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Posted on Sat May 9th, 2015 @ 1:32am by Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree & Lieutenant Commander Ophelia Payne & Lieutenant Commander Nicolao

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Piper Medical Center
Timeline: Current

* * * Piper Medical Center - Psychiatric Wing * * *

Ophelia checked the time as she entered the psychiatric wing. Counselor Swift had requested that she oversee Nico but she needed to update the psychiatric staff. That could be done once this half-hour check was finished. She thought of Earl’s golf ball as she started down the hall and smiled. Her smile widened as she thought of his ‘dear friend’. He wasn’t fooling anyone, especially a Betazoid. Calling whoever it was dear was a vast understatement. Just the thought of her had sent Earl’s emotions into overdrive. Ophelia envied him for a moment, wondering what something that consuming must be like.

She reached Nico’s window and looked in, now facing a man consumed by something completely different and far darker. Opening her thoughts, she reached out to him and this time, instead of the grey, it was all black...nothingness. The sedative was still working then. Footsteps approaching pulled her back from the void with a shiver and she turned to see Drusilla.

“Is he still sleeping?” Dru asked, more concerned with Nico than the niceties, such as greeting people.

“He is but the sedative will be wearing off soon. I was just about to go in and check his vitals. Robin has them being registered automatically, but has me going in on the half hour to do an in-person check.” Ophelia looked back through the window a moment. “How are you, Dru? You’ve had a rough time of it, and now this…”

She didn’t answer right away. It was a difficult question, to be honest. With a shrug, she finally said, “I was okay there for a night, with him, and then this.” Her eyes watered a bit now that the weight of everything stared her in the face. She had been abducted and mistreated, and when she finally found and made a real connection with Nico, this happened. She wasn’t even sure if he would be able to recover from what that woman did to him. “Mind if I go on in?” she asked, dabbing at her eyes. She tried to turn away slightly, embarrassed to be crying.

“I think you should.” Ophelia showed Dru the room code, then unlocked the door. “That’s more for his protection, not because we feel the need to lock him in.” She let Dru in first, then followed her in and re-locked the door. “Robin sent word that you could stay so we’ll need to get a few things in for you.” She knelt by Nico and rested a hand on his shoulder, falling silent as she scanned him.

Dru stood at the foot of the bed and did a poor job of holding back the tears. She didn’t want to disturb Ophelia so she waited before getting close to him. Looking around the room she found a chair that looked comfortable enough and moved it close. Seating herself she smiled at Ophelia as she stood from checking on Nico. “Still doing okay?” she asked.

“Coming out of the induced sleep,” Ophelia answered and pointed to the bed. “If you get tired, you might as well use this, he hasn't touched it and won’t.” She made a note in her padd and pocketed it. Now she perched on the foot of the bed and turned her attention to Drusilla. “There’s a few things you need to know, Dru.”

Tucking her legs underneath her, Dru pulled the pillow from the bed and hugged it. “Okay,” she replied, prompting Ophelia to continue. She was, however, dreading what may be said, hoping it wasn’t something along the lines of “He thinks he’s a rooster.”

“He’s back in that place, the grey landscape. I gather it’s familiar? Robin knew of it too. When I connect with Nico, that’s all I get - grey, barren, empty landscape with fog and clouds.” Ophelia left it at that for the moment.

Dru hated that place. “I hate that woman for doing this to him,” she finally said. “He was doing so well before. He even said that the place had changed.” She smiled a bit. “A flower had appeared in his vision. He said it was because of me.” Looking to Ophelia she had to ask. “Is it still there?”

Ophelia hesitated but finally shook her head. “But don’t let that worry you. I think having you here is just what he needs. You’re in his thoughts, if that helps. I think he’s back there for a reason, Dru. He’s trying to recall something that is there, from that time, so he had to return there. Does that make any sense to you?”

“I...guess? I don’t really understand much of what Nico can do, but that doesn’t surprise me.” Now that Ophelia was done with him, she scooted out of the chair and sat next to him, first just holding his hand but then pulling him to her. “I don’t know what I can really do to help, but I don’t want to leave him.”

“The telepathic aura he gives off, that close it will affect you. It’s likely you will be able to reach him soon.” Ophelia rose and patted Dru’s shoulder. “I hope so. I’ll be back through in a half hour but call if you need something before then.” She left, locking the door behind her.

Once Ophelia had closed and locked the door behind her, the room fell silent. Nico was still sleeping, and the device on his head--Dru had forgotten what it was called--was supposed to keep him from dreaming yet he still found himself in that horrible place.

She kissed his head and hugged him to her. “I’m so sorry, Nico,” she whispered. “I wish I had telepathy or something so I could get in there with you, to let you know I was here with you. But if you can hear me,” she paused, “and I really hope you can, just focus on me. Listen to my voice.” She teared up again. “And come back to me.”

There was nothing but silence in the room and the word, when it came, was a mere thought drifting into Dru’s thoughts.

Dru? Mamu said you were safe. Are you?

“Nico!” she said aloud, surprised to hear him. “Nico, I’m here with you. We’re both safe. We’re on the station in sickbay.” She pulled back and looked at him, half expecting to see his eyes opened. They were still closed. “Can you wake up? Are you okay?”

Something here I need to find, something the Admirals, our admirals, need. That one pried….she pushed me till...I was here again. Stay….please…

“Nico, I don’t like that place,” she said. “It’s horrible...but I understand,” she said softly. “Just...just don’t stay there too long. I don’t think it’s good for you there.”

No….it’s’s oblivion. Zikar put me here before…. He sighed aloud and then Dru’s thoughts were empty….he was no longer there.

“Nico?” she said, now to a quiet, empty room. All she could do was pull him close again and hope that he didn’t stay too long.

Lt. Ophelia Payne
Still On Watch

PO2 Drusilla Dupree
Alone Even At His Side

Looking For...Something


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