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Make It A Double

Posted on Thu Apr 30th, 2015 @ 5:29pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Warrant Officer Awf

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Saturnalia - The Cherry Pit

* * * Saturnalia * * *

Nico was still looking for answers as to who had killed the Cardassian and so, following his awkward session with Robin, he took the lift down below the equator. Knowing Dru was sleeping in, he decided to hit Saturnalia to see what he could find. The place was a little quieter than usual, given the early hour. He strolled through to a table in the middle, facing the door and ordered raktajino. Once it arrived, he sipped it, leaning back in his seat and taking a good read of the room.

Having walked in, Rine turned to the other and blinked for a moment or two, "Acting a little relaxed, aren't we?" He smiled a bit and looked over to Nico for the time being, hoping that his sudden appearance here as well as his snide comment would have elicited a good laugh out of the other individual.

Nico did, in fact laugh lightly at the comment. After spilling the beans to Robin, he needed a little humor. "Good morning Rine. Have a seat." He pushed out the other chair with his foot.

It took him only a few moments to settle into the seat and nodded toward the other, "So what's going on this morning? Everything all right, then? How's the search going?"

"That's what actually brought me here so early. Different crowd, different perspective you know?" Nico sipped from the mug, then set it down, looking at Rine. Once more, that faint feeling of familiarity tugged at him and he frowned slightly.

"Yeah, I actually remember you talking about different places, so this makes sense." Rine blinked a bit at the other's apprehension, "Was something the matter? You looked a little uneasy there for a second."

Nico shook his head. "I'm fine, it's just that...I keep getting the feeling you are familiar but I can't recall ever meeting you before the other day at Java. Weird, huh?" He didn't really want to get into the fact that there was a hell of a lot he couldn't recall of the past year. "Just one of those things I guess."

Laughing for a moment as his hand slipped into his pocket, which would be understandable considering the chilliness for the time being, Rine shook his head and laughed. "You know, there is an old Bajoran saying that goes if someone had felt that they knew someone, and hadn't been able to place where they met them before, they may very well have met them in a dream." He smiled, "I dunno if it's true, but it's a rather pleasant way to think, no?"

"Good as any I guess." Nico smiled. "Though my dreams are not usually so pleasant." He lifted his mug and ltook a sip. This time of morning, the waitresses on duty were few and far between and he realized he had skipped breakfast in his hurry to get to the Counselor's office. "Be right back, need anything?"

Doing his best to not look too eager about anything and still maintaining the laid-back facade that he had acted with thus far, Rine shook his head for the time being, "Nah, I'll just wait here. I'll get something in a bit; thanks though."

"Sure." Nico strolled off to the bar to request something to eat, leaving Rine at the table. He placed his order, then stood at the bar waiting.

As Nico walked off, Rine kept to himself for a few moments before he reached over to add the chemical agent to the other's drink once he received the opportunity to do so. Having administered the initial dose, he figured that the other individual would not yet have seen him do anything.

Nico returned with what appeared to be a chocolate doughnut. He grinned at Rine as he sat down. "Earth junk food. I developed a taste for them back in San Francisco recently." He took a bite, then a hefty drink of his raktajino. "That hits the spot as they say. So how's business?"

Admittedly he wanted to wince as the other took a big gulp like that, but he did everything within his power to hide that. Rine tilted his head and shrugged, "It's not too bad. I've gotten much more used to being here for honest. You've visited the Earth then?"

"Briefly, though I am a native of this quadrant as you can see. It was...interesting. I'm glad to be out of there though." He swallowed another bite of the doughnut, washed down by more coffee. "It's worth seeing sometime I suppose, if you have nothing better to do."

"Really? I think I might suffer from some big culture shock there. I'll let you know if I ever get an opportunity to go though." Rine smiled a bit and leaned back, "I'm not a real rambling man though, if that makes any sense. I just settled in here like I said."

"Well if you don't gamble, stay out of Palaxia's. " Nico checked the time and was surprised to see he'd been there longer than intended. "I need to get going, I promised to pick up lunch for a friend. Good to see you though." He drained the last of the raktajino and stood.

"I'll keep it in mind." Having offered his trademark mock salute, Rine looked up to his supposed friend and nodded, "You know, sometime we should get together and chat when the two of us aren't so busy. It'd be nice to relax."

Nico considered the offer and nodded. "Sure. Tomorrow lunch. You like Vulcan food?"

"Oh yeah, Vulcan food is awesome!" Rine smiled perfectly and looked happy in spite of the fact that he had no wish to go around drinking Plomeek soup.

"It's up on the promenade. See you at 1300." Nico moved away through the tables and out the door. He had a stop to make, and then....Dru.


Getting a Double Shot


Interstellar Crime Caper Debonair Lom Rine

As played by Warrant Officer Awf


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