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Walk In The Shadows...and Carry A Knife

Posted on Fri May 8th, 2015 @ 4:37pm by Jackson Banning V & James Holbridge

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: En Route to Nebula Gold Security

Jackson Banning’s padd for JD Holbridge was tucked safely into one of Jim's leg cargo pockets, bumping against his thigh as he hurried towards the turbolift. He stopped by the closed doors and tabbed the button to go down. His mind was sorting through a hundred details when he saw her walk up to the turbolift. Jim's memory flickered at seeing her just moments ago. He tried to recall her, but all he remembered was a quick glance in the Nexus Club.... "Going up?" he asked in a gallant voice.

“That might be a little difficult since you’re going down.” The irony of Anaar’s words hit her and she smiled. “But since you asked so nicely, I’m going in your direction. Thank you.”

Jim pressed the down button again, this time the doors parted to admit the pair to the unoccupied car. Jim let the woman go in first, following behind her, liking the fact that the woman had an exotic look, but was still mindful of his wife waiting for him. “NGSC spaces,” he barked.

Anaar remained silent as Jim spoke, but then appeared curious. “What’s NGSC?”

“Nebula Gold Security Company, division of Holbridge Industries,” Jim answered shortly, annoyed that the logo on his polo shirt and pistol belt was not giving the woman a clue. she may have been just another ditzy female, the type Jim couldn’t stand.

“Sounds like it could be a dangerous job at times, given where you are. This stretch of space seems to attract strange things like a magnet lately. Everyone’s curious about this station and some not too happy with Starfleet’s presence.” She shrugged nonchalantly. “But you can’t argue with the place. It’s not a bad place to be for a while.”

The car stopped, allowing the two other passengers to get out on deck 131. After the door closed, Jim placed his back to the bulkhead out of habit. This woman was annoying him, or was it something else? She was off, somehow, but he couldn’t quite figure out why….figuring women out had always been his downfall, which was why he and his wife had split for a decade. “Agreed, but with my company and Starfleet in the region, people can choose to be protected by us or not. Either way, as a war vet not too much is going to scare me. Starfleet wants to explore, but me, I wanna make a credit or two, and I am doing it.”

Anaar nodded. “It’s the way of the future. This is the new frontier after all, no limits, right?”

Jim regarded the woman with annoyance, but respected her opinion. “Yup. ‘Cept the limits imposed on us by our government.”

“Of course.” She smiled back at him and fell silent, looking up to note the deck and wondering if all ex-Fleeties were this wound up. That made her think of Nico and she fought back a laugh. He was about as tight as they came. A vision of Pacifica rose and she knew she would be glad when this mess was done. Even as she stood, she kept Jim in her peripheral vision. “Since you are a local on the station, tell me, have you been to the Nexus yet? A friend almost insisted I see it while I'm here.”

Now Jim’s mind stopped wandering and he focused. “I have been there many times. A friend owns the place.” Jim’s unseen right hand slipped down near the butt of his 3p, resting near the pommel. “They serve a damn good steak and the booze is top-notch. My wife and I often use the VIP lounge.”

The turbolift car stopped and the door opened, allowing Jim to step off. As he cleared the car, he relaxed his grip on his pistol, hoping that whoever the woman in the turbolift car worked for wasn’t targeting him. I have to thank Dae for his advanced tactical training, Jim said to himself as he walked away. Maybe a nice case of brandy or some Jalaran Fizzies, sure would make for some interesting evenings!.

In the lift, Anaar pressed the panel to hold the car for a few extra seconds, giving Jim time to put just a little distance between them. as she did, she stepped out of her shoes, then slipped from the lift and just around a corner, still watching. The lift doors closed with their usual noise and she expected him to look back. He was former Intel, it would be ingrained, especially given an unknown in the area. Old habits die hard as she well knew.

Jim kept on going, but sneaked a glance back and saw nothing but a corridor and saw nothing but corridor….and felt a sharp pain in his side, followed by a warm, wet sensation.

Behind him, Anaar smiled as the dart was lodged in his side and a trickle of blood began to seep through his shirt. A second or two longer and Jim’s world would turn into a horror funhouse, thanks to the hallucinogen in the dart. She mentally counted down, then dashed up behind him.

A clattering noise told him that whatever had just violated his body had cut his weapon loose as well. Jim stopped and tried to turn only to feel another pain in the shoulder.

Shit!” he cursed, falling to his knees near several large splotches of crimson blood. Not much...time, he thought. “Medical….”

The deck swayed at a berserk angle, like the gravity was on the blink...which was weird because the hallways was now lined with….Oh wow…..that damned red-haired woman was smiling at him, her long tongue rubbing on her dripping fangs…..

A flash of silver reflected off the bulkhead and speared Jim in the eye, bringing with it an explosion of fireworks in his brain, even as his vision seemed to telescope in on itself. Another searing pain burned through his shoulder, followed by a sharp point pressing at his throat.

“How does it feel to be left for dead?” she whispered at his ear. ”This one’s personal...Bouncer.” She searched his pockets with practiced speed, removing a padd from one of his cargo pockets before vanishing down a side corridor.

Jim tried to reply, but his head rolled to one side as he lost consciousness……..Momma bear….momma bear.....was his last conscious thought…….


Jim Holbridge
Down For The Count


Getting Even And Getting Paid


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