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A Walk On The Green Side

Posted on Sat May 2nd, 2015 @ 3:36pm by Jackson Banning V & Seyla

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Nexus Club

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

Jackson had sent a message to Seyla immediately after Dae left, inviting her to dinner. He then instructed Camille to show her to his usual reserved table when she arrived. That done, he had Vic pour him a drink. He had a feeling he was going to need it.

“Good luck.” Vic laughed aloud as he said it. “Glutton for punishment, aren’t you?”

“You’d think.” Jackson grinned. “Hey, I always liked jousting. This may be fun.”

Seyla entered the Nexus dressed to the nines in a glittery, full length gown that covered every inch of her from the neck down and yet hid absolutely nothing with its sheerness. If she was to be summoned to a dinner at the Nexus, she might as well make the trip into an advertisement for her services. Besides, she wanted news of this dinner to go back to the Chief of Security. Spotting Jackson, she breezed past the hostess and called, "Jackson, darling! Lovely of you to ask me for a date," she skilled.

“Welcome back to the Nexus Seyla.” Jackson looked her over and smiled. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen so much of ya. We’ll be dinin’ at my usual table. Shall we?” He motioned for her to precede him and followed in her steps.

"Play your hand right and you could see a whole lot more of me later," she purred, just loud enough for those nearest them to hear her. She sashayed to his usual table and took a seat. In a quiet voice, she asked, "an invitation like this is exceedingly rare. Are you eager for my services now that Oralia is off station?"

Jackson shrugged. “It’s been a while, Sey, an’ I was hopin’ to catch up on the news. You used to come regularly but not so much anymore.” He leaned closer to her. “An’ how’d you know Oz was off-station?”

"Suresh told me." She shrugged and sipped the drink a server brought her. "Interesting that he is going with her but you are not."

"He has his reasons. Besides, Oz is not where his interests lie I don’t believe. An’ if they do, I’ll change his mind real quick. I’d have thought you’d mind him takin’ off.” Jackson watched her closely for a moment. “So what do ya know about this little trip?”

"This Suresh? No, I don't care if he heads wherever he wishes," she said dismissively. "Though it would be rather delicious to see the two Sureshes together."

“That I am not so sure about. What if the wrong one wins? Then again, I suppose who the wrong one is depends on yer point of view, doesn’t it? You missin’ that old nutbag?”

She was careful to not bristle at his insult. "Why would I miss him? I have plenty of lovers in my bed. You could be among them, Mr. Banning," she leaned close and drew her finger along his jaw.

“We’ve been there done that a long time ago, Sey,” he answered. Leaning back slightly, just enough to break contact, he reached for the wine bottle and filled her empty glass. “But speakin’ o’ which, I heard your other object of fascination went along with Oz.”

A flash of irritation crossed her features, betraying how she felt about Darwin. "Did he? I'm sure Oralia will appreciate that. He is quite... skilled at what he does. I hear that he is her favorite."

“Where a phaser is concerned? Sure is.” A slow smile spread over his face. “But if he is in othJacksonherksonherher choice isn’t it? You can bet if so, he’ll answer her call first.” He reached out to tug at a lock of her hair. “Sharin’ sucks sometimes, as you know.”

She knocked his hand away from her. "I suppose it does. You didn't call me here to parry and thrust about Oralia and her men, did you?"

“Perhaps I just wanted your company.” His eyes twinkled as he looked back at her. “You deserve a night out now and again too, don’t you? One that isn’t work or worryin’ about what your girls are doin’?”

"I doubt that any such consideration entered your thought process. But, if that is what you want to claim as your reason, thank you, Jackson."

“I live to serve, my dear. How are the girls anyhow? I saw Marla in earlier this evening with Vance. I never knew he was that suave. You’d ‘a been proud.”

"Vance? I'm not familiar with that name. Though I know that Marla certainly does bring out the good in some men. Sometimes, annoyingly so."

Jackson stood, taking her hand. “Let’s dance, shall we?”

She agreed and took his hand, letting him lead her out to the floor and through a series of moves.

The music seemed to carry them and as they circled the floor, he spoke at her ear. “Explain what you meant about Marla being annoyin’? Or was that good?”

"She has a suitor who wishes her to quit her job. It's the same ... I think you humans call it a 'white knight syndrome'. Saving the damsel. Being Prince Charming and making her life perfect by taking her away from prostitution and her cruel business manager." She snorted in derision. "Within a few weeks, he'll have found a new project, a new damsel to save. And then where will she be? Out of a job and with no lover."

“How cynical of you, Sey. What if his intentions are true?”

"You say cynical, I say realistic. He's thinking with the brain between his legs, not the one in his head. Why do you care anyway?"

“Oh, you know me. Since I finally have Oz, I’ve become one of those annoyin’ people who want everyone ta be happy.” He dipped her low, then lifted her to resume the dance. “Let’s take you, for instance. I keep hearin’ you have a suitor who’s not interested in your position, but also has stars in his eyes. That true?”

"Every one of my suitors is interested in my position. Some prefer me on my back, others, astride them...," she laughed. "And I leave them all with stars in their eyes. Why, I think I even did that for your Oz when she visited me."

“So I heard.” Jackson laughed as well. “I was jealous. As for Marla, cut the kid a break. Maybe she won’t leave ya high and dry like ya think. She’s not a robot after all. You know how it goes when feelings rise that you can’t ignore. Still pinin’ for me?”

"Pining for you? Not likely. Not like I ever did." No, not for him. Perhaps another, though. "As for Marla, she owes me first and foremost. Second, it's more likely that he will leave her high and dry."

“Who is it?” he asked. “Perhaps I might be good for some insight.” He twirled her under his arm, then pulled her back close.

"It does not matter who he is." Her tone had hardened slightly. "I do not care for your insights. If I need help managing my business, I have other associates I can rely on."

“Maybe it’s the other way around hmm?” Jackson smiled down at her. “Are you sure she’s good enough for whoever this mystery man is?” Jackson groaned inwardly. He knew Marla and hated saying it. “Just curious.”

"That is precisely the problem. She isn't and he'll realize it only after she's no longer a damsel in danger."

“You may be surprised. If it was me? I’d get her come hell or high water. I did with Oz when it seemed impossible. Don’t think they may not feel the same. Somebody tellin’ ‘em no just makes ‘em want it more. Trust me. Been there done that. Another drink Sey?”

"Only if we stop discussing Marla," Seyla faced Jackson with a mildly bored look. "I'd rather discuss getting you into my bed."

“That may be a long discussion, darlin’,” he drawled as he led her back to the table. “Maybe I’ll call Marla instead? Darwin might have my ass if I lured you away.”

"I doubt Darwin has cause to worry, dear Jackson. Marla would be interesting for you. She'll do things Oralia never would."

“I don’t know, I heard about your little visit with Oz.” Jackson winked at Seyla as he held her chair for her to sit. “Should I be jealous?”

She took her seat and laughed. "Oh, yes, Oralia's visit was fun. I taught her at least one thing."

It was Jackson’s turn to laugh. “Yes..yes ya did. An’ for that I am eternally grateful. Ready for dinner?”

"I am," she smiled at him, letting her mood improve again as they left the topic of Marla behind.


Local Tutor

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Grateful Husband
The Nexus Club


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