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Family Meeting

Posted on Mon May 18th, 2015 @ 10:50am by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Commander Sakkath

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Admiral Hawke's Quarters

* * * Admiral Hawke’s Quarters * * *

Lucius pushed back from his terminal and rubbed his eyes. His day had been spent going over every scrap of anything related to this case he could get his hands on and so far, could find no anomalies as to his or Rick’s activities. Not that he needed records to know that but it never hurt to check, with an outsider’s perspective. He’d started back through, looking for oddities of other people and found plenty. A report from James Holbridge stood out - it was one of the few that mentioned Section 31 specifically. Lucius’ XO back on Earth had sent along Nico’s records, including his time in San Francisco after his rescue. There had been a mention in his interviews about a woman named Anaar, the one who was responsible for his being incarcerated in Elmspur. A double agent. As tired as his brain was, he wondered if there was a connection or if he was just getting desperate and seeing spooks where none existed. It was time to take a break.

He rose and crossed to the bar, pouring just a half-glass of the very fine whiskey Tomas had brought him. Then, realizing that he wasn’t on duty for the foreseeable future, he filled the glass. The first sip burned its way down, leaving a warm glow that seeped into his bones. A second sip was prevented by the sound of the door chime and he crossed to open the door, glass in hand.

“Honey, I’m home,” Rick intoned as he didn’t wait for an invitation to enter. He crossed directly to the bar and hefted the bottle of Aldebaran whiskey. “Do you mind?” he asked.

“Dig in,” Lucius answered. “You see I started without you. Aia said to tell you to make sure we eat dinner. She knows us too well, I think.” He paused before delivering the next bombshell. “I also heard from Marianna. She’s coming to 900, Rick.”

Rick set the bottle down with a thump. “Tell me you’re not serious, Luc? That woman…” he said, downing what little he’d poured into his glass, “I honestly don’t see how you were with her for so long. She’s infuriating!”

“And you’re telling this to me?” Lucius laughed in spite of the subject. “She was tapped to give evidence. Since she is my ex-wife, she has no immunity. However, I pity Eria and Tomas if they suggest anything that impugns our character. Marianna may not like me some of the time, or you most of the time, but she knows we’d never do what they think we did.”

“Hmph,” Rick sniffed and poured more of the whiskey. “You know I’d do anything for you, man,” he sat on the far end of the sofa and propped his leg halfway on the cushion, “but I’ll be steering clear of you while she’s here unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

“I would like to steer clear of me while she’s here. I wonder if Earl could come up with something…” Lucius laughed once more and shook his head. “And Li won’t be here to run interference. Oh well. Maybe Marianna will eat Eria for dinner and solve our problem.”

“She could definitely do it, I’ll give her that.” Rick raised his glass then sipped. “So, big kahuna, what’s this all about? I was about to spend some quality time with El, if you know what I mean.” He winked. Then he tried not to think about what he meant so he didn’t accidentally give Lucius any visuals. Then he tried to think of anything else.

“Cut that out, Rick.” Lucius graced him with a smirk. “Sakkath is home, so I thought he might appreciate getting the whole story from us. A family meeting, you might say. Well, that and prepare him for the arrival of one of the horsemen of the apocalypse, also known as his mother-in-law.”

With a nod, Rick downed the rest of the whiskey and poured himself another with the bottle he’d carried with him to the couch. “By the way, I’ll have to repay you for this,” he said, raising the bottle. “I do believe that this time off may make a wino of me yet.”

“Hit me.” Lucius passed his own glass, then rose as the door chime sounded.

Sakkath’s intention to proceed directly to Command and Control was interrupted by a summons from Lucius, and so instead he found himself still on Deck 10, standing outside of his father-in-law’s quarters with his hands draped behind his back. As the doors parted, the Vulcan lifted his right hand in the traditional greeting. “Father,” he said simply.

Lucius smiled, happy to see Sakkath on his doorstep. “Welcome home, son. I am so happy to have you back here. Please, come in.” He stood aside to let Sakkath enter. “We have a lot to tell you so get comfortable. Rick, better get him a glass, he’ll need it.”

Sakkath stepped inside and inclined his head to Rick as he approached the bar. “Admiral. It is agreeable to see you again,” he said, taking the proffered glass of green spirit. “This cannot be an easy situation to be coping with.”

“You said it, Commander,” Rick grumbled. “It’s a witch hunt, pure a simple, but one with completely fabricated claims and eyes on at least my position here in the Delta Quadrant, I believe.” He returned to his seat on the sofa. “I’m pretty sure that this whole ordeal has some pretty unscrupulous people attached to it, likely with the big 3-1.”

“That’s my guess as well, and it starts with a desire for revenge for the housecleaning we did after Nahi’s death,” Lucius added. “The sticky part is proving it’s them not us.” Lucius took a drink and now focused on Sakkath. “I also need to warn you of something. Li’s mother will be arriving tomorrow. I want to say this now...I’m sorry. She’s coming as part of the investigation but also to meet you. She is most curious. My best advice? Find some good body armour or be really busy for the next few days.”

Sakkath quirked a brow. “That hardly seems consequential compared to the scrutiny the two of you are currently facing. I should find it most agreeable to make the acquaintance of my mother by law.” Sipping his whiskey, he had no idea just what he would be getting into, as he similarly had no insight into the ‘house cleaning’ Lucius spoke of in the wake of Nahi’s death. He did, however, know enough to tread lightly where mentions of Section 31 were concerned.

Lucius and Rick exchanged amused glances and Lucius laughed. “You’ve been warned.”

“Doubly so,” Rick added. “I can’t stand her.”

Sakkath drained the remainder of his whiskey before securing himself a second glass, and strolled towards the viewport, observing the stars outside with one hand draped behind his back. He took a long sip as he watched a lone ship drift by. "You both know, I hope, that I will do anything in my power to allay these suspicions and see you restored to your posts." He turned to regard each of them in turn. "You need only ask for my assistance."

Rick raised his glass. “Noted. But right now, I just need you and Leroy to keep the base running smoothly. Just beware of any...shenanigans that may spring up out of this ordeal.”

“The last thing we want is this causing you problems and as family, they may try to spread the wealth a little if you get my drift.” Lucius smiled a moment, though it was a sad one. “Li may be coming home to a newly ‘retired’ father if this goes bad, but I won’t have her coming home to find her husband got caught in the crossfire.”

“Agreed on that one as well,” Rick said earnestly. “Just stick to business as usual so they won’t try to suspect you of anything. Keep your nose clean, as they say.”

“However,” Lucius added, “I would not be averse to your keeping us updated on the local news, shall we say? Any oddities that happen on the station? MIght be of help because something strange is going on here.”

The Vulcan gave a nod of agreement. "I shall keep you suitably appraised of the situation," he promised, knowing full well that 900 had dozens of 'oddities' occurring every day, even without the ongoing investigation, "but my offer still stands should conditions change."

Lucius reached for the whiskeyy bottle to refill their glasses. “In the meantime, you’re just in time for dinner, which means you have time to tell us about your trip. You staying, Rick?”

“Nah, I have a fiancee waiting for me to return. I’ve probably been gone a bit too long already.”

"Fiancée?" Sakkath asked, mild surprise evident for just a moment in his voice. "Pleasant news, indeed. Congratulations, Admiral." He raised his glass in toast.

The news took Lucius by surprise and he looked at Rick intently for several seconds. “Congratulations.” He smiled and raised his glass. “May you be as happy as Aia and I are. Now get the hell out of here and get to her.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” He stood with a beaming smile. “And thank you both for the congratulations.” There wasn’t much left in his own glass but he drained it, left the glass on the bar and left Lucius and Sakkath behind.

Once the doors closed behind Rick, Lucius turned back to Sakkath, his expression serious. “There’s something I want you to do for me.”

Detecting the shift in tone, Sakkath set his glass down and draped his hands behind his back. "Anything," he replied with conviction

“As the Ops Chief, there is no part of this station you cannot access. I want you to contact Kai and meet her at my office. She can unlock it for you. On my terminal is a file that I saved for Marianna. It’s some of the last of Nahi’s personal logs and I thought she might want to see them. Send them to me.” And son? There is no such file. What I need is in my wall safe. He gave Sakkath a code. Kai has the other half. Bring me the chip you find in there. “I’d appreciate it.” Lucius said the last part aloud.

It was a testament to his bond with Li that Sakkath did not hesitate to slip into a perfectly natural lie for the sake of any monitoring devices in the room. She had had a greater effect on him than he realized, and his monotone and Vulcan stoicism helped to make it all the more convincing. “I feel certain she would appreciate such a memento, Father. Of course.” It occurred to him that he had never actually set foot on the Intel decks, not even to see Li, though as Lucius pointed out he was certainly capable. He committed the code to memory and lifted his glass once more, draining the green whisky. “The hour grows late, and you have had a trying day. I shall see to the logs, and bid you good night.”

“Until tomorrow.” Lucius saw Sakkath to the door, then settled back on the sofa once more.

Admiral Lucius Hawke
Admiral Ricky Wegener
Commander Sakkath


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