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The Inquisition - Part II

Posted on Sun May 3rd, 2015 @ 6:42pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD
Edited on on Sun May 3rd, 2015 @ 6:43pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Briefing Room 2

* * * Briefing Room 2 * * *

Eria placed a recording device on the table, gave the stardate and time and added, “In attendance are myself, Admiral Eria Azoulay, Lieutenant Commander Nicolao and Lieutenant Commander Swift, Chief Counselor of Starbase 900 and physician to Lieutenant Commander Nicolao.”

She folded her hands together on the table and looked directly at Nico. “If it’s not too much trouble, I will, from this point on, call you Nico, or Nicolao if you prefer.” She looked to Robin, “And I will refer to you as Doctor Swift.”

Both men nodded. It was preferable to having to hear their ranks over and over again.

“Nico,” she started, “can you tell me what your current status is within Starfleet and the reason you are here on Starbase 900?”

“Current status Code 99,” he answered. “Assigned to Starbase 900 from Starfleet Medical in San Francisco where I was under psychiatric and medical care following a rescue from Elmspur Prison, Cardassia Prime. They felt that Dr. Swift, who has vast experience would be the best course. My medical records were sent by Dr. Sahli, but I’m sure you’ve seen those.”

She nodded. “I have. And while you have been on 900, can you tell me what you have been doing, or allowed to do, considering your current status, when you are not in session with Dr. Swift?”

Nico considered the question and described for her his day to day activities, at least those that were any of Starfleet’s business. What he did on his own time didn’t concern her in the least. At her request, he also reviewed the time frame of his return to San Francisco and his move here, at least as far as he could remember.

“I was told the date I was taken to HQ so I took their word for it,” He finished. “According to the records, I was in the DMZ for four years and Elmspur for three months. I recall little, if that’s what you’re so curious about.”

She didn’t acknowledge his comment, too afraid to give away any information that she wanted to keep to herself. Questioning someone like this was almost like a game of chess. The one questioning usually had all of the cards and only doled them out a little at a time. By doing so, they could potentially gain information, or clarification on information they already have, without giving away too much or letting anyone know how much information they actually possessed. Sometimes it was little information at all.

“Since you have broached the subject,” she continued, “tell me what little you do remember from your time in the Demilitarized Zone and Elmspur. In as much detail as you can, please.”

Nico’s anxiety jumped a few levels at the question, then took a deep breath, trying to do as Robin has instructed and keep calm. “I know I was there under deep cover and we were told that there were contacts in place who would find us. One did, in my case, a woman named Anaar, if that was even her real name. But she knew me so what else was there to think? The time there is spotty but I do recall very clearly the day she hid me in the closet when some of the Order came knocking. I could hear her and she referred to me by name.” His eyes closed as the memory began to replay for him. “She gave them my hiding place and moments later, the door opened and they knocked out the false wall in the back. After’s grey...nothing but pain...emptiness.” His muscles had grown so tight they were humming beneath his skin and his hands were now in hard fists. “That enough? Have you ever been tortured, Admiral?”

“Nico, I realize that having to replay those events over and over again can be uncomfortable,” she said, avoiding the question, “but this is all important information that we didn’t have before this moment.” She tried to sound as soothing as possible, almost as if she were on his side. “And you have had no further revelations of your activities from that time, or your incarceration?”

“Only bits and pieces of memories...of the Cardassian responsible, but they are vague. The doctor was of the opinion that the drugs they used had an adverse reaction with my physiology instead of the desired effect. So, what do you want? To know how it feels to be in such agony there is nothing but emptiness? No sound, no color? Or how it feels to wish you were dead so it would stop? And being angry because they refused that one request?” His voice has grown rough as he spoke and he felt the rage rising, threatening to slip out of his control. “What does this have to do with why you are here?”

Robin slowly slid a hand over to Nico’s under the table, trying to calm him down.

“It has everything to do with my presence here,” Eria replied coolly. “Admirals Wegener and Hawke have been charged with some pretty serious offenses, including possibly colluding with enemy spies--Cardassians, that caused the deaths of several allied individuals. We believe that you may have been working with them while in the DMZ and may have even helped to broker their dealings with the Cardassians. Furthermore, it is the opinion of the prosecution that you are withholding information regarding this and using an alleged memory loss as your cover, all in an attempt to aid Wegener and Hawke.”

She sat there, her hands still folded, with a smirk on her face as she provided the information, almost as if she knew it would only serve to anger him.

“Admiral!” Robin began. “I can assure you that--” He didn’t finish. He couldn’t finish because Nico had some words of his own.

Nico was on his feet so fast that his chair flipped over. He lunged at the table, knocking his coffee cup to the floor, then banged his fist down hard. “That is a lie! Do you want to see what it was like there?? You want to know who kept me alive when all I wanted was to die?? I can show you, make you feel it!” A grey, Cardassian face rose suddenly in his mind, one with a cruel smile and a voice that was soft and pleasant, even as it ordered more horrors rained down on him. As the vision played in his mind, the Cardassian raised a glass of water and suddenly Nico was dying of thirst, his throat raw. Before him, the Admiral raised her own glass and he froze, standing motionless. The room was silent but they could feel the storm about to explode.

“You would do well to compose yourself,” she said, almost through clenched teeth. “Otherwise, I will have to contact security and have you remanded into their custody for your outburst.” She took a sip of the water and smiled as she placed the glass on the table. “And once you have regained your seat, we will continue.”

Robin had heard enough. “No, Admiral, we will not,” he said, pulling Nico back by the shoulder. “This briefing, if you can call it that, is over.”

“It most certainly is not!” Eria countered.

“Oh, but I think it is. Admiral or not, you cannot countermand the orders of a physician, regardless of rank. And this physician is taking his patient to sickbay.”

“On what grounds?”

“Sorry, Admiral,” Robin said, now the one with a smirk on his face. “Doctor/patient confidentiality. But I can assure you that it is legitimate and by the time you obtain your permission to access his medical records from JAG corps, you will have full knowledge of my reasoning. Until then, you’ll just have to deal with the fact that this is happening and you’ll have to make peace with it.”

He faced Nico, who almost balked at the stone determination and anger he found etched on Robin’s face, something he’d never seen before. “Come on, Nico,” he said forcefully. “Let’s go.”

Before they exited the room Robin turned and scowled at the Admiral who had a shocked look on her face. Apparently, she hadn’t expected this turn of events.

“Gotta get out of here….have to….” As Robin opened the doors, Nico rushed through them and out into the corridor. His breathing was rapid and he bent over, hands on his knees, hoping the world would stop spinning. “Sickbay. Robin….she thinks there’s something in my head…she will try again...”

“She’ll have to go through me first,” Robin replied. “Come on,” he said, helping him stand upright, “we need to get you checked out.”

They slowly moved down the corridor toward the lift. As they did, behind the closed briefing room door, Eria was seething. She turned off the recorder and felt like throwing it across the room, but she needed the information it contained. But she couldn’t help herself. She slammed her fists on the table and sent the glass of water flying into the wall, shattering it. “Dammit!” she hissed. “Damn that man!”


Admiral Eria Azoulay
Evil, Conniving Snake

Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
Taking No Shit

Undone By A Glass Of Water


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