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Some Ground Rules

Posted on Tue May 19th, 2015 @ 11:35pm by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Seyla & Solaana
Edited on on Wed May 20th, 2015 @ 12:27am

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Archadia III - Prime Minister's Quarters

* * * Archadian Royal Palace - Prime MInister’s Quarters * * *

Will stretched as he climbed towards wakefulness, his eyes still closed. A soft murmur came from his side and he turned over, drawing Solaana’s sleep-warmed form against him. She smiled slightly as she settled there, wrapped in his arms. He smiled as well, completely content. He had no idea what time it was, nor did it matter really. As they’d left the ballroom the previous evening, Solaana’s assistant stopped her to let her know the official request had been sent to 900. He’d sent a message of his own to Ronin, who was still on the planet, to get to his house to take over guard duty. The time since their dinner was a blur of pleasure in which Will had happily submerged. Now, the Archadian sun shone through the large windows that overlooked a lush garden hidden from view by the palace wall. It was a perfect day to tempt Solaana to take a day off, enjoy her new consort.

Her offer had been a real surprise for him but he had to admit, it was alluring. He knew her well enough to know that she would be demanding and nigh insatiable, given her heritage, but extremely considerate. And if the past was any indication, she would be an entertaining companion as well. He reached over to brush back a wavy strand of her russet hair and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

“Will, I must start my day,” she shifted away from him. “You are free to stay here; my assistants will bring you what you need.”

“Might I tempt you into taking the day off?” He smiled back at her. “Consider it a honeymoon of sorts. Your constituents will not be surprised after what they saw of us last night.”

“Perhaps, but I must deal with a few things before taking the day off.” She slid out of the bed.

In truth, it would give him a little time to take care of one pressing thing as well. He watched as Solaana moved off to her bathroom. “I will be around here somewhere.” He smiled once more. Solaana might be an Archadian woman, accustomed to being in charge, but she did enjoy being the hunter. The chase was important in keeping her interest.

Solaana called back, “Oh, I know you will be.”’ She disappeared into the other room, where her attendant was. “See that he’s entertained and kept busy, Adama.”

“Yes, m’lady,” the attendant curtsied.

“I’m going to see to a few things and get cleaned up,” Will called out to Adama. “I’ll call once I am done.” He checked to be sure the outer door was closed, then slipped from the bed. First up, he had to call Seyla and doing so unclothed was a bad idea. His clothes from the night before were gone, but that was for the best. Seyla seeing him in those would be as bad as seeing him in none. He opted, instead, for a black silk robe, which he tied before moving out to another room that held a terminal. He sat and opened the channel.

A tired looking Seyla answered the hail. “William? What causes you to call me so early?”

“Good morning, Seyla. My apologies for the early hour, but I’m on a tight schedule today.” He paused, not relishing what he was about to say. “I’m calling because I'm afraid I won’t be back on 900 tomorrow as expected.”

“Oh,” she sighed, letting him see her disappointment. “Is there a problem with the purchase of your house?”

“You might say that, though not insurmountable. There’s also a few other things that are going to keep me tied up. I’ve already informed the station I’ll be extending my stay for at least a week if not more.” Will smiled briefly. “Some official business has come up that requires my personal involvement.”

“That is a shame, darling,” she purred. “Perhaps I could come down and keep you company?”

“Sadly, that won’t be possible,” Will answered. “I’ve been retained on palace business in an official capacity.” That was mostly true, Will realized, just not specific.

“That’s even more of a shame, then William. I do miss you. Can you tell me what the official business is?”

It occurred to Will that she might have friends or associates down here that would pass along the gossip. Then again, he could hope it didn’t get that far. “I’m sorry Sey, it’s some personal business that as a doctor I cannot divulge.” It was the medical profession’s way of saying ‘that’s classified’. A dodge and he knew it, but now wasn’t the time, and part of it was classified and would never be told...even to Solaana.

“Ah, well, then I will see you back on the Station when you are able.” She was upset but not showing it; she wanted access to that house - it would be a perfect hiding spot for, say, a refugee from justice.

“I’ll send word when I know more. Now get back to sleep. I’m so sorry I interrupted.” He gave her one last warm smile.

“Quite all right, dear. We’ll talk later,” she smiled and closed the commlink.

That had gone better than expected and Will rose, moving off to indulge in a non-station shower.

* * *

Solaana entered her chambers and smiled at Will. “I have made arrangements for a free day tomorrow so that I can indulge in your… delights… all day.” She ran her fingers through his hair.

“You’re going to spoil me Solaana, but you’ll get no objections from me.” Will smiled and reached up, catching her hand and kissing her palm. “How was your day?”

“Long, bureaucratic, boring. If it weren’t for the power that came with the position, I’m not sure I’d care to be Prime Minister.” She looked him up and down in the way that a hunter assesses prey. “But I do like the power. Come, we’ll have dinner later.” She led him to the bed.

* * *

The smell of something delicious drifted into the bedroom where Solanna dozed. Moments later, Will’s voice whispered at her ear. “Hungry?”

“Oh, yes,” she woke up fully. “Very good of you to make sure they brought dinner.”

At that Will laughed. “No one’s been here, Solaana. I’ve kept the staff at bay. I made it myself.” When she sat up, he slipped a glass of Archadian brandy into her hand.

“You… cooked for me?” She sounded touched. “I might just keep you around, Will. Why have you agreed to this now? It isn’t just for a house, is it?”

He sat down beside her on the bed, touching her cheek gently. “I refuse to be less than honest with you Solaana, if we’re going to do this. We go back way too far and shared too much for me to play you now. When I first arranged to meet, I’d intended to put forth my request and that would be it. But…” He shrugged. “Seeing you again….it all came right back. I realized I’d missed you more than I wanted to admit.”

“We did work so well together,” she kissed him before adding, “My advisors warned me that you are here as a Federation operative. That you’re here to observe us, influence my rule.”

Will laughed aloud at her words. “A little late for that now, isn’t it? If we wanted to do that, we’d have done so when you first took office and I can guarantee they would send someone more skilled at infiltration than me.” He paused, meeting her gaze squarely. “Someone with no stake in this - that’s what makes a good operative, is it not? Someone who’s not emotionally involved, therefore, I am automatically ruled out.”

“Yes, a Vulcan. I am glad to know that you are not such an operative.” She rubbed a hand over his thigh as she stood to go to the table. “And you remembered my favorites. What would your Admiral do if I said you weren’t free to go back?”

“Likely call me to ask what was up and if you were serious...and if I had gone mad.” Will seated her, then began bringing food to the table, which held two lit candles and the fresh flowers Adama had gotten for him. “He might wish he’d gotten here first.” The last was in jest, and Will smiled.

“Isn’t one married with a small child and the other engaged to be married? Sometimes, our intel on the personal lives of you people is not quite accurate.”

Will shook his head. “Engaged? Not that I know if but if so, your intel is better than mine. When I came down here, he was still footloose and fancy free.” He poured the wine and sat down across from her. “I do have to ask something. Exactly what do you want from me Solaana? Since we are being honest here.”

“Same as I would expect from any male: sex and household services. Is that unfair to ask of you? Surely you are as competent at managing a household as any Archadian male.” She looked at him calculatingly.

Will managed to resist a laugh as he knew she was serious. “I am. You might be surprised at how good I am.” Now he did give in to the laughter. “Then again, perhaps not.” He sipped his wine, then lowered the glass. “And how many of these Archadian males will be here with us?” He stated the question in general, but he was sure she’d get the hint.

“You saw the courtiers last night. Some of them left today, those who did not have pressing requests to make. As to whether I will be do those humans put it? Faithful… well, I cannot promise anything.” She watched his reaction to that. “You, of course, will have no other.”

The sudden stab of jealousy that rose in Will surprised him and he let it show on his face. There was no reason to hide it and it would increase her attraction as it always had. He didn’t mention her limitations on his activities. “You know how I feel about that where you are concerned. That hasn’t changed over the years. You cannot blame me for hoping that you have no other...inclinations, shall we say?”

“No. In your place, I would wish for the same.” She leaned towards him to kiss him. “I do have other inclinations, though.”

“And those include wanting a man who’s not a doormat as I recall. If you must...then do but they will never be enough of a challenge for you my love.” Will returned the kiss, his hand resting on her shoulder. His grip tightened for a moment. “I remember.”

“Yes. Don’t let me step on you too hard,” she laughed. “Being Prime Minister might just go to my head otherwise. And then I’d be simply insufferable.”

“So noted.” He laughed softly. “Ready for dessert?”

“Are you dessert?”

He stood and moved behind her, slipping his hands down over her shoulders. “I can be,” he whispered at her ear. “And tomorrow, I’m getting you out of this palace for a while.”

“Yes, you are.” She turned her head to kiss him. “And away from those courtiers.”

“And away from everyone else too.,” He pulled her to her feet, then blew out the candles.

Lt. Commander Will Harding, M.D.
Living The Lush Life

PM Solaana
Setting the Line

Dashed Hopes


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