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Double Duty

Posted on Fri May 1st, 2015 @ 4:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Guest Quarters - The Cherry Pit

* * * Guest Quarters - The Cherry Pit * * *

Anaar hurried into the small guest quarters and dropped her bag on the sofa. While Rine had entertained (and drugged) Nico down in Saturnalia, she'd been busy monkeying about Nico's quarters. The furniture was now rearranged and his journal had taken up temporary residence in her bag. She had actually spared a few minutes to flip through it and rolled her eyes at what was written there.

"Who knew you were capable of such deep thoughts, you Neanderthal?" she mused. During their time together, he'd been secretive to the point of being non-communicative at times, but his physical appetites had seemed boundless. He was a killer under a politically correct Fleet title who seemed to have one purpose - to survive. "Yes, just like the famous Terran cavemen. Who knew the ape could be so poetic?"

She settled into the chair behind the terminal, still laughing when it lit up. A stern Cardassian face looked back at her.

"So, Anaar, what's the joke? Care to share?"

"Greetings, Zikar." Her smile lingered as she told him of her trip to Nico's quarters and the journal.

Now it was his turn to laugh. "That is somewhat surprising, considering the shape he was in when he was here. We could've used him as a door stop."

"Oh it gets better." Anaar's smile lingered. "He's apparently fully functioning. He's been spending the nights with his new girlfriend. His own counselor's assistant, of all people."

That surprised Zikar. "Odd. As crazy as he is, you'd think she would be one of the few to really understand just how much and stay clear. There's no accounting for some people's taste. I suspect that Daro's failed attempt has brought out his protective instincts?"

Anaar nodded. "And how. We still don't know who killed him but I can tell you it wasn't Nico. Not that he wouldn't have, just someone else got there first. I suppose security is looking into it but as you can imagine, the death of a Cardassian is low on the list of priorities."

Zikar scowled. "Of course it is. No one appreciates us like you do, my dear."

His affectionate words made Anaar's skin crawl but she gave him a sweet smile. "You know I do. And soon, this will be over and I'll be home." Though not home with you.

"I can hardly wait. So, tell me, how are things progressing?"

"Rine has established contact and a bit of familiarity. The first dose was administered this morning as they had coffee. The effects remain to be seen, but we are on schedule." She paused as a thought occurred to her. "Are you certain of this drug? You know what happened with those you used before."

"Of course." Zikar nodded. "At least as far as we can determine. The doctors based it on the physical records we had of him here. At any rate, it should be enough to scramble him and degrade whatever progress he has made. That will be enough I think."

"Let's hope so. I've had soup with more awareness than he had after you got hold of him," she grumbled.

Anger suffused Zikar's face a light purple. "That's enough Anaar. Just do your job and get home."

"Understood." The terminal beeped, indicating another incoming message. "I'll report back in a few days. Anaar out." She closed the channel and fought down the urge to gag. Just a little more time and she never had to deal with that slug again. She pressed the panel to open the new channel. It was audio only.

"Hello Anaar."

This voice worried Anaar, but in a whole different way. This one was dangerous and had the power to make her disappear if she failed.

"Hello. It's good to hear from you." That was a lie, of course.

"No it isn't, so don't try to play me. Just tell me that you have things under control."

"Of course." Anaar sounded far more relaxed than she was. "I just spoke to Zikar."

"Did you now? I suppose he is anxious?"

"Not as much as you'd think. He's fine. Ready for this to be done." Anaar smiled. "As am I, but things are rolling now."

The voice was quiet for a moment before it spoke. "Good. I don't have to impress upon you just how important it is for you to work quickly. They cannot get at what is in his head."

"Understood," Anaar answered.

She started to say more, but the channel closed. Oh well. Typical. She suspected that the one on the other end was paranoid about being tracked. The two conversations replayed in her mind only briefly. She didn't have much confidence in Zikar, and for an instant she felt sorry for Nico. She'd seen him as he was in Elmspur and no one should ever have to endure that. The moment of pity passed quickly, however. He got what he deserved and this time, it would be permanent. More importantly, the Fleet would get what it deserved and the vermin that lived on Bajor would no longer be an issue. They would be back in chains where they should be. Rine would be dead (eventually) and she would be sunning herself on the shores of Pacifica (without Zikar).

She rose and strolled off to the kitchen, whistling cheerily. Life was good.

Weaving The Web

Gul Zikar
Elmspur, Cardassia Prime


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