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Posted on Fri May 15th, 2015 @ 8:20am by Commander Patrick Leroy
Edited on on Fri May 15th, 2015 @ 8:23am

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Wormhole
Timeline: Present
Tags: Q'Vahn, klingon, Kh'ali, Martok

In the total silence of vacuum, the asteroid rolled its way through space.

Its course, set a long time ago as the result of who knows what great cataclysm occurred in the past, led it to traverse this sector of the Delta Quadrant bound to unknown destinations.

The cause originating this giant boulder most probably being a stellar explosion or clashing of planets. Maybe even dating back to a time where the entire universe was still young and sentient life, or just ‘life’, was yet a long way to come.

With its most part composed by ice, it could have become a beautiful comet the day it happened to pass close enough to a sun. And the people lucky enough to live in a world orbiting that sun would have enjoyed its bright tail of many colors, due to the various rare elements contained in its melting ice.

Poets would have been inspired to new creations and lovers would have pledged their sentiments at its passing.

Perhaps probes would have been launched to scan its surface, to drill it to the deepest layers of rock and ice. Disclosing its most hidden secrets to further knowledge and progress. Maybe even coming, through attentive study of the particles in its structure, to learn of its origin and history, the ‘places’ it went through.

But all of these inferences pertain to a day far in the future while now, now it’s momentum had just brought the asteroid to border slowly the area known as the outer fringe of the Jathlin Arm, through coordinates close to one of the most mysterious wonders of nature.

A wormhole.

The aperture of the wormhole began to shimmer and swell with increasing brightness as the giant rock traveled by but, being the asteroid only an inert mass of stone and ice, this breathtaking view had no meaning for it. Making it remain a blind, silent witness of the marvel that was repeating itself once again...

***** On board of the Klingon Bird of Prey K’Nahr - The Bridge*****

“Commander, we are out of the wormhole. According to the computer we have reached the Delta Quadrant.” The helmsman stated in that blunt and direct way typical of all military Klingons.

Buy' ngop helm,” Q’vanh responded standing from the captain seat a look of excitement and anticipation clear in her dark eyes.

“Set the route to Starbase 900 at once.” She added then pacing back and forth in front of the seat, “Tell me the estimated time of arrival and be ready to engage at my command.”

From a shadowy corner shrouded from the gloomy light of the warship bridge a figure stepped forth, tall and austere dressed in full battle armor. Some scars and a little graying of the hair the only hint of a glorious fighting life not anymore in its prime.

“Q’Vanh.” He addressed her, with deep voice and a severe look on his face as he closed distance between them.

Hu'tegh!! Give me a break Roctan!” Q’Vahn snapped at him. “I already know what has to be done.”

Undaunted by the woman’s behaviour Roctan leaned closer expressing his message in a low voice, though not so low to be unheard by the other Klingons around them: “I remind you once again… The interests of the Empire supersede everything else. House of Martok internal matters included.”

Totally unexpected the mouth of the woman twitched into a snarl and with a sharp move the back of her hand connected with Roctan’s side of the head jerking it to the left.

He turned to look at her again, eyes flaring with barely contained fury and blood dripping from his broken lip. His hand went to the handle of the D’k Tahg prompting a similar reaction from all the other Klingon officers on the bridge. The silence became thick with impending menace.

As she held his gaze her lips turned into a cruel smile “As you see, Roctan, the Empire is very far from Delta Quadrant... And loyalties, aboard this ship, are for Q’Vanh of House Martok.”

Roctan slowly lowered the hand to his side watching each officer in turn, gauging their attitude.

“You are here as counselor for this mission,” Q’Vahn reprised, spite evident in her voice “But I’ve been bestowed with the authority to see it through. On this ship it is you that have to abide to my commands. Do not cross my way.”

Stiff with rage Roctan stepped back cast a quick glance around the audience then turned and exited the bridge in heavy strides.

Delighted by what she deemed to be the first in a long series of victories Q’Vahn smiled slowly licking away Roctan’s drop of blood from her hand.

“I have the route set.” The helm said aloud “We have to travel that strange space configuration known as Safe Passage. Beyond lies Federation’s starbase 900.”

Sitting again at the captain’s place she issued her command “Engage. When we are close enough to the Federation starbase and still out of their sensor range activate the cloaking device. I want to surprise them.”

Satisfied, she leaned back in the seat as the helm officer carried out the orders.


A powerful strafe from the wing disruptors blasted the rolling asteroid to fine glittering dust as the ship steered away from the wormhole.

The hull of the bird of prey gleamed as it veered through the newly created dust cloud adjusting its bearing towards the coordinates of the Safe Passage. The engines, glowing a deep red, grew brighter and brighter until they flared for a second... And the ship was gone.

***** Starbase 900 Leroy/Kh’ali’s Quarters *****

Kh’ali, humming an old lullaby, lulled the baby into her arms to drive him into gentle sleep. The little one had already given up for a while now, still she wanted to keep him in her embrace some more.

Suddenly her expression changed turning into a frown and she walked to the bedroom quickly returning the baby to the crib.

With the hand she rubbed the back of her neck in an attempt to dispel the tingling sensation... Then, following a strange urge, she went to the portal to watch the stars outside, folding her arms as a shudder of uneasiness coursed through her.


Q’Vahn of House Martok
Klingon Woman With A Plan

As written by

Commander Patrick Leroy


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