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Plans for JD

Posted on Sun May 3rd, 2015 @ 8:54pm by James Holbridge

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Holbridge Quarters

It had been a hectic time at Holbridge Industries. Tricia worked tirelessly to set up the new shipyard and machine shops, distribution deals, and all the red tape bullshit that went along with administration, while Jim and his design teams refined designs that had been partially approved by Starfleet R+D. A systems engineer who was the prize pupil of Dr. Leah Brahms had been sent to help the fledgling company with warp M/ARA systems and other sensitive aspects of design. Jims clearances had been restored and Tricia had been given conditional Top-Secret clearances, enabling her to access any area of the shipyard she chose.

Now, it was night time and the family had just sat down to supper. Tricia, normally a fabulous cook, had grown dependent on the replicator to nourish her family and had selected pepper steak and rice for her and her husband, with grilled chicken and veggies for her son and daughter. JD was morose, despite his acceptance into The Marine Academy earlier in the week, and picked at his food.

"Something bothering you, cadet?" Jim asked in a command voice.

"Huh?, oh no, sir!" JD lied, then sighed. "Well, yea, kinda."

Tricia laid her fork down. "Would you like to talk to your father about it?" she asked.

JD just nodded.

"Come on, Kimmy, let's go to the den and eat, that way the men can grunt in peace!" Tricia smiled at her husband as she picked both plates up and left the room.

Jim watched his wife leave, then looked at his son. "This better be good, because you just chased the best-looking person at the table outta the room!"

"Dad, when you and Mom split up, I was worried I would never get to see you again, then when the War came and you were shot down, we waited for months for word on you. now, I'm going to Mars and...."

"Son, I am retired from fieldwork in NGSC and the Fleet, but I do have a reserve commission. Living and working in space is inherently dangerous, and Starfleet mandate to explore was replaced by a mandate to explore and protect themselves. We came back from the brink, and learned some new things. That's why I started the security company, and that's why Mom and I are running the shipyard."

JD nodded. "I have never been away from Mom for very long, and now I am off to Mars. I know there is an Academy here..."

Jim smiled. "Not for Marines though. Hey, you will be near the family in Nova Scotia, and I will have to come to earth every couple months for tech updates. I am sure I can bring Mom and Sis along. As for leaving, it's time for you to go, son. You are a young man about to graduate high school and you need to see some of the galaxy." Jim reached into his pocket and pulled out an iso-chip, handing it to the boy, then quickly forking meat into his mouth.

"What is it?"

"Orders appointing you Grand Pooh-Bah of the Moose Lodge! Read the damn thing!" Jim grinned.

JD stuck the chip into his reader, then grinned. "These are reservations on Risa!"

"Yeah, I figure it's time you mingled with members of the opposite sex in an environment that is conducive to hooking up with a hot woman without your mommy and daddy around." Jim did not tell his son that a full contingent of NGSC personnel was already on station, securing the hotel and facilities in and around where his son would be staying for two weeks.

"When do I leave?" JD asked excitedly.

"After graduation, you can take the Ghost, she's in need of some minor overhauls and the Nateg Shipyard is the handiest place to do it until mine is brought online. So, that is settled."

JD smiled at his father. "Thanks Dad."



Jim was in bed, reading a padd on design security when Tricia appeared in the doorway, clad in something black, flimy, and very revealing between pieces of black lace. "Hey, flyboy!"

Jim put down his padd and grinned. "Well, hello there! You look positively ravishing in that!"

"This old thing, I only wear it when I want laid." Tricia smiled, fingering the bra strap.

Jim wiggled his finger at his wife, who strode over and slid into bed with her husband. "I may be able to help you, my dear!"

45 minutes later, Tricia's head rested on her husband's shoulder. "You are still one of the best, flyboy!" she purred.

"Good to know." Jim smiled. "I gave JD his gift."

"How did he like it?"

"He's jazzed about it, and before you sy anything, the team is in place. Kamarov is leading the team with Amanda and Woodard in country. along with a strike team of women in bikini's, mainly Archadians who work for me. They may be nice to look at, but they are all Amazonian ass-kickers who will kill anyone who tries anything." Jim said seriously.

Tricia snuggled into her husband's arms. "Anyone harms my boy I'll rip their genitalia off!"

"I have no doubt!"


Clan Holbridge
Home At Last


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