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You're My Blue Sky

Posted on Thu Apr 30th, 2015 @ 10:03pm by Suresh

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Nelvana III - The Neutral Zone

* * * Nelvana III, The Neutral Zone - Apollo Bay * * *

Jake surveyed the main room of the bar, watching the comings and goings of the night's crowd. He and his crew had been on high alert since Li's call but so far, all he'd seen was the regulars, or those who were the wrong species. His contacts in other areas, especially the docking stations, were reporting in regularly. As things stood now, there was little else to be done until someone questionable showed up. The noise level rose another few decibels as the evening's entertainment hit the stage and Jake motioned to the bartender to call in his second. The crowd would be doubling in the next half hour and the bartender would need all the help he could get. Janel, his head waitress passed and he stopped her.

"How's it going, Janel?"

She shrugged. "The usual. The calm before the storm you know." She studied Jake a moment, growing curious. "What gives?"

"I want you and the girls to keep your eyes open tonight. You see anyone you don't recognize, I want to know. They may or may not have a male Orion with them. Also check for pointed ears, the non-logical sort. If one of the girls gets them, take over for her but keep them at ease - they are dangerous if it's the ones I'm looking for."

"Got it chief." Janel smiled and nudged him with her hip. "Don't look now, but Briyonne just came in. You better run while you can."

"Thanks." Jake glanced around and before he could make himself scarce, a shrill female voice cut through the babble of dozens of conversations.

"Jake!'s SO good to see you!!"

"Go!" Janel hissed. "I'll run interference."

Jake didn't have to be told twice.

* * * Nelvana III - Commercial District * * *

Soneg looked from Naral to Suresh, who was covered in a hooded monk's robe. "We can go three hours at most. That's all I'm willing to risk with Mr. Popular here. That'll give me time to get provisions loaded and for you two to buy your souvenirs and stretch your legs. We'll meet back here. Don't be late. Especially you," he added, addressing Suresh.

"Of course, my son." Suresh's voice came from within the hood, oddly soft and soothing.

Naral shook his head and smirked. "Now that? That's creepy."

"Heathen." Suresh laughed briefly. "See you in three hours." With that he moved away, strolling casually down the street.

He took in the people and other beings moving down the main street, relishing being lost in the crowd. A woman came alongside him, kissed her fingers, then touched his robe. He bowed his head and murmured soft words to her in Acamarian and she moved on her way. He had no particular destination in mind, he was simply enjoying the street beneath his feet, the warm sun, the blue sky overhead.

He breathed in deep and finally felt free for the first time since he'd left 900 - that horrendous day when he'd taken his last look at Li and his heart had seized up with loneliness. The feeling hadn't stopped since then but now, down on the planet, he felt it ease just a little.

Reaching the center square, he stopped to sit on a low wall surrounding a broken fountain. Weeds had popped up through the cracks in the pool around it and Suresh smiled. Those weeds didn't know that growing up through stone was impossible, they just did what they had to do. He felt much the same. There would be some difficulties in the coming days, but in the end he would see the sun.

The thought brought a smile to his lips and he turned his face up, letting the warm sun penetrate the hood of his robe. It was so bright against his eyelids that he saw stars and bright flashes of color. It reminded him of the light that always rose in his mind when Li had worked her magic on him. She was not present in his mind just now, but even so, a hint of the old euphoria swelled within him. With it came the familiar surge of desire.

"You're my blue're my sunny day...." he sang softly. She was. The certainty that he would get out of Elba II, be reunited with her had kept him going. Now, he was a big step closer to having what he wanted.

"It is a lovely day, isn't it?" An old woman had settled on the wall close by and she smiled, hearing him sing. "It does put one into a good mood."

"That it does, sister," Suresh answered.

"I'm taking a little rest, the shop has been busy today." She stuck her sandaled feet out, wiggling her toes. "If you'd like to eat, you are welcome. There's always room for a holy man."

"I am grateful. Perhaps you might, instead, spare a flower? Beauty does feed the soul you know."

She considered this and smiled. "A moment." The old woman hurried off, leaving Suresh to his sun-worshipping, the only thing besides Li that he'd ever come close to revering. She returned a few minutes later and presented him with a large, vivid red blossom. "An Edosian orchid. So beautiful, but so deadly. Enjoy but be careful."

The old woman could have been describing Li, and the irony of the color was not lost on Suresh. He almost laughed aloud. "It's breathtaking. Thank you."

"My pleasure. May you find what you seek." She patted Suresh's arm and rose. "And sooner than you expect."

He watched as the old woman hurried off, then turned his attention to the flower. She'd left it on the bulb and potted it so it would last a while. Her words echoed in his head and he smiled.


Suresh - The Original
Impressing The Locals


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