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Reading of the Charges

Posted on Tue Apr 28th, 2015 @ 2:08am by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Admiral Lucius Hawke & Lieutenant Raymond Benson

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Admiral Hawke's Office
Timeline: Current

* * * Admiral Hawke’s Office * * *

Lucius was in his office early in preparation for the meeting that may or may not alter the future for him and for Rick. He’d spent the hours after Tomas’ visit going over everything he had on the Section 31 investigation and had sent some notes to Rick on a few things. He still had a long way to go however. He reached for the coffee Kai had brought in and had a sip as the doors opened to admit Admiral Wegener.

“Well,” Rick said as he sat across from Lucius, “I just can’t wait for this boondoggle to get started.”

He was in quite a mood, one that would likely be felt across the room once the meeting was started. But after almost five hundred years of being this way he didn’t expect to change anytime soon. It had served him well this long and his thought on the matter was ‘Why change a good thing?’, although it being good was somewhat subjective.

“Me either. At least we have a starting point now. And let’s hope that whatever and whoever started this mess is found out quickly. We both have too much to do to waste it on crap like this. I am curious to hear what all they have to say today.” Lucius looked up as the doors opened once more and Ray Benson entered.

“Good morning Admirals.” Ray nodded to each of them. He had a padd in hand already.

“Benson,” Rick grumbled by way of acknowledgment.

“Lt. Benson, have a seat.” Lucius motioned him into a chair.

“Permission to speak freely, sirs, before the rest arrive?” Ray looked to Rick with the question.

“Knock yourself out,” Rick replied, his attitude now seeping into every comment. He hadn’t really meant to be so crass with Raymond, but he was already there.

Ray frowned. “It is my official opinion that this is a load of horseshit. I’ll do what I have to do by Federation law, but not one damn bit more. Just so you are aware of where I am and how things stand.”

“So noted.” Lucius smiled for the first time that morning. “I suspect you and Admiral Wegener are on the same page.”

Rick nodded. “Most definitely. And much appreciated, Raymond. I know you have to do your part, just like everyone else.”

“Speaking of which, and you didn’t hear this from me...they sent Lt. Bajun and Commander Nalas to Bajor to poke around.But trust me when I say, they are on your side.”

Lucius uttered a colorful comment at the news, then shook his head. “I see. Well then, this morning should be interesting.”

“They’re certainly covering all their bases,” Rick growled. He heard voices in the foyer and added, “Looks like the party is about to begin.”

“So it is.” Ray stood, as would be expected of his rank and the doors opened to admit Admirals Cruzado and Admiral Eria Azoulay.

Greetings were exchanged and once everyone sat, Tomas set his recording device on the conference table and began.

“We are convened on this date at 1100 hours for a formal review of charges and investigation update. Present are Admiral Lucius Hawke, Admiral Ricky Wegener, Admiral Tomas Cruzado, Admiral Eria Azoulay, and Lt. Raymond Benson.” He paused and looked round the table. “Let’s begin. Eria? Would you care to cover the charges?”

Eria cleared her throat and began reading off the charges. “Admirals Hawke and Wegener, you are being charged with the following: one count of treason each, two counts of colluding with enemy intelligence agents each, two counts of suppression of evidence each, and five counts each of accessory to murder.”

Lucius sat, stoic, as she read out the list of charges, though he exchanged a look with Rick. Beside him Ray muttered under his breath.

Finally, Lucius spoke. “I trust the specifics will be provided?”

Tomas nodded. “I’ve sent the information to your padds to look over at your leisure. Any questions before we continue?”

Rick knew better than to blow his top right now. There was no need to try and debate anything here since nothing could be done except to find the real person, or persons, behind this or wait for their trial. All of this was just preliminary and barking now would fall on deaf ears.

“Just get on with it,” Rick said.

Lucius sat up straighter in his chair, resting his arms on the table. “I have a question. What specific evidence are we supposed to have suppressed? It seems that might have been addressed initially, assuming such evidence exists.”

“According to our source, that would be evidence contained by, and in the person of, Lt. Commander Nicolao, Intelligence Division, Starfleet. Now on medical leave as I understand it. We have reason to believe that he possesses evidence in this case. “ Tomas frowned down at his padd. “The evidence we received suggests that he was sent out here as a means of keeping in hand and preventing his revealing what he knows. He is, as you are aware, one of our agents who was exposed in the DMZ and as such, could provide valuable insight into this case. This speaks to you specifically Lucius as Director of Intelligence for Starfleet.”

Lucius started to speak but Ray cut him off. “I want to look everything over before you comment, sir.”

After a beat, Eria added, “It should come as no surprise, Admirals, that you are, as of now, on suspension from your current assignments. You are forbidden to take part in any official Starfleet activities and must assign a temporary replacement for your positions throughout the length of the investigation and trial. You are also sequestered to Starbase 900 and not authorized to leave the base for any reason, except for dire emergencies.” She looked at both Rick and Lucius before continuing. “As this investigation concerns items of a highly sensitive nature, you are advised that discussion regarding this topic is also forbidden to anyone not currently assigned to work the case. Divulging any of this information to anyone outside of this investigation will result in additional charges. Understood?”

“Understood,” Lucius answered. “You will inform my XO, Tomas?”

Admiral Cruzado nodded. “Consider it done. And who needs contacting on your behalf, Rick? I understand your XO is off-station but she would be bypassed in any case because of her relationship to Lucius.”

“I don’t need anyone to speak on my behalf in this regard, Tomas,” Rick replied. “I don’t recall Eria saying that I couldn’t speak to anyone on the base. I’ll take care of it myself.” In the back of his mind, however, he realized that Lt. Cmdr. Leroy was the acting XO at the moment. He briefly wondered how he would react being thrown into the base CO spot?

After a brief “Hmph,” from Eria, she spoke. “Lucius,” she said, now speaking to them by first name since they were technically suspended, “I know that you have always exercised restraint with your telepathic abilities, but I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you that use of such talents are out of bounds for any member of this investigation unless that individual authorized you to do so, witnessed by a member of the JAG corps.”

“Of course.” Lucius nodded. “You may rest assured I will abide by your request.”

Ray cleared his throat and addressed the admirals, his tone stern. “For the record, I want it known that, since you sent my colleague out on your investigation, it falls to me to represent Admirals Wegener and Hawke as defense counsel. As such, they will not be questioned for any reason without me present. There will be no exceptions to this, considering the severity of these...charges.” He stopped himself just in time from adding bogus in there. “We will also be given advance warning when questions to be asked of them do arise, at least two hours. I don’t like surprises.”

Lucius fought back a smile as he listened to Ray. “Are we done here?” It was a polite invitation to get the hell out of his office.

“Sounds like it to me,” Rick added, then stood to drive home the point that they should go.

Tomas rose and nodded. “We will be in touch, gentlemen, and we will get to the bottom of this. You have my word on that. I don’t like it any more than you do.”

Eria’s face was stoic. “Gentlemen,” she said then turned to go without another word.

Once the doors closed, Rick moaned. “I do not like that woman,” he said. “I watched her facial expressions the entire time. As solemn as a country parson, but that leads me to believe that she was thoroughly enjoying this.”

“She was,” Lucius informed him, then smiled. “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt me.”

Ray was looking at the doors and shook his head. “Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya,” he drawled. “As for you two, I meant what I said - no talking to them at all without me.”

“Does that include muttering barely audible curses at them when we pass in the corridors?” Rick asked.

“No, that is always allowed but it would be more fun with me there,” he grinned, then stood. “Admirals. I suspect I know what you two will be up to and I expect to hear about anything that you may come across. You know where to find me.” Ray took his padd and departed.

Now alone, Lucius sighed. “This pile just got a little deeper, Rick. Why drag Commander Nicolao into this? From what my XO said of his time in San Francisco, he barely remembered his own name when he was brought in. I’ve had no contact with him at all, not even here. Something smells.”

“That may be why he’s involved,” Rick replied, sitting again. “What he doesn’t remember may be what they’re after, or hoping to keep under wraps. I gotta’ say, I was pretty shocked to even hear him mentioned, so we may need to figure out how to get him to remember whatever it is he’s lost.”

“I think we need to see Counselor Swift, and probably as soon as we can today. I’m not getting the feeling we have a lot of time here.” Lucius looked around his office, then rose. “Well, at least we get to sleep in tomorrow.”

“Not too long if we want to catch these assholes,” Rick replied, “but it would be good not having to get up so damned early for a change. Oh!” He turned back to Lucius. “Damned if I didn’t almost forget. It looks like Lt. Commander Leroy is in for quite a surprise. He’s acting XO now. In a few minutes he’ll be the acting CO. I’m not sure how much he’ll enjoy that.” He chuckled. “I guess we’ll find out soon enough.”

Rick finally walked to the office door. “I’ll be in my office for about twenty minutes and then, I think I’ll take this shit off and enjoy wearing anything but a uniform for a while.” He nodded. “See you later, Lucius. We have much to discuss.”

“We do. I’ll arrange for us to see the Counselor after lunch.” He walked out with Rick, but stopped to lock his office and inform Kai she had a few days off. “Watch your back, Rick,” he said softly. “See you at Robin’s in two hours.”

With a nod, Rick tapped his communicator. “Wegener to Commander Leroy. Meet me in my office, ASAP. Wegener out.”

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Admiral Lucius Hawke
Two Men & A Vacation

Lt. Ray Benson
Guard Dog

Admirals Tomas Cruzado & Eria Azoulay
The Flies in The Ointment


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