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Stonewallin' Jackson

Posted on Sat May 9th, 2015 @ 4:15am by Jackson Banning V & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Deck 31 Office

* * * Deck 31 - Temporary Offices * * *

What Jackson had said to Jim was true - Tomas had warned him that he was on Admiral Azoulay’s list and a few hours later, the call had come in. He was also curious about the bug Jim had discovered, but he suspected that someone else had a hand in that. He’d known Tomas too long and survived some things together that precluded such underhanded dealings. It was one more thing that was a mystery in a whole ball of mysteries. And Jackson liked none of it. Now, someone was going to be asking questions about things that were best left buried. But when the brass called…..

He reached the office and stepped inside.

“Commander Banning,” the admiral said, “thank you for coming. Please,” she gestured to an empty chair, “have a seat and we can get started.”

“Admiral Azoulay, it’s been a while.” Jackson greeted her, then sat down. “I hope you’ll bear with me, it’s a little early in the day for me.”

She didn’t answer. She was already in ‘business mode’ and, after Nico and the doctor, she’d had enough of being overly nice. Setting the recorder on the table, she made the regular introductions and began. “Can you state for the record your name, status in Starfleet and your current duties aboard Starbase 900?”

“Jackson Banning V, Lieutenant Commander, formerly Intel Division from 2365 to 2386 retired 2386. Reinstated as special services for Intel Division this year. I am currently part owner of the Nexus Club with my partner Janice Gree.” Jackson waited for her to do the math and ask the inevitable question.

“Can you please state your age, Commander?”

Jackson smiled only a moment. “42, Admiral. I am 42 years old. If you need proof, Dr. Harding can provide it, as can Admiral Hawke.”

“Thank you,” she replied then pressed on. “Describe to me, in detail, your work while stationed within the DMZ. Bear in mind that I have full security clearance on any items potentially related to this case when you answer.”

Jackson nodded and began to describe for her his time in the DMZ as contact point and ‘handler’ for the undercover operatives. “I’m not sure where you served, sir, but that was a coupla years of hell to be blunt. Like livin’ in a cave with a family of bears an’ hopin’ they don’t wake up an’ see ya. We were all prepared for it ta happen and knew that we were courtin’ death about every minute.”

She sat back in her chair, her arms crossed. “Can you tell me, then, how Wegener and Hawke came into contact with enemy operatives and passed information to them?”

Jackson didn’t like the slanted question and he frowned. “That’s assumin’ an awful lot isn’t it? Like the fact that they are innocent ‘til proven guilty?”

“We have evidence pointing to the fact, Commander,” she replied, sitting forward in her chair. “Now, is it possible that they could have had that sort of contact and passed confidential information?”

Jackson shook his head. “You have evidence from who? That’s the big question isn’t it? Is that person reliable? Because I can tell you this - what you are suggesting woulda been noticed by someone in a position to do so, namely me. I’ve worked with both of ‘em for a lotta years and I just don’t see it. You have to understand somethin’, Admiral. They had to look every one of those they sent into the field in the face and tell ‘em they may not get back. That’s a heavy load to carry. And to be blunt, I had more contact with the field ops than they did.”

She didn’t waver. “I’ll ask you once more, Commander, and if you avoid answering my question I will have you placed in the brig for obstruction charges.” She sat up straight in her chair. “Is it possible that Rick Wegener and Lucius Hawke could have had contact with Cardassian spies and passed confidential information? I don’t want your opinions of them, I want you to answer my question.”

“No. It woulda gone through me if anybody.” He sighed aloud. “Here’s the thing. Once they issued the orders? I was the one puttin’ them into practice. They didn’t know who got sent where.”

“So you mean to tell me,” she pressed, “that in their positions at the time that they never went anywhere unattended, or met with people on their own time? Surely you can’t tell me that you followed their whereabouts at all times?”

“No, I was too busy keepin’ my ass covered and watchin’ those in the field. But my question is this - if they didn't know who I assigned to which area, how could they tell anyone?” Jackson shifted in his chair and crossed his arms. “There’s a reason for such double blind operatin’, Admiral. In case anyone got taken, they couldn’t reveal all that much since they didn’t know much.”

“But they did know the areas, they did know the operational details and could have easily passed along information--minus specific names--to the enemy!” she roared. “It’s not a huge stretch to think that those two could have given just enough information over to the Cardassians to put numerous people in extreme danger and, according to our evidence, they did just that!”

Jackson’s voice, when he spoke, was deadly calm. “Then maybe ya need ta re-examine that evidence or wonder about the source. I coulda done what you describe far easier and with less attention. The point is, why now after all this time? Ya got several people here who were involved in that area, and I suspect they’ll all tell ya the same thing - that yer wrong, pure an’ simple.”

She was quiet for a moment, as if a plan had come about. “So you’re telling me, then, that we should be looking at you for the deaths of our allied personnel, treason and all of the other charges that have been laid against Wegener and Hawke? That almost sounded like you were trying to confess, Commander.”

“I never said I did it either and don’t put words in my mouth, with all due respect Admiral,” he answered. “My point is they couldn’t have. An’ it makes no sense. Why, with such long careers, would they do somethin’ so stupid?”

She ignored his question. “Is there any way that you can disprove that either of them were in collusion with the Cardassians? You seem to be very sure of what they did and did not do during their time working with you, despite stating that you had enough on your own plate. What makes you so certain, other than your boundless respect and affection for them? I’m looking for something concrete here, Commander, not your opinions of Wegener or Hawke.”

He studied her for a long moment, choosing his words carefully now. “Respect isn’t given lightly, especially in our line of work. Those who turn on their own are just as likely to be taken out by their own. The law of the jungle often applies in our world, much as the higher-ups don’t like to admit it. Would it be enough to know they pulled some asses outta the fire and risked their own necks more than once to do it? Would it be enough for you to know that often, contrary to what you think, they didn’t know what was really happening in the trenches because things change at a moment’s notice? Or have ya decided already that what ya have there couldn’t possibly be wrong?”

“Are you refusing to answer my question, Commander?” she asked, a icy tone to her voice.

Jackson’s tone turned as sharp as Eria’s now. “I’m tellin’ you to stop believin’ your ‘sources’ and start lookin’ at who has a grudge against those two because from where I sit, that’s what I see.” He leaned towards the desk and Eria as he continued. “An’ you wanna know what they did for their people? One of those people is here on the station. He was ruled a loss to the Cardassians but they refused to accept that. I helped them arrange his rescue from Elmspur - what little was left of ‘im to rescue. Does that tell you anything?”

“All it tells me is that while they going behind everyone’s backs making deals with the enemy, they still played their roles so they wouldn’t get caught,” she replied, her eyes narrowing. “Is the rescue of one person supposed to absolve everything else? Is that what you’re saying?”

Jackson was on his feet now, and leaning over the desk. “You don’t seem to give a damn what I’m sayin’. If I were them, I’d request a new investigator, one what might have a more open mind than you an’ hasn’t decided what the story is ahead of time. I’ll be glad to help this investigation but not if I’m gonna be pissin’ in the wind. You asked what I know an’ I told you. But for all the difference it makes….” He paused to try and reign in his tongue but it wasn’t cooperating. “If you won’t listen to what I have ta say, then kiss my ass. I’m done.”

Azoulay thumbed a button on her desk and stood to meet him. “The problem here, Banning, is that what you’re saying is not an answer to any of my questions. As a matter of fact, you have not answered a single question since you’ve come through that door, with exception of your name, status, duties and age, none of which is actually relevant to this case.”

The doors opened and two security officers stepped in. “Lt. Commander Banning, you are hereby remanded into custody for obstruction of justice and will be locked away until such a time as you feel like you can loosen that tongue of yours and actually answer a question with a direct answer, instead of side-stepping.” She looked to the security staff. “I understand his wife is the Chief of Security?” One nodded. “She is to have no contact with him in any professional manner whatsoever. Audio and visual recordings for any and all visitors. I will send the order for his incarceration momentarily.”

Jackson looked to the two men, and nodded to the closest one. “Evenin’ Eric.” Then he turned back to Eria. “You don’t need to worry, my wife is off-station. As for my tongue, it gave you plenty to think on, if you choose to listen.” He turned back to the security officers. “A’right men, let’s get this over with.” They escorted him out and moments later the doors closed, leaving Eria alone in her office.

She was incensed. The admirals, then Nico, now Banning...were they all going to be this way? Had her interrogation skills gone soft? No, she decided. Someone was going to give her something to work with, something to convince a judge that she was right. No matter the cost.

Jackson Banning V
Arrested Again...And This Time Not By Oz

Admiral Eria Azoulay
Still...just a bitch


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