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The Tide Begins To Turn

Posted on Tue May 19th, 2015 @ 1:27pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD & Admiral Lucius Hawke

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Admiral Hawke's Quarters

* * * Admiral Hawke’s Quarters * * *

Lucius sat alone in his quarters, the rooms silent in the wake of Sakkath’s departure. If he was honest with himself, he would have to admit that he was exhausted. He’s spent almost every minute since this mess started examining and re-examining everything. Ray had been doing the same and LUcius had to agree with his assessment - that if it came to a trial, there was nothing really to base charges on. He didn’t expect it to be that simple, however, especially in light of the oddities that accompanied this case. He wasn’t sure how long he sat wool gathering but then the door chime sounded, interrupting his thoughts. He rose and crossed to open the doors.

Robin spoke immediately when the doors opened. “Admiral, we need to talk. Inside, please.”

“Of course, come in Robin.” Lucius stepped aside, clearly sensing Robin’s inner turmoil and more than a hint of fear. “What’s got you so stirred up?”

“It’s a long story that might be best shared at once between you and Admiral Wegener, but Nico has found something that may blow this whole case wide open.” He paced back and forth in a small section of the room. “It’s big, sir, and when I say big I mean really, really big.” He stopped and looked directly at Lucius. “Um, would you mind asking Admiral Wegener to come? You both need to hear this.”

“Of course, and help yourself.” Lucius motioned to the bar, then crossed to hie terminal and opened a channel. “Hawke to Wegener. Please return to my quarters immediately. Trust me when I say it will be worth it.”

To say that there were a string of curse words across the comm would be an understatement, and Rick really knew how to go at it when he felt the urge. This was one of those times. =^= You do recall what I was headed home to, right? =^=

‘I do and I apologize profusely. But I swear to you, when you get here, you can take it up with the Counselor.”

=^= Swift? =^= More grumbling. =^= This really had better be good or I’ll have him on trash duty for a month, I shit you not. =^= The line closed. Robin gulped, but he knew this had to be told and the information would vindicate him once delivered.

“I assume by trash duty, he means the old fashioned way? Like, with bags and hand-picking the items?” Robin asked.

“If you’re lucky, you’ll get a bag, Robin.” Lucius returned to the sofa. “Have a seat, you look like you could use it. You also feel a little spooked. Are you alright?”

Robin was only half-listening as he kept pacing back and forth. Finally realizing that Lucius was staring at him, he stopped. “I’m sorry, what? Oh, sit, yeah. No. Thanks.”

“I should warn you that there is every possibility that these quarters may be bugged. Is that going to be a problem?” Lucius asked.

That stopped Robin in his tracks. “Oh...damn.” He thought rapidly for a moment. “Nico can do this thing where it’s like a party line,” he said, tapping his head. “Can you do that?”

“Given Rick’s telepathic abilities, I should be able to yes. You think it I’ll hear it and boost him enough to join the party.” The chime rang again, repeatedly, and Lucius called out. “Come in!”

Rick stood in the door, a scowl on his face. “Make with the information. I have a much better looking person waiting in my quarters and I don’t expect to keep her waiting--or me, for that matter.”

“Sorry, Admiral,” Robin muttered. “But this is supremely important, I assure you.”

“Get on with it.”

Robin looked at Lucius. “So, I just…” he paused, then added, “...are you, uh, hanging out in there now?”

Rick looked between the both of them and shrugged. “What the hell is happening right now?”

“Sit, both of you,” Lucius ordered. “Robin has something for us that he thinks is sensitive in nature. How easy can you read him Rick?”

“I’m El-Aurian, not Betazoid, Luc,” Rick said, sitting next to him. “What latent abilities we have as a race pale in comparison to yours. I guess if you could act as some sort of repeater, pumping up the signal? I’ve never really tried this. I just get feelings about people, kinda’ like some people back on Earth said they could see someone’s aura.”

“That’s the plan.” Lucius now turned to Robin. “You may begin.”

”Okay, so I got called to sickbay for Nico and--are you here? Hello? I’m not sure how this works.”

“Goddammit, Robin,” Rick said out loud. “We can hear you now get on with it!”

“Hmph,” Robin replied, but got back to his ‘thinking’. He relayed everything that had happened in sickbay with Nico and Dru, what triggered his awakening and what he had shared with both Robin and Dru in the small office.

”It’s that bitch Azoulay, sirs! I saw her face in his memory recall...thing. She’s the one who is behind all of this and had a hand in Nico being tortured in the first place!”

The room was silent in the wake of Robin’s revelation. Lucius realized he was holding his breath and let out in a rush as he looked over to Rick. Whatever he’d expected from Robin, this was about as far from it as he could imagine. He had absolutely no idea what to say.

The silence was broken as Robin added, ”Hello? Still with me? I said it was Admiral Azoulay that we sa--”

“Yes, yes,” Rick said. “We got it loud and clear.” He huffed and rubbed his face. “So, suffice it to say, you’re spared from trash duty, Commander.” Turning to Lucius he was simply at a loss for words.

Lucius sat lost in thought for a minute or two before he spoke. The room suddenly seemed awfully close around him and he shook his head. “So now the big question is who can we trust? What about Ray? What about the medical staff? What about...anyone on this station?”

Rick sat silent, his hand over his mouth. “There’s one way we could tell who is with us and who isn’t, Lucius,” he finally said. “Before we mention this to Ray I think he should allow you to read him. As in, full-on brain scanning in every nook and cranny reading. And if you think Nico would allow it,” Rick said, turning to Robin, “maybe he would allow Lucius in to see the memory for himself? Maybe he could pick up on something else?”

Robin hadn’t expected that request. “I can ask,” he said. “That’s all I can promise, but I do know that he only wants to help. I just don’t know how his physiology works against yours, Admiral Hawke.”

“It should make it a very simple matter, actually. As for Ray, I agree. Get him up here now Rick.” He looked back to Robin and passed along a question. Does anyone besides you know that Nico remembers?

“Just my aide, Petty Officer Dupree,” Robin replied. “She and Nico are kind of a thing now. He shares everything with her.”

“Wait--what?” Rick asked before summoning Ray. “How well do you know her? I mean, we have to be as careful as possible to make sure there are no leaks. If this involves who we think it does, then virtually no one can be counted out unless solidly proven otherwise.”

For the first time since Rick had met him, Robin actually turned on him as if he would have attacked him then and there. “With all due respect, Admiral,” Robin said, his voice teetering the line between respectful and ‘I’m gonna’ kick your ass’, “I have never had cause to suspect Drusilla of anything untoward and would trust her with my life! Not only is she a very trusted aide, she is a friend and you can be certain that she in not involved in the wrong side of this.”

Halfway through his rant he realized he was being a bit pushy, possibly because of all of the drama and emotion that had been going on around the station, so he dialed it back some. Still, it irked him quite a bit that Dru was even brought up as being suspect.

“Easy, Robin,” Rick said, putting a hand on his arm to settle him. “If you say she’s good, she’s good, but we’d still need Lucius to read her, just as we would Ray and Nico. Agreed?”

Robin cleared his throat. “Certainly, Admiral. My apologies.”

Rick tapped his comm-badge. “Wegener to Benson, you’re needed in Lucius’ quarters. ASAP.”

Ray’s voice came over the channel, sounding a bit sleepy. =^= On my way, sir. Just let me get dressed. Benson out. =^=

Lucius took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. “Better call home, Rick, this may be a long night.”

“Sonofabitch,” Rick sighed.

Admiral Lucius Hawke
Disturber of Romance...Repeat Offender

Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
Not So Good with the Mind Speaking

Admiral Rick Wegener
Cock Blocked, Plain and Simple


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