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Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered

Posted on Sat May 16th, 2015 @ 4:58pm by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Seyla & Solaana

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Archadia III

* * * Archadia III * * *

Will looked in the mirror as he made one last adjustment to what passed for male formal wear on Archadia. In truth, he looked like a sheik from Earth but he could carry it off, he decided. Besides, one had to look their best when spending an evening with the prime minister. He was glad he made the effort to keep in trim shape, however. It didn’t hurt that Prime Minister Solaana was an old friend of his from a place and time that was blanked out of most official records. A brief laugh escaped him. There were a lot of things about that time that would never see the light of day.

It had been a long time since he’d seen her but since he had some time planet-side, he thought it would be nice to have dinner and reminisce. He also needed her official stamp on buying a piece of real estate, specifically this house where his favorite alien was hidden away. Thoughts of Solaana brought her lovely face to mind. The irony was not lost on Will that she was also a redhead. And that thought brought another redhead to mind - one more immediate….Seyla. Two weeks lazing about on Archadia had been divine, but he missed her more than he expected. Since he had a little time, and she wouldn’t be out for the night yet, he sat down at his terminal and opened a channel.

A perky voice and face answered his hail, "Seyla's pal----!" Before Bella could finish, she was pushed out of the way and Seyla's voice, harsh and angry, could be heard scolding her.

A moment later, a poised, calm Seyla appeared and she purred, "My dear, I wasn't expecting you to call. Are you back from vacation?"

“No, still here but was thinking of…” Will stopped and reminded himself he wasn’t on duty and hopefully Bella was gone from Seyla’s room. “Missing you more than I can say, and wishing you were here to….” He stopped and smiled. “How are you?”

"I am well," she answered. She was better than she had been after Suresh had been taken to prison. "When you say you wish I were there, was that a 't-o-o' too or a 't-o' to do something, William?"

“Definitely both,” Will answered. He sat looking at her face, the eyes that so bewitched him. “I will be home soon, I promise. And when I get back, I’ll have a little surprise for you. In the meantime, what have you been doing without me?”

She beamed at him. "Just the usual, dear, dealing with the rabble like Bella. She is, by the way, not in the room. You can tell me the surprise now and I assure you I'll be duly appreciative when we see each other next."

“How about a house, Sey? A vacation spot for us to get away from the station when the mood strikes? In a place that is home away from home, more or less. Does that strike your fancy?”

Oh, how it did. She sat up a little straighter, clapped her hands together and exclaimed, "Oh, William! Really? That's fabulous! I can't wait to see it!"

“And you will.” He reached out to touch the screen for a moment, wondering at the effect she always had on him, even without the addition of her pheromones. He didn’t need them. “I have a few things to finalize here but then it’s ours.” He hadn’t meant to say ‘ours’, fearing that it might be too pushy where Sey was concerned but there it was,there was no taking it back now.

"If I were there, I'd kiss you," she laughed. "Shall I rearrange my schedule to meet you there tonight?"

“There’s nothing I would love more, but I’m on my out soon. I am meeting the prime minister to finish up a little business. As an off-worlder, there’s a bit more red tape involved in buying this place that I need to finish and then it will be done.” Will smiled, happy that she had offered. “And I am afraid you’ll be tied up once I’m done. Perhaps literally.”

"Perhaps, yes," she nodded demurely. "Then I'll simply wait for your invitation."

“I’m planning to be home in thirty-six hours and I want you waiting.” Will’s tone had shifted, the request more of a demand.

Sensitive to her clients' demands, Seyla heard the shift. "Then I will be there. Any preference on my attire?"

“You think you’ll need attire?” Will laughed once more. “Somehow I doubt that. Sey...I….” He stopped, afraid of going too far.

She joined him in his laughter. "Just checking, dear. I will see you in thirty-six hours."

Will hesitated, wishing he could get the words out but something held him back. “Thirty-six hours.”

She kissed the tips of her fingers, pressed them to the console and signed off.

The room seemed too quiet after Seyla vanished from his monitor. He sat for a moment, thinking over the call and his hesitancy. It was better done in person anyway. The computer beeped a soft alarm and he rose. It was time to go.

* * * Archadia III - The Royal Palace * * *

Will arrived and was promptly led through the palace to the main entrance of Solaana’s quarters. His guide gave him a jealous look as he turned to go. Another guard, this one female, gave him a look of an entirely different sort as she opened the door for him.

“She is expecting you.”

Will stepped in and when the door closed behind him, he waited, as protocol demanded, for Solaana to approach.

Loud footsteps preceded Solaana's appearance by a few seconds. When she came into view, she was lovely to look at: auburn hair plaited down her back; layers of a deep blue silk embroidered with gold motifs set off her pale skin and eyes. As she drew closer, the trick of the hall's perspective became clear: where she had appeared small in stature at the far end of the hall, closer up, she was tall and had a few inches of height on the Doctor. "William, how pleasant of you to visit," she greeted him.

“Solaana, it’s a pleasure I have denied myself too long.” He stepped up, brushing the customary kiss to either cheek. Now, formalities done, he raised her hand to his lips. “You are as breathtaking as always.”

"What is the human saying? 'Flattery will get you everywhere'? It is good to see you again as well. Please, come with me," she turned and walked away without looking back. It was expected he would follow; he was male after all. She led him partway down the hall then turned through a doorway and into a large room with a fireplace at one end, books and mementoes were scattered about on a few shelves throughout the room. She led him across the room into another.

This one was filled with courtiers, some dancing, some eating, others gossiping and laughing. The noise was loud and softened only slightly as the Prime Minister strolled past. Crossing the length of the room, practically parading the good Doctor for all to see, she stopped before a small dais with a table and took a seat.

Will held her chair for her, then sat to her right. “I wasn’t aware a celebration was in progress, Solaana.” He took the wine carafe from the server, preferring a more personal touch, and poured a little for her to taste.

She sipped the wine and nodded. "There is no celebration. They congregate like this to curry favor with the new Prime Minister." She shrugged a shoulder and smiled.

Since the wine met with her approval, Will filled her glass and his own, then set the carafe on the table. With a smile, he raised his glass. “To an enchanting evening, my dear.”

"Indeed, William," she raised her glass in return. "How has your vacation here on Arcadia been?"

“Absolutely wonderful.” He touched his glass to hers lightly, then supped the wine. “The first few days were strange without all the noise and chaos of the station but it has been a balm to the soul. I’ve enjoyed just doing a lot of nothing.”

"I remember having days like that, when the most I needed to do was monitor the gossipmongers. Now," she glanced about and laughed. "I am glad your time here has been good. What is it you need from me?"

“Several things, Solaana,” he murmured. The dancers held his attention for a moment, then he leaned closer, his lips brushing her ear. “Would you rather get to business or pleasure first? Perhaps give the gossipmongers some new material?”

"Pleasure first is always good. Dance with me." She stood and held out a hand.

Will rose and took her hand, leading her to the dance floor. It was a little crowded but room was made immediately for the pair. He took her in his arms and began to lead her through the steps, holding her close against him. “It’s a start,” he whispered and smiled.

They had trouble dancing - both were leading. She laughed as she stepped on his toes. "William," she chided him, "Do allow me my position."

“My apologies, my darling.” He laughed as they shifted and now things went much more smoothly. “Habit you know. Better?”

"Indeed." They fell into step together, her leading, and moved about the floor gracefully. "You look good in Archadian attire, William. Perhaps you should be here more often."

“Perhaps I should. Is that an invitation?” He smiled, teasing her just a little. “I could be convinced you know.”

"Convinced?" Again, she laughed. "Do you know how many men would kill to be where you are?"

His smile lingered. “I can guess. I saw quite a few of them when you so proudly displayed me on the way to our table. If looks could kill, as another old Earth saying goes. Perhaps it serves to make me appreciate my good fortune.”

Amused, she smiled and led him through a set of intricate dance steps. "As my consort, you would have many privileges here. You would have plenty of days without the noise and chaos of the station," she said, brushing the tips of her fingers along his hairline.

“Would that allow double duty? The station really needs me but there is another who could run the department. You tempt me greatly, Solaana, and it is an honor to be considered. You know very well that I understand you as few do.” When in Rome…., Will thought.

"I do not care to share, William," she smiled. "Come, let us eat."

“Very well, then after perhaps we can begin...negotiations, hmm?” Will took her arm as they left the floor and moved back towards their table. He’d been right, the looks as they passed, both envious and annoyed, were hard to miss.

"Perhaps I should contact your Admiral for these negotiations." She took her seat and food was brought to them.

“The Admiral is taking a short vacation but I’m sure Commander Leroy would be happy to allow me to extend my vacation a little if you so desire.” He waited until Solaana had taken her first bite before he started to eat. “That would give you time to decide how impressed you are with your new consort.” He had to admit to himself that being a ‘kept man’ had its appeal.

"Yes, it will. I will make this request of Commander Leroy and you will stay." She turned to one of her assistants and had her leave to do just that.

“As you wish, my darling Solaana.” It surprised Will just how easy it was to slip into the passive role. Perhaps this vacation was making him soft but if so, that soft spot did include the woman before him. He watched the assistant depart, then began to count down.

“Three….two….one….” He smiled and turned Solaana’s attention to the edge of the room where there seemed to be something of interest passing from person to person. Good news apparently travelled fast.

She ignored the murmurs. "Now, you had a request of me, didn't you? What was it?"

“You are aware of my current residence here, I’m sure?” Will refilled her wine glass before he continued. “I’d like to make that residence permanent. I’m sure that you will have times when you prefer not to have me underfoot or under the covers.”

"Ownership of Archadian land?" She frowned. "I will take that into consideration, William. I have places for you when I do not wish to have you underfoot. I'm sure you'll appreciate those quarters."

“Of course I will.” Will took her hand gently in his. “Consider it a very long-term lease. Besides, it will give us a place to get away from this palace when you wish to leave all the prying eyes.” For now, Will had eyes only for Solaana, and he made sure his focus on her was clear to those watching. Appearances were important, after all.

"We will see, William. For now, if you have had enough to eat, I will show you more of my home." The real meaning of her words was apparent.

“There is nothing I would love more. Well, I can think of a few things but they will have to wait till we see more of your home.” He flashed her a wicked smile, then stood and offered his hand. “Your consort awaits.” Lucius, you owe me for this...big time. The thought rose in his mind, then was replaced with other, more pleasant visions.

Taking his hand, she stood and led him from the room.

Lt. Commander William Harding, M.D.
Oh, The Things He’ll Do For Intel

Plotting a Getaway

Prime Minister Solaana


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