished the water around in her mouth. “Right now I think the worst thing going on with me is this dry mouth. I hate it.”

“Keep drinking. And that’s great news.” His expression changed to one of relief. “Does that mean I get to take you home and wait on you for a bit? Let you lay on the couch and order me around?” Mamu had said treat her like royalty, this seemed to be a good start.

“Hmmm, I don’t know if you want to step into that particular situation. I may turn into an evil tyrant and have you massaging my feet, putting on a French maid outfit and doing some light cleaning or something crazy like that.” She smiled and took his hand as she stood. She let out a whoosh of air. “Wow. I was expecting a head rush or something.” She looked at him and smiled even brighter. “I must really be feeling okay. Uh--but not okay enough that I can’t lie on the couch and order you around.”

“If you like.” He looked down at their joined hands, realizing that it felt really good. Warmth from her seemed to steal into him, spreading slowly. On impulse, he raised her hand to his lips, too late wondering if perhaps that might be a little more forward than she would like.

She enjoyed it for a moment before saying, “That was nice.” After a moment she added, “I wouldn’t mind another.”

His breath caught in his chest and he was afraid that if he tried to speak, nothing would come out. There were so many things to tell her, but here wasn’t the place.

I want….

The thought was sent to Dru, but it was cut off. Instead, he raised her hand to his lips once more.

She caught his face and brought his lips to meet hers. “I meant here,” she said. They kissed softly for what seemed an eternity, not paying attention to the medical center, the staff, the room around them. When they finally broke she said softly, “Okay, now my head is swimming,” and chuckled.

“Dru, I --” His voice was rough, so he cleared his throat and tried again. “I should get you home. Then….” Then I can make you understand…

A look of concern fell over her. Had she overstepped her bounds? Did he not feel the same? With a gulp she nodded and they made their way back to her quarters.

* * * Dru’s Quarters * * *

Nico opened the door when they arrived, then followed her in. He looked around, noting that everything was in order, then held out the bag he’d been carrying.

“For you.”

She was afraid to become too excited, but curiosity got the better of her. “Chocolates? You really know how to speak my language.”

He smiled again finally. “I thought that might perk you up a little.” He took her hand and led her over to the sofa. “I’m glad you’re home Dru. I”m glad that you...that we….” He stopped and ran a hand through his long hair. “I was so worried when we couldn’t find you. I would have wrung that Cardassian’s neck if I’d found him first. Then when we did find you...I was worried that it was my fault.” He stopped short of telling her what he’d said to Robin about staying away.

“Nico, I know that he was here because of you, but his bringing me into this was not your fault. It was his choice.” She put her hand on his. “It could have been anyone on the station that he took, but luck of the draw pulled me into it. Nothing more.”

“Things would have gotten bad if….” Nico stopped again, not wanting to entertain the idea of Dru not surviving her time with Daro, and shook his head to clear it. “Enough of that. I just want you to be sure before you jump into this. I’m not the easiest person, but you know that.”

“I do. I know that, and still...I’m here, with you.” She pulled a chocolate from the bag and offered him one after taking a bite of her own. “I know a bit about who you are and what makes you tick now--the things you’ve been through, endured and suffered. But I also know that despite all of those things, you’re still a good person. You’ve just had to be the dark and hidden side of yourself for so long.” She leaned toward him, bumping him playfully. “You just need my help to expose a little more of the other side.”

“Maybe so.” He reached out, taking her face gently in his hands and instantly, a rush of emotion swept through Dru, one of deep longing and desire. When he spoke, his voice was a whisper. “Now do you understand?”

She nodded. “I do. But you also have to understand, Nico. I’m not going to give up on this, no matter what you think your head is telling you. I like being with you and I want to give it an honest go. Do you think you can do that?”

He nodded and the longing for her grew until it seemed it would drown them both. He withdrew his hands, putting some distance between them, not wanting to overwhelm her. “If you will help me. Help me be with you, not just a drop-in.”

“And maybe you can help me find a way to...well, ‘deal with’, for lack of a better term, the way your emotions flow. I don’t mind it, it’s just that sometimes it’s unexpected and sometimes, like now, something I very much admire.”

“It can be useful, especially when the words don’t come so easily.” He paused a moment, lacing his fingers together in his lap. “Do you want me to stay? Out here I mean, in case you need something? Or just for company?”

“I’d like you to stay,” she said as she snuggled up to him. “I’ve slept too much. Maybe just sit here with me and watch something on FNN? Or some movies?”

“No news,” he answered immediately. “We’ve had a bit too much of real life recently.” He relaxed back into the sofa, settling Dru in closer to his side. As much as he always avoided touching other people, he felt as if he couldn’t get enough of it now, at least with her….a man dying of thirst in the desert had suddenly and without warning discovered an oasis. “I need to ask you something.”

“Okay…” she said softly.

“Do you want me to stay out of your head? It’s easier for me but I know it gets to’re not used to it.”

“No. It’s okay.” Her eyes were beginning to shut again. She thought she’d gotten enough sleep in hospital, but apparently not. Fitful rest, most of it had been. It had caught up with her now back in the safety of her own quarters, and Nico’s arms. “I’m okay,” she added, her voice drifting.

A faint smile curved up the corners of Nico’s mouth. “Yes, you are,” he whispered. A few minutes later, he lifted her gently in his arms and put her to bed. Once she was settled, he returned to the sofa, finally giving in to sleep himself.

Lt. Ophelia Payne
Angel of Mercy

Navigating Unfamiliar Territory

PO2 Drusilla Dupree
Safe in the Arms of Love


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