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Headaches and Administration, Both Cured With Phasers

Posted on Tue Apr 28th, 2015 @ 1:25am by Major David Lorenz
Edited on on Tue Apr 28th, 2015 @ 1:26am

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: 3rd Marines Wardroom

0500. Reville. Get outta the sack, scrape the face, uniform on. Tuck in the goddamned shirttail! Grab a cup of coffee from the replicator on the way out to the hallway. Nearly collide with Brooks and a very odd-looking white-skinned captain in fatigues. Oh, shit, that's my XO! Dave thought as he led the trio into the wardroom. "Mornin, gents! You must be Tom Franklin, my new exec!" Dave extended his hand to the albino.

"Yessir." Franklin replied in a hoarse gravelly voice, like some one had put pebbles in the mans throat years ago. "Captain Thomas Franklin, reporting as ordered."

Tom handed Dave his paperwork isolinear chip, which Dave handed to Brooks. "Get him in the system with XO level command codes. Tom, you have arrived at a time of great change here." Dave briefly explained about the proposed upgrades the general had initiated, earning approving nods from the albino captain.

"Frontier posts typically get neglected, and us jarheads have always been on the short end of the shit lollipop," Tom noted in his weird voice.

"That's gonna change. We can expect new weapons and other consumables by the end of the week, and as soon as my list is approved by the head shed, we will have new transports and things to break!" Dave grinned.

"Going for the gusto as usual, sir?" Brooks asked, breezing back into the room and setting pads in front of both men. "This mornings intel brief, courtesy of Captain Li and Commander Dae."

Dave looked at his padd and scoffed. "Goddamned Kazon are going ape shit over this new treaty with the N'Hakh, and the flipping Archadian delegation is heading smack into the storm!"

"What am I missing?" Franklin asked.

"The Kazon Nistrim and the N'Hakh have been at each others throats for three decades. Someone in the N'Hakh government had a brain-fart and declared a ceasefire, whereby which the N'Hakh annihilated the Kazon armada and forced them into a one-sided treaty. The Kazon are bitching to high heaven about everything. Its only a matter of time until that dam breaks."

Tom nodded, putting a hologram of the contested space on the viewer. "That southwestern group of N'Hakh are kinda close to one of our listening posts near there. What's the compliment?"

Dave looked at his notes. "Fifteen Intel pukes and two squads of Marines. Three Arrow-class runabouts waiting on the pads, none of em have any armament above phaser cannons." Dave looked at Tom, eyebrows slightly raised.

"We leave them in place," Tom suggested. "The listening post has excellent cover and shielding, and according to the latest report all is quiet; and to me that says we are going need eyes and ears in the area very soon."

"Agreed. Let's send Recon in to beef them up, expand the detection nets a lil bit." A good forst run for Harrison, Dave thought. "I'll draft a memo for the head shed and Brooks can make it sound official."

"We can talk to the fighter jocks about some over," Tom pointed to an area in the southeast. "Make them think we are looking where we aren't

"Chief Harrison is going to love this, sir!" Brooks added.

"Who is Harrison?" Tom asked.

"A raging bundle of misery I press-ganged into the Corps from Fleet Security. Former hand-to-hand instructor for the local PMC, all-around ass kicker."

"But he likes kitty-cats!" Brooks added, his face a mask of stone, hiding his laughter.

"Tell you what, Tom, why don't you go introduce yourself to him? I'll wait here and get some other stuff done until you get back."

"Aye, sir."

After Tom Franklin left, Brooks looked at Dave with a nasty grin. "This oughta be good. Ten creds says Quentin levels him."

"Twenty says he scares the hell out of him only!" Dave countered.

"Done, sir!"


A Post By:

Major David Lorenz

with appearances by:

MCPT Thomas Franklin
Albino Dupe


SWO1 Doyle Brooks
Looking To Make A Credit


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