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Clash Of The Titans

Posted on Mon May 4th, 2015 @ 10:38am by Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Deck 31 Office / Piper Medical Center - Psychiatric Wing

* * * JAG Offices * * *

Monique Bond, paralegal extraodinaire, scanned the incoming file on her padd and visibly paled. It was a report on Nicolao’s deposition, if you could call it that.

“Shit,” she muttered. Ray would want this ASAP, but it was not going to be pretty. Finally, she rose and as she turned to enter Ray’s office, glanced back to Chelsea.

“Duck and cover, Chel,” she whispered.

* * * Temporary Offices - Deck 31 * * *

After Ray left his office (and had been checked by Monique for concealed sharp objects), he stomped to the turbolift and started up. The computer informed him that Admiral Azoulay was in a temporary office on deck 31 and so, to deck 31 he went. He made a mental note as he exited the lift to have someone in sickbay check his blood pressure after this, hopefully in time to keep the top of his head from blowing off. He arrived at the correct office and, finding the door closed, pressed the chime button...and held it.

Eria heard the chime and began to answer, but it just kept going and going. “Yes! Come in!” She started to ignore it but her ire was already up after the interview with Nico. “Open the damn door!” she yelled, finally.

The doors did indeed open and in came Ray. His expression was pure fire and brimstone as he approached her desk.

“Admiral,” the title was use grudgingly.

“What the hell was that?” she demanded. “Just felt like trying to piss of an admiral today?”

Ray gave her a chilly smile. “Well, if I did,” he drawled, “then we’d be even because that admiral has sorely pissed me off. I am going to speak freely, because frankly, I could ask but I won’t care if you say no.” He rested his hands on the edge of the desk and leaned towards her slightly. “Now then, tell me just what in the holy hell you thought you were doing with that witness?” He didn’t bother to say who, he was sure she knew exactly who he meant.

“My job, Lieutenant,” she replied in an attempt to remind him of his diminished rank from hers. “I have been appointed to get to the very bottom of this entire debacle and I will do so, even if it means playing a little hardball to do it.”

“And that means cracking open like an egg a man on psychiatric leave and then dropping him in the corner when you’re done? Do you have any idea where he is now, after your little game of hardball?”

“Do tell, Raymond,” she said, finally consenting to calling him by name. “But if I were to guess, probably holed up in some corner of the station plotting more ways to keep information from me.”

“And you really believe that? Would it move your tiny, black, shriveled pit of a heart to know your tactics caused a complete breakdown and he’s now confined in the psychiatric wing?” Ray stared back at her and for a moment, he was sorry he hadn’t brought a sharp object. Damn Monique for following orders.

With a wave of her hand she dismissed the entire thing. “Probably just a ploy by that Doctor Swift. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he was involved in assisting Nico in hiding this information from me.”

“I don’t know about you, but on this station, the officers have regulations and standards and they follow them. They also have morals, which seem to be in short supply lately with some people.” He glared at Eria. “And just what did you gain from this? What came of it that concerns this case? Not a damn thing. And now, we have a witness, who may or may not know anything, locked up in a rubber room and trying to recall what year it is!” His voice had risen steadily as he lectured her.

Do not,” she hissed, “take that tone with me, Lieutenant. I will allow a little leeway simply because this little dance we have to do almost requires it, but do not forget who I am and who you are in the grand scheme of things.”

Ray leaned closer and now, his voice low and menacing. “Trust me when I say I know exactly who I am...I am the one whose job it is to make sure that none of you step over the line in this fucked up sham of an investigation, and believe me lady, you did the two-step all over it. I am also the JAG officer who has written an official complaint regarding your little display this afternoon. And I can tell you, too, that if this continues, I’ll be the biggest pain in your ass you ever had. Do this again and you will wish you’d never met me or considered a Starfleet career.”

She was seconds away from erupting and knocking him down a peg for his threats, but quickly thought better of it. A smile slowly crept across her face. “You know, Raymond, I could use someone with your...spunk in my employ. You don’t back down, no matter the stakes. I like that.”

“That’s because I give a damn about those I’m working with, or in this case defending. You know what Nico’s mental state is, how dare you?” He waggled his finger at her now. “And get that look off your face and that idea out of your head right now.”

She shrugged. “It was a thought, maybe one to revisit after all of this is over. But I warn you now, I don’t back down either. I will get to the bottom of this and I will win.”

“Not at the expense of these officers. You know as well as I do this whole case is crap, but getting to the bottom of it is what I intend to do too. And don’t misunderstand. You bully or tear down another witness, and Admiral Cruzado will be finishing this investigation alone.” Ray stepped back from the desk. “Are we clear?”

She had to admit that she was quite impressed with his assertiveness. So, she nodded. “As a bell, Lieutenant.”

There was no harm in letting him think he had won. Besides, it could give her the upper hand later on in the investigation.

“So, if there is nothing else…?”

“Isn’t that enough?” he asked. “But no. I’m off to see the results of your handiwork. Good day, Admiral.”

Ray didn’t wait for her to dismiss him or say goodbye. He was already out the door.

She chuckled to herself as he left the room and went back about her business.

* * * Piper Medical Center * * *

Ray entered Piper Medical Center, a cheery whistle on his lips. He felt happier than he had since this whole mess started. Something about telling off an admiral and leaving the room with your skin, and your rank, intact could sure put a spring in a fellow’s step. He inquired of Kiere at the front desk and she gave him directions to Nico’s room in the psychiatric wing. He arrived to find Robin standing outside.

“Good afternoon, Counselor.”

“Lieutenant Benson,” Robin replied. “You seem to be awfully chipper.”

“Oh, I wish you’d been with me ten minutes ago. You’d have been one happy man.” Ray grinned at Robin. “I just had the distinct pleasure of chewing Admiral Azoulay a new asshole and left her smiling about it.”

Robin gasped. “You can’t be serious! She was smiling?” His face turned dark, however. “Wait a minute.” He stepped closer and lowered his voice. “If that conniving bitch was smiling after you ripped into her, she must have something up her sleeve.” He looked around as if someone would be listening. “Watch your back, Ray.”

“Oh I know. She did, however, offer me a job, Can you dig that?” Ray shook his head. “I grew up in Texas, Counselor. I know a rattlesnake when I see one and have the good sense not to turn my back on it. And I wasn’t bluffing when I told her I’d filed an official complaint.”

“I’d like to see how that turns out,” Robin replied honestly. “Maybe seeing her get smacked down a bit would make me as happy as you. Unfortunately,” he said, turning to look into Nico’s room, “I don’t have much blowing my skirt up today, so to speak.”

Ray turned as well and looked through the window. Inside, he could see Nico sitting down in the corner, on the floor.

“How is he? Not too serious I hope?” Ray asked. “If you think it is, I’ll be happy to amend my complaint.”

“Don’t go changing anything just yet. I’m giving him some time to try and calm himself, with a little extra help from Mr. Hypospray, and then we’ll have a discussion. Of course,” Robin added, “it doesn’t help that he was poisoned when he came to see me earlier. I was going to bring him here but Azoulay interrupted. So I’m also giving the medical staff time to ensure that he has fully recovered from that, see if they can adapt the human cure to work on Enarans and possibly see how the poison was delivered.” Suddenly Robin looked alarmed. “Oh shit!”

Ray turned to him, a quizzical look on his face.

Robin shook his head in disgust. “Dru! I need to let Dru know what’s going on with Nico. She’ll be worried by now.”

“He was poisoned…” Ray repeated. “Well fuck me. What the hell is going on here, Robin? This smells worse by the second.”

Again, Robin looked around the medical bay. No one seemed to be paying much attention. “I don’t know if the purpose was to incapacitate him or not, but I think someone is trying to take him out.” He was nervous now. This whole cloak and dagger thing wasn’t his style. “If Nico knows what Eria thinks he knows, then he may be able to bring this whole thing crashing down on their heads in favor of our Admirals.”

“So as much as they want to dig out what he might know, someone seems bound and determined to see that it stays buried.” Ray paused to consider the rest of Robin's words. ““Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“Yes!” he whispered a bit loudly. “Well, I think I’m saying what I’m thinking--er, you’re saying--whatever! Yes. Exactly!”

“Whatever it is, this suddenly got a whole lot deeper, and it was deep enough to begin with. Have you given orders to keep him secluded, aside from your staff and medical?” Ray’s mind was already moving a mile a minute in a dozen different directions.

“Oh, yeah,” Robin replied, speaking normally now. “That triflin’ ho-bag will need the full authority of the admiralty in triplicate, plus a written letter from the gods themselves--if you believe in that malarkey--before she’ll gain access to him.”

“Did you just….” Ray shook his head and smiled. “I knew I liked you. If you have any issues with keeping them away, inform me. And given this poisoning episode, I need to contact the away team. I’m not so sure I like their odds right now.” He looked back in the window, quiet for a moment. “Has he moved since you got here?”

“I sedated him pretty heavily,” Robin replied. “I also had an Alpha Wave Inducer placed on him. He needs to get some rest without those horrible dreams he keeps having. It won’t be the most refreshing sleep he’s had but at least it’ll let him get some rest without reliving the horrors she dredged up.” He turned to look into the room as well. “But, to answer your question, no, he hasn’t moved much at all.”

“Do you think there are valid grounds for disqualification? If so, I’ll get that going when I get back to my office. Chelsea can start on the paperwork and assembly of records.” Ray watched, still, through the window. “Serve that witch right, it would.”

“It would be difficult, but not impossible. But, do we really want to have him branded as insane for the rest of his life?” Robin asked. “That would keep him from ever being able to serve in the fleet again. Hell, it may keep him from getting any type of job. Ever.”

Ray sighed aloud. “In an ideal world, Robin, his memory would come back tomorrow, we’d know what the hell is going on and then all go home and get a good night’s sleep. I don’t want him stuck with that label. But what concerns me is that if she keeps picking, he may end up there anyhow.” He clapped Robin on the shoulder. “You need some rest too. Go home. Have Ophelia look in on him. If anybody can communicate with him, she can.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Robin said, turning to find the nearest nurse. “I’ll leave a few instructions before I go. And I should find Dru and let her know. I’ll have to authorize her entry, though. Can’t have her getting turned away at the door.”

Ray nodded. “Well, call if you need me. I’ll be the one chained to my terminal for the foreseeable future. Take care Robin.” He turned and began the walk back down the corridor to the turbolifts.

Robin waited a moment before stepping into Nico’s room. He put a hand on Nico’s shoulder as he checked the readouts on the wall behind him. Everything seemed to have worked in calming him down and he was sleeping with no dreams. At least that should help in the short term, but to help the Admirals, Robin was afraid that he would have to reopen the wound he was currently trying to close.

With a deep sigh, he found the charge nurse and briefed her, then left to find Dru. He may have needed sleep as well, but he couldn’t sleep now. Not until he made sure she was okay.

Lt. Ray Benson
Mad As Hell & Not Gonna Take It Anymore

Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
Trying to Watch His Back

Admiral Eria Azoulay
Just...a bitch


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